Neoplan USA

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This page was last updated on October 5, 2014.

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Neoplan USA was a major transit bus manufacturing company based in Denver, Colorado, entirely separate from the German corporation, Neoplan, licensing its designs from the German company of the same name.

Neoplan USA was in operation from 1981 to 2006, with its main factory located in Lamar, Colorado, 124 miles east of Pueblo. In 2004, operations were moved to Denver. At one time, Neoplan USA also had production facilities in Honey Brook, Pennsylvania, and Brownsville, Texas.

Models AN435, AN440, AN460

BL013001-050 N-416-40 MARTA 5001-5050
BL013051-076 N-416-40 MCTS 3300-3325
BL013077-094 N-416-35 MCTS 3326-3343
CL013001 AN440A demo
CL013002 AN440A demo
CL013003-007 AN435A Greater Lynchburg 800-804
CL013008-009 AN435A Petersburg Area Transit 72-73
CL013010-031 AN435A Rockford MTD 8241-8262
CL013032-181 AN440A SEPTA 8286-8330,8285,8391-8424,8430-8432,8425-8429,8433,8434
CL013182-183 AN435A Rockford MTD 8263-8264
CL013184-243 AN440A AC Transit 1200-1259
CL013244-250 AN440A Colombia (MD) 342-348
CL013251-255 AN440A Eau Claire Transit 516-520
CL013256-261 AN440A Green Bay Transit 871-876
CL013262-263 AN435A Coralville Transit 82-83
CL013264-265 AN435A Univ of Iowa 62-63
CL013266-268 AN435A Iowa City Transit 20,22,21
CL013269-314 AN460A MARTA 1611-1656
CL013315-326 AN440A PAT 3500-3511
CL013327-338 AN435A New Castle Transit 100-111
DH013001-010 AN435A Hazleton Area Transit 8301-8310
DH013011-017 AN440A Williamsport Transit 401-407
DH013018-021 AN435A Monroe County Transp Auth 301-304
DH013022-031 AN435A Lehigh & Northampton Transit Auth 8301-8310
DH013032-041 AN440A Lehigh & Northampton Transit Auth 8311-8320
DH013042-043 AN435A Centre Area Transit 20-21
DH013044-053 AN440A Centre Area Transit 22-31
DH013054-055 AN435A Westmoreland Transit 1001-1002
DH013056-061 AN440A Westmoreland Transit 1003-1008
DH013062-065 AN435A Altoona Metro Transit 300-303
DH013066-077 AN440A Cambria County 301-312
DH013078-082 AN440A Red Rose Transit 841-845
DH013083-089 AN440A Luzerne County 8311-8317
DH013090-094 AN440A Berks Area Transit 964-968
DH013095-098 AN440A County of Lackawanna 537-540
DH013099-248 AN440A SEPTA 8435-8584
DH013249-263 AN440A Erie Metro Transit 8300-8314
DH013279-631 AN440A PAT 3512-3864
DL013632-636 AN440A Roaring Fork Transit 301-305
DH013637-638 AN440A demos to Snohomish PTBA 431,430
DH013639 AN460A demo to Snohomish PTBA 800
DH013644-688 AN435A PAT 1600-1644
DH013689-764 AN440A WMATA 9501-9576
DL013765-837 AN440A SCRTD 3300-3372
DL013838 AN440A AC Transit 1260
DL013839-856 AN440A SCRTD 3373-3390
EL013001-324 AN440A SCRTD 3391-3714
EH013325-339 AN440A Erie Metro Transit 8315-8329
EH013341 AN440A demo to Tri-County Transit 840
EH013342-465 AN440A SEPTA 8602-8725
EH013466-490 AN435A SEPTA 1301-1325
EH013491 *AN460A demo to Tri-County Transit 845
EH013491-493 *AN440A CNY Centro 650-652
EH013494 AN440A SEPTA 8601
EL013495-505 AN440A Roaring Fork Transit 306-316
EH013507-516 AN435A South Bend PTC 4401-4410
