Dalton and Lark Mining Company

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June 3, 1890
All of the Dalton Lode was sold by Harriet A. Lewis to E. Horton for $1.00. On the same day, B. F. Allen, et. al. purchased all of the Lark and Dalton Lode from C. Horton for $16,000. (Salt Lake Herald, June 4, 1890; property transfers recorded in Salt Lake City)

July 14, 1890
"The Dalton mine has just completed putting in a very fine whim. It is the only one in the camp at present, and for the poor prospector of miner with limited capital it is a daisy. This mine is going to show up big soon as they get down a little deeper on the vein." (Salt Lake Times, July 14, 1890)

(View an illustration of a horse whim; used to hoist ore from a mine using one horse power.)

January 14, 1891
"The Lark and Dalton." "The shaft, which is on an incline, is down over four hundred feet. The property adjoins the Yosemite No. 2, and is owned by Allen, Rey & Co." Superintendent was "J. Skenk." (Salt Lake Herald, January 14, 1891)

(Later references to the same "Rey" name were to brothers Henry and William Rea. The above reference to "J. Skenk" was for Jeremiah Schenck, who shared ownership with his brother David Schenck.)

January 14, 1891
"The Dalton and Lark mines are a short distance above the Lead mine, Bingham. The owners have been working for several months vigorously and now matters begin to look bright for them. On the Dalton they have a shaft down 400 feet, from the bottom of which they are running a level, and a few days ago they struck the ore on a vein four feet wide. This ore runs from 33 to 37 per cent lead and about three ounces silver. The Lark shaft is down 480 feet and has struck the same vein and ore of similar quality." (Salt Lake Tribune, January 14, 1891)

The Dalton began shipping ore in November 1891. (Salt Lake Herald, November 22, 1891)

June 18, 1892
"The force of men on the Brooklyn tramway was increased the first of the week and three more cars were put on. Forty-two cars daily come down over this line now." (Salt Lake Tribune, June 18, 1892)

(This reference is to the 24-inch gauge horse and mule tram built by the Lead mine company built in 1882, to move the ore from the Lead mine, four and one-half miles to the Lead Mine company's mill, at the mouth of Bingham Canyon. The tram was later extended to seven miles to serve the Brooklyn mine.)

September 28, 1892
B. F. Allen and his wife sold a 1/16 interest in the Dalton and Lark mining claims to H. H. Rea for $2,000. (Salt Lake Herald, September 29, 1892)

December 3, 1892
The Dalton & Lark had shipped a car load of ore to the Taylor & Brunton ore sampling mill for testing. (Salt Lake Herald, December 3, 1892)

May 21, 1893
The Dalton & Lark Mining Co. started shipping ore on May 1, 1893. Early in 1891, much development work was done, reaching 530 feet into the mountain, with a 300-foot crosscut completed. The mine then lay idle for 18 months. Development work resumed on July 21, 1892, and the recent shipment made use of the new 35 horsepower hoist and boiler, started up on April 10, 1893. Prior to the new hoist, the mine had used a horse whim. Since October 1892, the company had erected a new building to house the new hoist. (Salt Lake Tribune, May 21, 1893)

The following comes from the May 21, 1893 issue of the Salt Lake Tribune:

The Dalton & Lark Mining Company is making fine progress with their property located near the Old Lead mine and adjoining the Sampson.

The company first made developments, getting down 530 feet on the inclined shaft and then they cut a level at the 300 going north 300 feet. In doing this they tapped a body of ore, which was extracted, and then the property laid idle for eighteen months before work was resumed.

It was on July 21st of last year that work resumed. The shaft had to be enlarged, retimbered and a new track put in. Work began with a horse whim, which was used up to April 10th of this year, when this was superseded by a thirty-five horsepower hoist and Economic boiler.

They have erected since October a new building for their boiler and hoist, a blacksmith shop, a fine boarding and lodging house for forty men, put in an ore bin and chutes, a coal chute, put in car tracks, etc., making their outlay in this line between $5000 and $6000. In development of the mine the shaft has been run down from 530 to 660 feet and various levels been cut." A total of 830 feet of levels, winzes, and raises had been cut in less than ten months.

In the old or upper workings a pocket of ore was tapped and worked out, leaving no signs of any more in the mine, a fact that caused the prolonged idleness spoken of above. With the new work the first ore was struck in September last, two months after having resumed operations, but it was not till lately that the output became very active, On May 4th they began hoisting the first four car, or 100-ton lot of ore, and on the 16th they began hoisting the second 100-ton lot, thus making the output over eight tons per day.

