This page was last updated on May 11, 2018.
Compiled by Andre Kristopans.
Unfortunately, very little is known of this GM licensee's production. Following component sets were shipped to Hyundai to build GT26CW's for the Korean National Ry:
789900 - 2 sets (7581-7582)
789905 - 8 sets (7583-7590)
799900 - 10 sets (7141-7144,7591-7596)
799910 - 10 sets (7145-7154)
829902 - 4 sets (7155-7158)
829910 - 12 sets (7159-7170)
849903 - 10 sets (7171-7182)
849930 - 2 sets (7183-7184)
859910 - 10 sets
Begin "-2"
889914 - 4 sets 07/89
899904 - 1 set 07/89
899920 - 5 sets 08/90
909900 - 4 sets 10/90
909920 - 1 set GT22CW-2 05/91 (Hyundai Cement Co)
909930 - 5 sets 03/91
909940 - 5 sets 05/91
909960 - 7 sets 08/91
849942 - 2 sets (FT36HCW-2 7001-7002)
869917 - 13 sets (FT36HCW-2 7003-7015)
Note - fleet numbers NOT verified for each order number! Since these are component sets, likely a unit by unit correlation is not even possible. Order numbers for the final batches (73-74-7500's) are not known.
Known to exist on KNR ca. 2003:
7001-7015 FT36HCW-2
7101-7110 GT26CW-2
7111-7120 GT26CW-2 (from 7581-7590 series)
7121-7189 GT26CW-2
7201-7240 GT26CW (from 7557-7596 series)
7301-7383 GT26CW-2
7401-7484 GT26CW-2
7501-7556 GT26CW
7557-7576 GT26CW-2
Production is still continuing. Most recent are 73-74-7500's in 1996-97
A couple of batches were also assembled for customers in Asia, Nigeria also supposedly got 5 Hyundais (2001-2005 – GT26CW-2)
Gabon units are model MP15AC-M #521-522 serials HDRS8598-HDRS8599 (??) built 1983 (EMD o/n 839919)
Iran took delivery of 10 GT26CW's #60.975 to 60.984 and10 GT26CW-2's #60.985 to 60.994 in the late 80's-early 90's. Following EMD order numbers are involved:
839922 (10 GT26CW)
839923 (10 GT26CW)
839925 (10 GT26CW-2)
839929 (10 GT26CW-2)
Hyundai assigned their own serial numbers, but details are very sketchy. Early production used a serial of "HDRS" plus a four digit number consisting of the year and a two digit sequence number (1979-80). The next series had "HDRS" plus the last two digits of the locomotive number (1980). In 1983, the previous format reappeared. In 1986-87 a format of year built plus a 4-digit sequence number was used. Finally in 1990-92, "HDPI" plus year, followed by a dot and a sequence number were employed. It almost seems like nobody knew what they were up to! Any additional info would be greatly appreciated.
Known KNR Hyundai serials:
7001-7003 serials 860601-860603 1986
7004-7006 serials 860801-860802 1986
7007 serials 860901 1986
7008-7009 serials 861101-861102 1986
7010-7013 serials 871001-871004 1987
7014-7015 serials 871105-871106 1987
7101-7110 serials 713565-713574 11/75 (EMD)
7111-7120 serials 713555-713564 10-11/75 (EMD) (formerly 7581-7590)
7121-7140 778033-1/20 08-09/78 (EMD)
7141-7144 serials HDRS41-HDRS44 12/80
7145-7156 serials HDRS8201-HDRS8212 1980-1982
7157-7167 serials HDRS8301 to HDRS8311 1982-1983
7168-7178 serials HDRS8401 to HDRS8411 1983-1984
7179-7190 serials HDRS8501 to HDRS8512 1985
7201 ex 7576 713550 1975
7202-7204 ex 7548-7550 37261-37263 1971
7205-7210 ex 7551-7556 713525-713530 1975
7211 ex 7581 HDRS7901 1980
7212-7218 ex 7558-7564 713532-713538 1975
7219 ex 7584 HDRS8003 1980
7220 ex 7566 713549 1975
7221-7222 ex 7587-7588 HDRS8006-HDRS8007 1980
7223-7224 ex 7569-7570 713543-713544 1975
7225-7226 ex 7589-7590 HDRS89-HDRS90 1980
7227-7228 ex 7573-7574 713547-713548 1975
7229-7231 ex 7591-7593 HDRS91-HDRS93 1980
7232 ex 7579 713553 1975
7233 ex 7577 713551 1975
7234 ex 7575 713549 1975
7235 ex 7594 HDRS94 1980
7236 ex 7557 713531 1975
7237 ex 7578 713552 1975
7238 ex 7595 HDRS95 1980
7239 ex 7580 713554 1975
7240 ex 7596 HDRS96 1980
7301-7303 serials HDPI89.1-HDPI89.3 1989
7304-7310 serials HDPI90.1-HDPI90.7 1989-1990
7311-7321 serials HDPI91.1-HDPI91.11 1991
7322-7331 serials HDPI92.1-HDPI92.10 1993
7332-7383 no serials ? 1994-1996
7401-7484 no serials ? 1997-2000
7501-7547 serials 37214-37260 04-06/71 (EMD)
7548-7549 ex 7567-7568 713541-713542 1975
7550-7551 ex 7571-7572 713545-713546 1975
7552 ex 7585 HDRS8004 1980
7553-7554 ex 7582-7583 HDRS8001-HDRS8002 1980
7555 ex 7586 HDRS8005 1980
7556 ex 7565 713539 1975
7557-7576 (2nd series) no serials 1996
7577-7583 no serials 1998
Hyundai Cement Co #?
Korean National RR 7141-7190, 7501-7556
Nigerian Ry Corp 2001-2005
Korean National RR 7301-7383, 7401-7484, 7557-7583
Islamic Republic if Iran Rys 60.975-60.994
Korean National RR
4401-4420 2001
4421-4430 2002
4431-4443,4445-4451 2003
4452-4460 2004
PH37ACai (GE/Hyundai)
7601-7625 2014
2001-2014 ex USA 2011,2031,2033,2039,2023,2032,2004,2001,2006,2003,2040,2017,
2101-2128 34440-34459,37050-37057 SW1001
3001-3052 24980-25005,25527-25552 G8 ex 201-252
3101-3106 3469-01/06 DL532
3201-3243 3469-07/49 DL532 ex 3107-3149
4001-4010 28358-28367 G12
4101-4110 31399-31407,32086 G12
4201-4222 32892-32913 G22
4301-4305 28368-28372 G12 ex 4011-4015
5001-5029 23480-23499,23897-23905 SD9 ex 101-129
6001-6009 28373-28381 SD18
6010-6015 28382-28387 SD18 ex 6101-6106
6101-6106 31408-31413 SDP28 ex 6301-6306
6201-6217 32914-32930 SDP38
6218-6240 32931-32950 SDP38 ex 6351-6373
6301-6310 34460-34469 G26CW ex 7001-7010
Any additional info will be greatly welcomed!