General Motors Transit Buses
Index For This Page
This page was last updated on October 31, 2014.
(Return to Andre Kristopans GM Transit Bus Index Page)
TG-2101 (all M)
001 | 87696 | 02/40 | Scott-Nickels Bus Lines 12 (Pikeville KY) |
002-004 | 88299-301 | 01/40 | Mississippi Valley Public Service 1-2,4 (Milwaukee WI) |
005 | 88318 | 12/39 | Chapman Chevrolet Co [Minuskin Bus Co] 8 (Cliffside NJ) |
006 | 88368 | /40 | GM Coach Sales |
TR-89257 | (04/40) | Statesville Motor Coach Co 104 (NC) | |
007-021 | 88391-405 | 02/40 | Connecticut Ry & Lighting Co 561-575 (Bridgeport CT) |
022-030 | 88417-425 | 01/40 | GMCC-Oshawa City Lines 1-9 (Ont) |
031-032 | 88486-487 | 01/40 | Austin Street Ry Co 40-41 (TX) |
033 | 88883 | 03/40 | BEQ Inc [Ithaca Ry] 18 (Utica NY) |
034 | 88950 | 02/40 | Tri-Cities Traction Co 22 (Princeton WV) |
035 | 88959 | 03/40 | John Dalton Taxi & Bus Lines 18 (Timmins Ont) |
036 | 89008 | 03/40 | Bryan College Traction Co 12 (Bryan TX) |
037-040 | 89050-053 | 03/40 | Austin Transit Co 42-45 (TX) |
041 | 89049 | 03/40 | Scott-Nickels Bus Lines 14 (Williamson WV) |
042 | 89105 | 04/40 | Yellow Cab Co 44 (Bristol VA) |
043 | 89184 | 05/40 | Suburban Bus Lines 102 (Knoxville TN) |
044 | 89214 | 05/40 | Kansas Electric Power Co 28 (Lawrence KS) |
045 | 89258 | /40 | GM Coach Sales |
TR-89861 | (08/40) | Bus Universal Supply of Alberta (Edmonton Alta) | |
046-047 | 89259-260 | 05/40 | Canadian National Rys 34-35 (St Catharines Ont) |
048 | 89261 | 06/40 | Leon Skalicky [Maple City Lines] 6 (LaPorte IN) |
049 | 89352 | 05/40 | Levis Tramways Co 6 (Que) |
050-052 | 89499-501 | 07/40 | New England Transp Co 499-501 (New Haven CT) |
053-056 | 89523-526 | 07/40 | Arkansas Power & Light Co 38-41 (Pine Bluff AR) |
057 | 89536 | 06/40 | Twin City Bus Co (Raymond WA) |
058 | 89572 | 10/40 | Turner Transp Co 144 (Shawnee OK) |
059 | 89589 | 07/40 | Oak Hill Transit Co 3 (WV) |
060-063 | 89627-630 | 08/40 | Arkansas Power & Light Co 17-20 (Pine Bluff AR) |
064 | 89728 | 08/40 | Amarillo Traction Co 60 (TX) |
065 | 89729 | 08/40 | Fred J Kline 14 (Minersville PA) |
066-067 | 89736-737 | 08/40 | Wichita Transit Corp 208-209 (Wichita Falls TX) |
068-069 | 89752-753 | 10/40 | St Louis County Bus Co 35-36 (Overland MO) |
070-071 | 89767-768 | 10/40 | Garfield & Passaic Transit Co 82,231 (NJ) |
072 | 89773 | 10/40 | The Utah-Idaho Central RR Corp 12 (Ogden UT) |
073-075 | 89770-772 | 10/40 | Ogden Transit Co 43-45 (UT) |
076 | 89776 | 10/40 | Roosevelt Bus Line (Freeport NY) |
077 | 89775 | 10/40 | City Bus Lines 10 (Torrington CT) |
078-079 | 89831-832 | 09/40 | Lubbock City Bus Co 15-16 (TX) |
080 | 100603 | 11/40 | Clinton Street Ry Co 107 (IA) |
081 | 89897 | 02/41 | William Frantz 14 (Minersville PA) |
082-084 | 89900-902 | 12/40 | Pittsburgh Motor Coach Co 4-6 (PA) |
085-086 | 89934-935 | 10/40 | Garfield & Passaic Transit Co 232,234 (NJ) |
087 | 90010 | 12/40 | Pittsburgh Motor Coach Co 7 (PA) |
088 | 90022 | 10/40 | Salina Transit Co (KS) |
089-090 | 100002-003 | 11/40 | Tri-City Traction Co 23-24 (Princeton WV) |
091-093 | 100030-032 | 10/40 | Cayuga Omnibus Corp 32-34 (New York NY) |
094 | 100029 | 10/40 | John Dalton Taxi & Bus Line (Timmins Ont) |