The vein runs northeast and southwest, the vein dipping to the northwest at an angle of 45 degrees. This is on the same lode as the Yosemite No. 1 and 2, and the Sampson, the latter joining on to the south end of the Dalton-Lark property. These two claims are parallel with the lark on the east side and it is through it that the vein runs 1500 feet while it dips under the Dalton, which has the old Lead Mine cropping out, and lying 100 to 200 feet above the Lark vein.

The last lot of ore shipped, 100 tons, which has just been sold, went seventy ounces of silver, about 7 per cent lead and $20 in gold." About 900 tons of ore, in ten lots, had been sold, and after deducting freight, sampling, assay and other costs, netted $36.20 per ton.

It is four miles from the Dalton-lark property to the railroad at the Lead Mine company's mill, where second-class ore can be concentrated. The tramway affords facilities for shipping ore and getting in supplies.

The company is not incorporated, but is owned by J. and David Schenck and H. B. and William Rea of this city. The two former are active managers of the property, and at present a force of about twenty-five men are employed." (Salt Lake Tribune, May 21, 1893)

June 1893
The Dalton & Lark mine was shipping four cars per week to the Taylor & Brunton ore sampling mill. (Salt Lake Tribune, June 14, 1893)

June 21, 1893
The B. F. Allen estate sold the remaining interest in the Dalton and Lark mining claims to H. H. Rea, et. al. for $4,000. (Salt Lake Herald, June 22, 1893)

October 2, 1893
"The Dalton & Lark Company completed a 500-ton shipment of first-class products of that property the latter part of last week, and began sending down another lot over the Lead Mine tramway, Wednesday." (Salt Lake Tribune, October 2, 1893)

December 13, 1893
Edward B. Critchlow and his wife sold their interest in the Dalton and Lark lodes to Jeremiah Schenck for $1,000. Also, Mrs. Sarah J. Ayer sold her interest in the Lark and other lodes for $1,000. (Salt Lake Herald, December 14, 1893)

Dalton and Lark Gold, Silver and Lead Mining Company was organized to consolidate 16 claims (155 acres), including the Dalton, Lark, Brooklyn and Keystone properties. These mines had become inactive because of water drainage problems. The new company built a four mile horse tramway to connect the Dalton and Lark mines with the Rio Grande Western at Lead Mine station. (Salt Lake Mining Review, October 30, 1899, p. 5; "hardly four years ago")

The Brooklyn property had earlier, in October 1888, been purchased by the owners of the Lead Mine, also located near the top of Copper Gulch.

(Read more about the Lead Mine and Mill at Bingham, 1877-1896)

May 20, 1895
"The boilers, engine and other necessary machinery for the new hoist on the Dalton and Lark arrived in the camp the first of the week and the work of placing it in position is now in progress and is being vigorously pushed." (Salt Lake Herald, May 20, 1895)

May 26, 1895
"The new hoisting plant being erected on the Dalton & Lark in Bingham will be in operation about the first of next week, and when completed will be about as fine a hoist as is in operation on any incline shaft in the West. The shaft itself is nearly perfection, and while it has been sunk to a depth of 640 feet, it is so true on its lines that at two seasons of the year the sun actually shines in the bottom of certain hours of the day." "The mine will resume shipments with the completion of the hoist." (Salt Lake Tribune, May 26, 1895)

June 1, 1895
A suit was filed in Third District court against the owners of the Dalton & Lark mining company, asking for a full and accurate accounting of the accounts of the company. The suit was against Henry Rea and Jeremiah Schenck as owners of the Dalton & Lark Mining Company. The suit was brought by the Rohrer interests of Illinois, who had purchased for $1,500, a 1/16 interest in the Dalton & Lark company on August 11, 1890. At that time, in 1890, Rea and Schenck had held an undivided half interest in the Dalton & Lark property. When Rea and Schenck had stopped work on the property in 1891 (or on March 1, 1892, accounts vary), Albert T. Rohrer had left Utah territory and moved to California. Rohrer claimed that Rea and Schenck had promised to notify him when they resumed work, which they did not do when work resumed in mid 1892, and especially after the big strike had been made. Rohrer also claimed to have learned that Rea and Schenck had already encroached on the adjacent Dump claim when they opened negotiations to purchase the Dump claim from Hanauer and others for $15,000, hiding the fact that they already knew that their vein extended into the Dump claim, and had already extracted $2,000 in value from the Dump claim. Rohrer also claimed that he was not notified of the big strike and was therefore defrauded by Rea and Schenck when he gave up his interest in the company. In August 1892, Rea and Schenck purchased for $4,000, a one-fourth interest in the Dalton & Lark property from B. F. Allen, and three additional 1/16 interests from E. B. Critchlow, E. T Ayer, and George B. Sessions, again without notifying Rohrer. On March 1, 1895 (or July 1, 1893, accounts vary), Rea and Schenck purchased Rohrer's 1/16 interest. Rohrer claimed that although he received valuable consideration for his 1/16 interest, he never received any proceeds of the sale of ore taken from the three Dalton, Lark and Dump claims, which had amounted to more than $300,000. (Salt Lake Herald, June 1, 1895) (Doing the math finds that Rea and Schenck held one-half interest, Allen held one-fourth interest, and four 1/16 interests were held by Rohrer, Critchlow, Ayer, and Sessions, bringing the total to 100 percent.)