EL013517-521 AN460A RIPTA 831-835
EL013522 AN460A demo to Tri-County Transit 800
EL013523-525 AN408A AC Transit 2300-2302
EL013526 AN408A demo
EL013542 AN408A demo
EL013556 AN440A demo to Tri-County Transit 841
EL013560-564 AN435A Cedar Rapids 26-30
FL013150-299 AN440A SEPTA 8726-8875
FL013300 AN440A demo to DART 137
FL013301-436 AN440A DART 1-136
FL013437-451 AN460A SAMTRANS 116-130
FL013452 AN440A Mexico
FL013453 AN460A Mexico
FL013454 AN440A demo
FL013462-488 AN440A MCTS 3500-3526
FL013489-584 AN440A DART 5001-5096
FL013586 AN460A demo dual-power
FL013587-694 AN440A DART 5097-5204
FL013695-705 AN440A Tri-County Transit 801-811
GL013001-044 AN460A DART 4001-4044
GL013045 AN440A Monroe County Transp Auth 601
GL013046 AN440A Chassis to Germany (to NASA Tours 38?)
GL013047-091 AN440A MCTS 3527-3571
GH013092-101 AN408 Avis Rent-A-Car
GL013102-151 AN340A National Transit Services 001-050
GL013152-154 AN435A Monroe County Transp Auth 602-604
GL013155-162 AN340A National Transit Services 056,051,?,052-054,?,055
GL013163-172 AN430A The Bus (HI) 30-39
GL013173-202 AN430A MTA (Houston) 3000-3029
GH013203-212 AN408A US Air
GH013213-214 AN408A Des Moines MTA 18,17
GH013215-222 AN440A Mid-Ohio Transp Auth 21,25,23,26,24,27,22,20
GL013223-232 AN440A MTA (Baltimore) 3701-3710
GL013233-256 AN340A National Transit Services 057,006,079,067,?,076,073,080,074,039,060,036,066,072,035,077,
GL013265-324 AN440A PAT 3900-3959
GH013325-327 AN408A Des Moines RTA 19-21
GL013328-419 AN440A DART 1201-1292
GH013420-434 AN408 Avis Rent-A-Car 1-15
GL013435-551 AN440A RTD (Denver) 5001-5117
GL013552 AN440A demo to RTD (Denver) 5166
GL013553-600 AN440A RTD (Denver) 5118-5165
GL013602 AN340A Metroliner demo to Airocar (FL) 4822
GL013604 AN340A Metroliner demo
GL013605-607 AN340A Worcester RTA 177-179
GL013608-612 AN430A Houston Dept of Aviation ?
GL013615-629 AN440A Sonoma County 175-189
GL013630 AN440A demo to RTD (Denver) 5167
GL013631-640 AN430A PVTA (UMASS) 3050-3059
GL013641   Neoporter prototype
HL013001-132 AN440A SEPTA 3000-3131
HL013133 AN340A National Transit Services
HL013134 AN340A Airocar (FL) 4817
HL013135 AN340A National Transit Services
HL013136-138 AN340A Airocar (FL) 4818-4820
HL013140-141 AN340A Airocar (FL) 4823-4824
HL013143-145 AN340A Airocar (FL) 4825-4826,4821
HL013146-175 AN440A MCTS 3600-3629
HL013176 AN440A Syracuse 700
HL013177-203 AN440A MCTS 3630-3656
HL013204-291 AN440A Syracuse 701-788
HL013292 AN430A RTD (Denver) 1512
HL013293 AN430A RTD (Denver) 1501
HL013294 AN440/3 SCRTD 1100
HL013295-310 AN430A RTD (Denver) 1513-1528
HL013311-320 AN430A RTD (Denver) 1502-1511
HL013321-409 AN440/3 SCRTD 1101-1189
HL013410-529 AN440A SEPTA 3132-3251
HL013530 AN228 Cityliner demo
HL013531-635 AN440A RTD (Denver) 5201-5305
HL013636 AN408 Leisure Glen LB5-LB50
JL013023-142 AN440A SEPTA 3252-3371
JL013146-209 AN440A RIPTA 8801-8864
JL013210-218 AN408A Des Moines MTA 1-9
JL013219-258 AN340A Bi-State 3001-3040
KL013001-100 AN440A SORTA 400-499
KL013286-405 AN440A SEPTA 3372-3491
KL013407-420 AN460A DDOT 8900-8913
LL013002-003 AN440L demos