095 | 100044 | 11/40 | Brandywine Transit Co 30 (Coatesville PA) |
096 | 100602 | 11/40 | Marion Rapid Transit Co 207 (OH) |
097 | 100608 | 11/40 | Laredo Transp Co 17 (TX) |
098 | 100604 | 11/40 | Clinton Street Ry Co 108 (IA) |
099 | 100601 | 11/40 | Maple City Lines 7 (LaPorte IN) |
100 | 100600 | 11/40 | The Rapid Transit Co (Lawrence KS) |
101 | 100707 | 03/41 | Wooster Transp Co 2 (OH) |
102 | 101426 | 03/41 | Astoria Transit Co 16 (OR) |
TG-2102 (all M)
001 | 89862 | 03/41 | GM Coach Sales |
TR-103656 | (09/41) | Muskogee Electric Traction Co 310 (OK) | |
002-005 | 100715-718 | 03/41 | Cape Transit Corp 201-204 (Cape Girardeau MO) |
006 | 101132 | 03/41 | Lewis Bus Line 9 (Knoxville TN) |
007 | 101180 | 04/41 | Hazard-Jenkins Lines (Lexington KY) |
008-009 | 100966-967 | 03/41 | Levis Tramways Co 7-8 (Que) |
010-013 | 101420-423 | 04/41 | Ogden Transit Co 46-49 (UT) |
014 | 101402 | 04/41 | Shortway Lines 92 (Lexington KY) |
015 | 101460 | 03/41 | Raymond F Wentworth dba Wentworth Bus Line 36 (Dover NH) |
016 | 101507 | 05/41 | Maple City Lines 8 (LaPorte IN) |
017-021 | 101512-516 | 06/41 | Aronimink Transp Co 150-154 (Upper Darby PA) |
022-025 | 101731-734 | 04/41 | Wichita Tranit Corp 210-213 (Wichita Falls TX) |
026-027 | 101839-840 | 04/41 | Red Jacket Transp Co 12, 14 (Matewan WV) |
028 | 101909 | 04/41 | Cairo Motor Transit Corp 103 (IL) |
029-030 | 101913-914 | 04/41 | Newburgh Bus Corp 55-56 (NY) |
031-032 | 101935-936 | 04/41 | St Louis County Bus Co 37-38 (Overland MO) |
033 | 102041 | 05/41 | Shortway Lines 96 (Lexington KY) |
034 | 102042 | 05/41 | Hazard-Jenkins Lines 34 (Lexington KY) |
035-036 | 102064-065 | 05/41 | Austin Transit Co 46-47 (TX) |
037 | 102163 | 07/41 | Maple City Lines 9 (LaPorte IN) |
038 | 102165 | 05/41 | Marion Rapid Transit Co 208 (OH) |
039-040 | 102176-177 | 05/41 | Quebec Central Ry Co 6-7 (Que) |
041 | 102301 | 06/41 | Pittsburgh Motor Coach Co 8 (PA) |
042-043 | 102320-321 | 06/41 | Muskogee Electric Traction Co 306-307 (OK) |
044 | 102390 | 05/41 | Wentworth Bus Line 37 (Dover NH) |
045 | 102319 | 06/41 | Laredo Transp Co 18 (TX) |
046-048 | 102279-281 | 06/41 | Philadelphia Transp Co 732-734 (PA) |
TG-2105 (all M)
001-015 | 102264-278 | 08/41 | Philadelphia Transp Co 717-731 (PA) |
016 | 102411 | 08/41 | Lock Haven Auto Co 4 (PA) |
017 | 102414 | 08/41 | TJ Barnes 12 (Blytheville AR) |
018 | 102438 | 08/41 | Motor Transit Co 3 (Pocatello ID) |
019 | 102308 | 08/41 | Bayshore Bus Line 4 (Goose Creek TX) |
020 | 102444 | 08/41 | Amarillo Traction Co 70 (TX) |
021 | 102487 | 08/41 | Baalim Motor Co (Lethbridge Alta) |
022 | 102868 | 09/41 | Lubbock Bus Co 18 (TX) |
023 | 102911 | 08/41 | McAlester City Lines 35 (OK) |
024 | 102912 | 08/41 | Pittsburgh Motor Coach Co 9 (PA) |
025-026 | 103012-013 | 08/41 | Nanticoke & Newport Auto Bus Co 41-42 (PA) |
027-028 | 103113-114 | 08/41 | Muskogee Electric Traction Co 308-309 (OK) |
029 | 103124 | 08/41 | Bus Universal Supply of Alberta 4 (Edmonton Alta) |
030 | 103142 | 08/41 | Homer A Perigany dba Canton & Blue Hill Line 15 (MA) |
031 | 103161 | 08/41 | The Short Line 276 (Providence RI) |
032-033 | 103187-188 | 08/41 | Levis Tramways Co 9-10 (Que) |