June 3, 1895
"For the past two weeks two surveying parties have been at work for the purpose of a tunnel to tap the Dalton, Lark, Lead Mine, Yosemite No. 2, and all surrounding country." (Salt Lake Herald, June 3, 1895)

September 28, 1895
The owners of the Dalton & Lark Mining Company (H. H. Rea, Jeremiah Schenck, William Rea, D. H. Schenck and J. M. Rea) filed suit against the owners of the Lead Mine company (Abraham Hanauer, John Treweek, H. G. Legg, Richard Roe, and others) "alleging that since September 1, 1895, and long prior thereto, the plaintiffs were the owners of a tract of land in the West Mountain Mining District comprising the Dalton & Lark mine, and that on September 10, defendants entered upon a portion of the same and extracted therefrom ores to the value of $1,000." (Salt Lake Herald, September 28, 1895; Salt Lake Tribune, September 28, 1895)

(This was a suit to address the often raised question of an apex of a vein of valuable ore crossing from one mining claim into another mining claim.)

October 20, 1895
The Lead Mine Company filed suit against the owners of the Dalton & Lark mining company asking for $170,626.39 in damages for encroaching on Lead Mine ore lodes and extracting ore illegally. The trespass was discovered when the Lead mine company opened a new shaft in its Richmond claim, discovered a rich silver vein, and found that the Dalton & Lark company had been removing ore through the Dalton mine. (Salt Lake Tribune, October 20, 1895)

October 26, 1895
The Dalton & Lark mining company had completed a new ten-stamp mill that was a combination concentrator and amalgamator capable of processing 25 tons per day. The new mill was built for ore newly discovered at the Dalton & Lark mine that included high values in gold, requiring amalgamation. (Salt Lake Herald, October 26, 1895)

November 2, 1895
"The Dalton and Lark company of Bingham have stopped patronizing what is known as the Lead Mill tramway, and are now shipping their ores by wagon to Revere switch." (Salt Lake Tribune, November 2, 1895)

December 29, 1895
"Work is progressing on the great Bingham tunnel, which has now been driven about 160 feet, size 8x7 feet. A good wagon road having been built from the valley, and grading of a site for bunk houses and electric works and facing of tunnel completed, the main work will now progress more rapidly. This enterprise, which is ultimately to furnish water for irrigating a tract of land, will be of immense benefit to the mines of the section it traverses, including the Brooklyn, Dalton & Lark, Galena, etc., as it will drain them at great depth." (Salt Lake Tribune, December 29, 1895)

Work on the tunnel began in June 1895, "six months ago," although planning and preparation had been taking place over the previous two years. (Salt Lake Tribune, January 1, 1896)

January 1, 1896
"Improvements costing upwards of $40,000 were made on this property the past year." "A hoist was put over the new shaft, which is down 840 feet, sunk during the year. Connected with the hoisting plant is a concentrating mill with the usual machinery, and embracing two three-compartment jigs and one of two compartments, besides ten stamps. The mill has a daily capacity of thirty-five to forty tons. Part of the ore runs through the jigs, which turn out about fifteen tons of concentrates a day. The ore runs through the stamps is wet-crushed, the pulp going direct through the two pans and one settler, thus extracting the silver and gold by amalgamation. This mill has only been running a short time, but appears to be doing good work." "Besides this hoist the property has an old shaft down 700 feet through which they have been operating for a number of years. During the past year the company shipped about 10,000 tons of ore. First-class ore and concentrates run about 50 ounces silver, 10 per cent lead and $2 in gold. About forty men are constantly employed. There are immense bodies of both first-class and second-class ores ready for stoping." (Salt Lake Tribune, January 1, 1896) (Note no mention of the apex suits with the Lead Mine company.)