LL013004-005 AN440L Macaronis 9060, 9062
LL013006-037 AN440A SORTA 500-531
LL013053-069 AN430A Jacksonville TA 9001-9017
LL013103-134 AN440A SORTA 532-563
LL013135-137 AN440A Sonoma County 191-193
LL013148-153 AN460A Snohomish County PTBA 806,801,802,805,804,803
LL013154-173 AN416 Vitran (St Thomas) 001-020
LL013175-186 AN440A Tri-County Transit (Orlando) 814-825
ML013007-019 AN440A Jacksonville TA 9101-9113
ML013025-030 AN440A Tri-County Transit (Orlando) 826-831
ML013031-055 AN440A Suntran (Tucson) 9101-9125
ML013073-079 AN440A Jacksonville TA 9114-9120
NL013005-015 AN340A Santa Clarita Transit 201-211
NL013016-026 AN340A Antelope Valley Transit Auth L700-L710
NL013027-064 AN340A Los Angeles DOT 92001-92038
NL013066   Mall Pro RTD (Denver) 2601
NL013098-133 AN460A Houston Metro 1450-1485
PL013002-042 AN345/3 Houston Metro 3700-3740
PL013048-065 AN460A Houston Metro 1486-1503
PL013076-095 AN340A RTD (Denver) 1801-1820
PP013045-059 AN416 Vitran (St Croix) 021-035
PP013096 N98012 Houston Metro 3040
RL013001 AN440L Valley Transit (Phoenix) 4001
RL013002-016 AN440A Suntran (Tucson) 9326-9340
RL013032-051 AN345/3 Houston Metro 3741-3760
RL013070 AN340A Cape Escape Tours 9501
RL013080-086 AN340/3 Hawaii County 201-207
RL013087-090 AN340/3 Roaring Fork Transit 350-353
RL013091-106 AN440A Roaring Fork Transit 360-375
RL013107-109 AN340A Antelope Valley Transit Auth 715-717
SLO13001-029 AN440A Suntran (Tucson) 9441-9469
SL013030-031 AN440LF Krapf's Coaches 9511-9512
SL013069 AN440A LACMTA 4500
SL013082-094 AN435A Rockford MTD 9501-9513
SL013097-146 AN440A LACMTA 4501-4550
SL013173-222 AN440A LACMTA 4551-4600
SL013227-232 AN440A Massport CNG501-CNG506
SL013233-327 AN440A LACMTA 4601-4695
SP013063-065 N98012 Roaring Fork Transit 2001-2003
TL013121-128 AN440L Municipal Bus Service (VAIL) 170-177
TL013139 AN460A Houston Metro 4400
TL013159-162 AN445L United Airlines BU071-BU074 (ORD)
TL013163-164 AN445L United Airlines BU998-BU999 (SFO)
TL013174-182 AN460A Houston Metro 4401-4409
TL013183 AN440A LACMTA 4696
VL013001-012 AN460A Houston Metro 4410-4421
VL013013 AN440A LACMTA 6391 (2)
VL013014-063 AN440A LACMTA 4697-4746
VL013064-099 AN460A Houston Metro 4500-4535
VL013100-139 AN440A Albuquerque Transit 301-340
VL013146-192 AN440A LACMTA 4747-4793
VL013198 AN440A LACMTA 6301
VL013218-222 AN440A Metro Transit Auth (Nashville) 301-305
VL013223-229 AN440A Omnitrans 9701-9707
VL013230-265 AN440A Bi-State 9701-9736
VL013266-514 AN440A LACMTA 6302-6550
VL013515-534 AN460A Houston Metro 4422-4441
VL013535-546 AN460A Houston Metro 4536-4547
WL013001-004 AN345/3 Beaver County TA 305-308
WL013005-008 AN340/3 Beaver County TA 301-304
WL013009-013 AN440A Metro Transit Auth (Nashville) 306-310
WL013021-052 AN460A Houston Metro 4548-4579
WL013071-120 AN440A LACMTA 6551-6600
WL013126-143 AN440A Roaring Fork 376-393
XL013001-025 AN460A PAT 3051-3075
XL013026-027 AN460A Roaring Fork 325,324
XL013028-029 AN440L Municipal Bus System (Vail) 178-179
XLO13030-055 AN440A Massport (Paul Revere Bus Lines) CNG507-CNG532
XL013056-065 AN460A MTA Harris County 4580-4589
XL013066-091 AN460A MTA Harris County 4442-4467
