Railroads and Mining in Utah's Bingham Canyon, Bibliography

Index For This Page

By Don Strack

This page was last updated on July 25, 2002.

(Return to Bingham index page)

Potential Sources

Western Minerals Survey, a weekly newspaper published in Salt Lake City; ceased publication in 1929 when it was combined with the Utah Statesman.

Porphyry magazine; the June 1920 issue had a photo of a B&G train, and in the same issue on page 11, there was a photo of a Westinghouse-Baldwin 5-ton battery locomotive.



Arrington, Leonard J. "Abundance from the earth: The beginnings of commercial mining in Utah", Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 31, Number 3 (Summer 1963). (Utah State Historical Society, 1963), pp.192-219.

Arrington, Leonard. Great Basin Kingdom. (University of Nebraska Press, 1966; reprint of 1958 Harvard edition)

Arrington, Leonard J., and Gary B. Hansen. The Richest Hole on Earth, A History of the Bingham Copper Mine. Monograph Series, Department of Economics, Utah State University, Volume XI, Number 1, October 1963. (Utah State University Press, 1963)

Athearn, Robert G. The Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, Rebel of the Rockies. (Bison Books, 1977) Reprint of "Rebel of the Rockies: A History of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad", Yale University Press, 1962

Bailey, Lynn R. Old Reliable, A History of Bingham Canyon, Utah. (Westmoreland Press, 1988)

Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Utah. (San Francisco: The History Co. 1889.)

Billings, Thomas Parry. History of Bingham Mining District. University of Utah Special Collections, Wilbur H. Smith Papers, M.S. 563

The Bingham Commercial Club. Souvenir of Bingham: The Greatest Copper Camp in the World. (Bingham Commercial Club, August 1, 1909)

Bliss, Jonathan. Merchants and Miners in Utah, The Walker Brothers and Their Bank. (Western Epics, 1983)

Brewster, Burt B. A Brief History of Mining in Utah, included as part of Utah, A Centennial History, edited by Wain Sutton, Volume II (Lewis Publishing Co., New York, 1949)

Carr, Stephen L. and Robert W. Edwards. Utah Ghost Rails. (Western Epics, 1989)

Dolzall, Gary W., and Stephen F, Dolzall. Diesels from Eddystone: The Story of Baldwin Diesel Locomotives. (Kalmbach, 1984)

Finch, John Wellington, et. al., ed. Ore Deposits of the Western States. (The American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1933)

Hansen, Gary B. "Industry of Destiny: Copper in Utah", Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 31, Number 3, Summer 1963. (Utah State Historical Society, 1963) pp. 262-279

Johnson, David F. "The History and Economics of Utah Railroads." MS Thesis. (University of Utah, 1947), included as part of Utah, A Centennial History, edited by Wain Sutton, Volume II (Lewis Publishing Co., New York, 1949)

Koch, Michael. The Shay Locomotive, Titan of the Timber. (World Press, 1971)

LeMassena, Robert A. Rio Grande...to the Pacific. (Sundance Publications, 1974, Third Printing, Second Edition, May 1979)

Parsons, A. B. The Porphyry Coppers. (The American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1933)

Parsons, A. B. The Porphyry Coppers in 1956. (The American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1957)

Pitchard, George E. A Utah Railroad Scrapbook. (George E. Pitchard, September 1987; other editions dated 15 March 1988 and 3 November 1989) An annotated newspaper index and notebook of Utah railroads.

Pitchard, George E. Newspaper Notes Project, Railroad Notes. (George E. Pitchard, August 1987)  Portions included in A Utah Railroad Scrapbook.

Reeder, Clarence A., Jr. "The History of Utah's Railroads, 1869‑1883". Ph.D. Dissertation. (University of Utah, 1970)

Rickard, T. A. The Utah Copper Enterprise. (Mining and Scientific Press, 1919)  A compilation of articles published in Mining and Scientific Press.

Spendlove, Beatrice. "History of Bingham Canyon, Utah." MS thesis. (University of Utah, 1937)

State of Utah, Department of Public Instruction. Utah - Resources and Activities, Supplement to the Utah State Courses of Study for Elementary and Secondary Schools, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1933

Stenhouse, T.B.H. The Rocky Mountain Saints. (D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1873) Chapter 57, The Mines of Utah.

Tooele County Historical Society. Mining, Smelting and Railroading in Tooele County. (Tooele County Historical Society, 1986)

Tullidge, Edward W. Tullidge's History of Salt Lake City. (Salt Lake City: Star Printing Co., 1886.)

Wegg, David Spencer, Jr. "Bingham Mining District, Utah." MS Thesis. (University of Utah, 1915)

Whitney, Orson F. History Of Utah, In Four Volumes. (George Q. Cannon & Sons, Publishers, 1904) Included as digitized edition on Pioneer Heritage Library On CD-ROM, published by Ancestry, Inc., Orem, Utah, 1997.

Wilson, O. Meredith. The Denver & Rio Grande Project, 1870-1901, A History of the First Thirty Years of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (Howe Brothers Publishing Company, 1981)

Government Documents and Sources

State of Utah, Office of the Secretary of State. Incorporation records of State of Utah.

United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines. "Mining Methods and Costs at the Utah Copper Co., Bingham Canyon, Utah". Information Circular 6234. (U. S. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C., February 1930)

United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines. "Drilling and Blasting in Open Cut Copper Mines". Bulletin 273. (U. S. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C., 1927)

United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines. "Methods and Costs of Stripping and Mining Copper Ore". Bulletin 298. (U. S. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C., 1929)

United States Geologic Survey. "Economic Geology of the Bingham Mining District, Utah", by John Mason Boutwell. Professional Paper 38. (U. S. Government Printing Office: Washington D. C., 1905)

United States Geologic Survey. "Ore Deposits of Utah," (U. S. Government Printing Office: Washington D. C., 1920.


Bingham Bulletin (Bingham Canyon, Utah)
Deseret Evening News (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Eastern Utah Advocate (Price, Utah)
Salt Lake Herald (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Salt Lake Daily Tribune (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Wall Street Journal (New York City)


Engineering News
Engineering News-Record
Engineering and Mining Journal
Kennescope magazine (Kennecott Copper Corporation's employee magazine)
Mechanical Engineering
Mines and Minerals
Mining and Metallurgy
Mining and Scientific Press
Mining Congress Journal
Mining Science
Railway Age
Scientific American
Scientific American Supplement
Salt Lake Mining Review (Salt Lake City, Utah)

Other Sources

Strack, Don. Handwritten research notes taken while interviewing employees, visiting facilities, and examining files at Kennecott Copper Corporation, Utah Division offices in Salt Lake City, Utah, and at Utah Division mine offices in Bingham Canyon, Utah, during April, October, and November 1983. Cited as "Strack, 1983 research notes."

Strack, Don. Handwritten research notes taken while interviewing employees, visiting facilities, and examining files at Kennecott Copper Corporation, Utah Division offices in Salt Lake City, Utah, and at Utah Division mine offices in Bingham Canyon, Utah, during October 1984. Cited as "Strack, 1984 research notes."

Kennecott Copper Corporation. "Historical Index.", unpublished manuscript. (no date). An annotated index of major historical events compiled by Kennecott's own public relations staff. Examined during October and November 1983. A separate, updated copy with handwritten notes was also in the director's office at the Arthur engineering office.