January 19, 1896
"The Dalton & Lark mill sent in a bar of silver bullion yesterday that weighed 100 ounces. The mine and mill is now shipping a carload and a half of crude ore and concentrates daily (all by wagon to Revere station on the RGW). The Dalton & Lark is one of Bingham's greatest producers." (Salt Lake Herald, January 19, 1896)

February 6, 1896
The Dalton & Lark won in the suit against it by the Lead Mine company involving the Richmond, Richard, and Dump mining claims. The Lead Mine company had filed its suit in October, claiming ownership by rights of apex for the lodes in question. The settlement included the Dalton & Lark taking title to the disputed ground, along with the Lead Mine company's four-mile tramway and the Lead Mine company's mill. (Salt Lake Tribune, February 6, 1896)

February 7, 1896
"Schenck's Big Deal" The Dalton and Lark People Buy the Lead Co's Property" "Night before last (February 7) the papers were signed which vested the title to the Lead company's Bingham properties in the Dalton & Lark people." "This is probably the largest and most important transaction ever made in Bingham mines and adds to the Dalton & Lark holdings in the neighborhood of 250 acres of the choicest mineral lands to be found in the district besides giving the company the key to that portion of this famous camp." "In buying this property, the most important feature of the deal, for the present, was the securing of the Lead mill tramway, with its seven miles of track and equipment of cars and horses." "About twenty-three claims were embraced in the deal, including the noted Brooklyn and Lead mines, in both of which large bodies of ore are exposed..." (Salt Lake Herald, February 9, 1896)

The new property will likely be reincorporated within ten days. The new company has thirty claims, and two mills and a tramway over which to carry its output of 200 tons per day. The purchase price was reported as being $200,000. (Salt Lake Tribune, February 9, 1896)

February 16, 1896
The following comes from a lengthy summary of the Lead mine in the February 16, 1896 issue of the Salt Lake Herald:

The recent purchase by the owners of Dalton and Lark Mining company of the properties of their opponents in what might have developed into the biggest instance of mining litigation ever seen in Utah, and which was happily adjusted by an expenditure of large sums of money for mines and adjuncts, puts the Dalton and Lark to the fore in the holding of mineral ground in the West Mountain district.

It is presumed that no other mining company in Utah controls as many locations, as many developed mines and as many miles of railway, as many mills and hoisting plants as the Dalton & Lark now possesses, and if any other association in the state controls property that has had as many feet of work done on shafts, levels, winzes and stopes The Herald has not heard of the incident." The Lead mine was at one time owned by the Omaha and Grant Smelting company.

The Lead mine was the first mine to be developed and worked in the gulch on the east side of the Oquirrh mountains in which it is located, and it had produced at least two-thirds of its total output in tons before the Dalton & Lark and many other properties running down into the foothills were heard or dreamed of." Its total production had been estimated to be nearly 400,000 tons.

The first attempt that was made to concentrate the waste dumps of the Lead mine was in 1881, when crude ore was hauled over to the old Butterfield mill, three miles distant, and so successful was the experiment notwithstanding the long haul, that the company decided to construct its own mill and treat all of its second-class ores. A mill site was secured near the mouth of Bingham canyon four miles distant on the old Curtis farm, and early in 1883 it commenced operations, running successfully until it was closed down some months ago. At the same time a tramway was constructed connecting the mine and the mill, and later this was extended around into the Brooklyn gulch so that the waste ores of the mine of the same name were treated in the Lead mill. The total length of the tramway is now a little over eight miles, and the demands for transportation from other mining companies is such that daily extensions are being made.

Three groups of mines were included in the transaction whereby the Dalton and Lark Mining company secured control of one of the greatest aggregations of rich mineral ground seldom found under one management. One of these, the Brooklyn group, consists of the Banner, First West Extension Telegraph, Telegraph, Revere, Summit, Trinity spring lodes and the Trinity Millsite," giving a run of 4,500 feet on the Brooklyn ledge of the vein. A crosscut from the southwest face of the Lark mine at the 800 level, to connect with the Brooklyn, 200 feet below its lowest workings. This would allow the Brooklyn to drain into the Lark shaft, and pumping and hoisting would be done through the Lark shaft. "The Lead mine group, also purchased from the Lead Mine company, consists of the June Blossom, Clara, Fraction, Murray, Carlisle, Peurith, Louise, Lead Mine, Carbonate, Rustin, Nash, Richmond and Richard claims," giving a range of 4,500 feet. The purchase also included the Keystone group, comprising the Keystone, Keystone No. 2, Freedom and Blaine mining claims, giving about 2,000 feet in length on the Keystone lode.