XL013092 AN460A SEPTA 7101
XL013109-257 AN440L PAT 5002-5150
XL013258-357 AN440A LACMTA 6700-6799
XL013358-367 AN440L PAT 5151-5160
XL013368-371 AN440A Roaring Fork 394-397
XL013372 AN440A Summit Stage
XL013376 AN440L PAT 5001
YL013001-154 AN460A SEPTA 7102-7255
YL013395 AN460A SF Muni 6200
YL013396-529 AN440A SF Muni 8102-8235
YL013530-541 AN440A Metro Transit Auth (Nashville) 151-162
YL013542-581 AN345/3 Port Auth Transit 1901,1905,1909,913,1917,1921,1925,1929,1933,1937,1902,
YL013582 AN345/3 Denver RTD 2801
YL013583 AN460 Westchester County 501
1L013003-004 AN440L SF Muni 9211-9212
1L013005-103 AN460A SF Muni 6201-6299
1L013107-190 AN345/3 Denver RTD 2802-2885
1L013211-216 AN435L Roaring Fork 260-265
2L013005-010 AN460LF Citizens Area Transit (Las Vegas) 504-509
2L013078-080 AN460A Roaring Fork 326-328
2L013086-109 AN460 San Francisco Muni 6401-6424
2L013110-136 AN440L Denver International Airport 060-086
2L013137-207 AN440 San Francisco Muni 8301-8371
2L013208-212 AN345A Victor Valley TA 1001-1005
2L013213 AN460 Washoe County RTA (Reno) 605
2L013217-221 AN440 Denver International Airport 122,121,089,088,087
2L013332 AN460 Washington Metro Area Transit Auth 5301 (rejected)
3L013001-080 AN440L MTA-Baltimore 0220-0299 (0220 wrecked in delivery)
3L013081-100 AN440L MTA-Baltimore 0200-0219
3L013101-110 AN460 Westchester County 569-578
3L013118-138 AN460 Washington Metro Area Transit Auth 5301-5321
3L013140-142 AN460 NJ Transit 9501-9503
3L013190-233 AN460L Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 1001-1031,1001 (2),1032-1043 (1001 r# 1000)
3L013234 AN460 NJ Transit 9601
3L013267 AN460T Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 1101 (rejected)
3L013268 AN440T Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 4101 (rejected)
3L013269-295 AN440T Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 4102-4128
3L013296-302 AN440L Paul Revere Transp 552-558
3L013412 AN440T Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 4101
4L013001-007 AN460L Memphis Area Transit Auth 501-507
4L013033-066 AN460 NJ Transit 9602-9635
4L013068 AN460 NJ Transit 9636
4L013069-114 AN460 NJ Transit 9504-9549
4L013115-116 AN440L Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 0401-0402 (rejected)
4L013117-254 AN440L Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 0403-0540
4L013255 AN460L Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 1044
4L013256-260 AN440L Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 0541-0545
4L013261-291 AN460T Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 1102-1132 (1102 r# 1132, 1132 r# 1102)
4L013292-321 AN440L Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 0546-0575
4L013322-323 AN460L Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 0401-0402
4L013324 AN460T Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 1101
5L013104-128 AN460 Port Auth Transit 3101,3106,3111,3116,3121,3102,3107,3112,3117,3122,3103,3108,3113,
3118,3123,3104,3109,3114, 3119,3124,3105,3110,3115,3120,3125
5L013129-146 AN440L Massachusetts Bay Transp Auth 0576-0593

More Information

Neoplan USA Wikipedia article