034-036 | 103204-206 | 08/41 | Pittsburgh Motor Coach Co 10-12 (PA) |
037-038 | 103192-193 | 08/41 | Bayshore Bus Line 5-6 (Goose Creek TX) |
039-042 | 103225-228 | 08/41 | Ogden Transit Co 50-53 (UT) |
043 | 103236 | 09/41 | Shelby Transit Co 3 (NC) |
044 | 103277 | 09/41 | City Bus Lines 3 (Torrington CT) |
045 | 103294 | 09/41 | Chestnut Hill Bus Corp 12 (Bridgeport CT) |
046-049 | 103320-323 | 09/41 | St Louis County Bus Co 39, 70-72 (Overland MO) |
050 | 103440 | 09/41 | Turner Transp Co 150 (Shawnee OK) |
051-061 | 103442-452 | 01/42 | Pittsburgh Motor Coach Co 13-23 (PA) |
062-063 | 103453-454 | 01/42 | Austin Transit Co 48-49 (TX) |
064 | 103555 | 01/42 | Johnson City Transit Co 156 (TN) |
065-066 | 103620-621 | 01/42 | Scott-Nickels Bus Co 20-21 (Williamson WV) |
067 | 103630 | 01/42 | Cape Transit Corp 205 (Cape Girardeau MO) |
068 | 103638 | 01/42 | Neil H McGreevy [Hornell Motor Coach Co] 12 (NY) |
069-070 | 103658-659 | 01/42 | Cumberland Coach Corp 12-13 (KY) |
071 | 103663 | 01/42 | Lambert Motor Coach Co 6 (Virginia MN) |
072 | 103684 | 01/42 | Neibauer Bus Co 18 (Philadelphia PA) |
073-074 | 103686-687 | 02/42 | Laredo Transp Co 19-20 (TX) |
075 | 103689 | 01/42 | Ford Barnes [Sunnyland Stages] 9 (Springfield MO) |
076-077 | 103906-907 | 02/42 | St Louis County Bus Co 73-74 (Overland MO) |
078 | 104298 | 01/42 | Amarillo Traction Co 80 (TX) |
079-080 | 104311-312 | 01/42 | Lubbock Bus Co 19-20 (TX) |
081 | 104329 | 01/42 | Conn Transp Co 8 (Fairmount WV) |
082-084 | 104344-346 | 02/42 | Laredo Transp Co 21-23 (TX) |
085 | 104403 | 03/42 | Maple City Lines 10 (LaPorte IN) |
086-088 | 104430-432 | 01/42 | Coach Corp of Freeport 58-60 (IL) |
089 | 104433 | 02/42 | Motor Transit Co 4 (Pocatello ID) |
090 | 104434 | 02/42 | Chestnut Hill Bus Corp 13 (Bridgeport CT) |
091 | 104450 | 02/42 | Cairo Motor Transit Corp 9 (Westville IL) |
092 | 104463 | 02/42 | Statesville Motor Coach (NC) |
093 | 104501 | 02/42 | Baalim Motor Co (Lethbridge Alta) |
094 | 104556 | 02/42 | M&W Transport Co formerly Red Jacket Transp Co 15 (Matewan WV) |
095-096 | 104624-625 | 03/42 | Muskogee Electric Traction Co 311-312 (OK) |
097-099 | 104844-846 | 03/42 | Leavenworth Transp Co 30-32 (Kansas City KS) |
100-109 | 105079-088 | 03-04/42 | Wichita Transit Corp 215-224 (Wichita Falls TX) |
110 | 105099 | 03/42 | Maple City Lines 11 (LaPorte IN) |
111 | 105199 | 03/42 | Capitol Transit Co 5 (Frankfort KY) |
112 | 105221 | 02/42 | Meyer Transit Co 7 (Davis WV) |
113-114 | 105262-263 | 03/42 | Lewis Bus Line 10-11 (Knoxville TN) |
115-116 | 105371-372 | 03/42 | Marion Rapid Transit Co 209-210 (OH) |
117 | 105373 | 03/42 | EB & JR Clark dba Castleberry Bus Line 20 (Ft Worth TX) |
118-119 | 105443-444 | 04/42 | Twin City Coach Co 73-74 (Ft Smith AR) |
120-124 | 105747-751 | 04/42 | Joplin Public Service Co 310,320,330,340,350 (MO) |
125-128 | 105963-966 | 05/42 | Levis Tramways Co 11-14 (Que) |
129-148 | 106110-129 | 05/42 | Pittsburgh Motor Coach Co 24-43 (PA) |
149-150 | 106130-131 | 05/42 | Lubbock Bus Co 21-22 (TX) |
More Information
Bus Data at UtahRails and on the web -- An index page with links to web pages for additional bus data, including VIN data