The company also purchased the Lead mill near the mouth of Bingham canyon and a large tract of land, on which there are a number of mill buildings, including offices, blacksmith shops, boarding houses, etc. The mill is capable of treating about 150 tons of ore daily, and is considered one of the best plants in the country. The company also acquired title to the lead mine tramway, running from the Lead mill to the Lead mine, a distance of six miles, besides about two miles of extensions.

The Dalton and Lark also owns and operates the mill at the Lark shaft, which has a capacity of about 50 tons of ore daily.

An important feature in connection with this enterprise is the Bingham Tunnel, now being constructed by the Bingham Tunnel company. This tunnel, as projected, runs nearly parallel with the Lark lode, and between it and the Brooklyn. This tunnel, which will be 16,000 feet in length, will drain the group and develop the ore bodies at a depth of about 550 feet below the lowest workings, which will give an addition to the life of the mines of many years.

A company will be organized within a few days to develop this consolidated property under the name of the Dalton and Lark Gold, Silver and lead Mining and Milling company." Manager of the new property was J. Schenck, who was also an owner with H. H. Rea. (Salt Lake Herald, February 16, 1896)

February 24, 1896
Articles of incorporation for the new Dalton and Lark Gold, Silver and Lead Mining and Milling company will be filed tomorrow (February 24). President would be J. Schenck, with H. H. Rea as vice president; James H. Bacon, treasurer; J. K. Schenck secretary; with C. H. Jacobs and J. M. Rea as additional directors. "The company's holdings will consist of the Dalton & Lark consolidated properties in Bingham consisting of the original Dalton & Lark mines, hoists and mills, and the groups of claims formerly owned by the Lead Mine company, comprising the Lead Mine group, the Brooklyn group and the Richmond group, together with the Lead Mine company's mill, tramway, hoists and appurtenances, thus making the largest aggregation of producing mines ever before brought under one management in the west." "The two mills owned by the company are capable of treating 200 tons of concentrating ore daily, while the company can boast of five steam hoists and eight miles of tramway, while the consolidated property embraces thirty-one mining claims, aggregating 155 acres." (Salt Lake Herald, February 23, 1896)

(A complete report, by Prof. O. A. Palmer, describing the new consolidated company was published in the February 23, 1896 issue of the Salt Lake Tribune.)

July 1896
The Dalton & Lark shipped 2,640 tons of ore during the month of July 1896, all by way of the tramway to Lead Mine Station. (Salt Lake Herald, September 6, 1896)

July 24, 1896
The former Lead Mine company's mill of the Dalton & Lark mining company was destroyed by fire. The loss was estimated as $20,000. The fire was discovered at 1 p.m. after employees had left for the afternoon to participate in Pioneer Day festivities. The mill had been shut down while under Lead Mine ownership due to the low price of metals, but was repaired and put back into operation when the Lead Mine company was absorbed by the Dalton & Lark. Plans were that the mill would be rebuilt, unlike the Yosemite mill that, too, was destroyed by fire, but was not rebuilt. (Salt Lake Tribune, July 25, 1896)

July 30, 1896
"Lead Mill Insurance" "Manager Schenck of the Dalton & Lark, who has been with an insurance adjuster making an inventory of the losses at the lead mill, says the rebuilding of the plant will commence as soon as an adjustment with the insurance companies is had. The two big boilers that were used in the operation of the plant escaped with very little injury, and may be used in the new mill. The total insurance amounted to $18,000, it has been learned, which will reduce the actual loss to about $7,000." (Salt Lake Tribune, July 30, 1896)

August 11, 1896
"The work of clearing away the debris of the Lead mill site began Tuesday (August 11)." (Salt Lake Tribune, August 16, 1896)

August 16, 1896
"The Dalton & Lark property at the present time includes six mines actually producing -- Dalton, Lark, Brooklyn, Keystone, Richmond, Old Lead Mine and Revere-Gladstone. The united output for August promises to be considerably over 3000 tons." (Salt Lake Herald, August 16, 1896; Salt Lake Herald, August 17, 1896)

August 23, 1896
The low price of lead was the reason that the former Lead Mine company's mill at Bingham was not rebuilt. The only ore being shipped by the Dalton & Lark company was first-class ore obtained by development work, and which could be shipped directly to the smelter at a profit to maintain company operations. Second-class ore, which would have gone to a concentrator mill, was not being shipped due the low price of lead, its lowest in many, many years. (Salt Lake Herald, August 23, 1896)

September 16, 1896
The Dalton & Lark company stopped paying dividends to its shareholders, due to the low metal prices. (Salt Lake Tribune, September 16, 1896)

November 22, 1896
The Dalton & Lark company was considering building its own smelter on the site of the destroyed Lead Mine company's mill. The difficulty came in deciding what type of furnace, and what process was needed to treat the wide variety of ores available from all of the lodes owned by the company. The design decided on was called a "fire concentrator," and construction was to begin at the start of the next season. (Salt Lake Herald, November 22, 1896; November 29, 1896; December 21, 1896)

January 1897
The Dalton & Lark shipped 1,050 tons of ore during the month of January 1897, all by way of the tramway to Lead Mine Station. (Salt Lake Tribune, February 7, 1897)

(RGW timetables show the station adjacent to the mill of the Lead Mine company as Lead Mine Station, with Lead Mine being the company name rather than the location of the company's mine.)

February 1897
The Dalton & Lark shipped 732 tons of ore during the month of January 1897, all by way of the tramway to Lead Mine Station. (Salt Lake Herald, March 14, 1897)

January 16, 1898
The machinery (the two boilers) from the old Lead Mine company's mill was moved to the nearby mine of the West Mountain Placer company, also owned by J. Schenck, where they were used along with pumps to sink the Showall mine's shaft below the 82-foot mark where it had been stopped by water. (Salt Lake Herald, January 16, 1898; December 12, 1898; January 1, 1899)

The mines of the Dalton & Lark company had become inactive in 1899 because of water drainage problems. Prior to the end of mining operations, the Dalton & Lark company had operated a four mile horse tramway. This tramway was built in 1882 by the predecessor Lead Mine company along the eastern slope of the Oquirrh Mountains, outside of Bingham Canyon, to connect the Dalton & Lark mines with the Rio Grande Western at Lead Mine station, at the mouth of Bingham Canyon.

April 18, 1899
A syndicate of investors paid Schenck for an option on 1.6 million shares of Dalton & Lark stock. Within a few days, work was to commence on the option to prove that a large body of ore existed below the water level of the inactive mine. The syndicate was prepared to spend $50,000 to show that the ore body could be developed. (Salt Lake Tribune, April 18, 1899)

January 16, 1900
The Dalton & Lark property was sold to Philo T. Farnsworth "yesterday" (January 16), owner of the Antelope group, which adjoins the Dalton & Lark property to the northeast. After a special stockholder meeting on February 5th, he would become owner of all but a small portion of the Dalton & Lark property. The sale was reported as including 20 of the 31 claims that made up the Dalton & Lark company after its 1896 reorganization. The same group of owners and investors also took control of the Bullion-Beck mine in Tintic. (Salt Lake Herald, January 17, 1900; January 21, 1900; Deseret Evening News, January 20, 1900)

January 24, 1900
"In answer to a query, Manager Farnsworth of the Dalton & Lark -- now called Mascot [sic, Mascotte], to distinguish it from the old organization which still maintains it identity on the small fraction of ground which did not change hands in the recent sale..." A trust deed was recorded that conveyed the Dalton & Lark Gold, Silver and Lead Mining and Milling company, along with the Dalton, Lark, Dump and Old Wasatch company into the hands of a trustee. (Salt Lake Herald, January 24, 1900; January 25, 1900)

Many have asked where the Mascotte name came from. The above mention from January 1900 shows that the new name was in use at that time. Work on the tunnel resumed in June 1900 while the company was operating under the new name, Mascotte of Bingham Mining Company. In the November 4, 1901 issue of the Salt Lake Herald newspaper, there was a note, "The tunnel site is located on the company's Mascotte placer claim..." The company referred to is Bingham Consolidated. More research is needed to better identify the so-called Mascotte placer claim as the pioneer site for the town of Lark.

At about this same time, in 1900 and 1901, the Mascotte Tunnel name was added at the portal of the tunnel, thus firmly setting the name in people's minds. Later, the same name was cast into a new concrete portal at the tunnel mouth.

The company name, Mascotte of Bingham Mining Company, was used to distinguish it from many other mines using the Mascotte name.

February 5, 1900
The stockholders of the Dalton & Lark company voted to accept P. T. Farnsworth's offer to purchase the property. The sale included 22 mining claims, although the company actually held only three patented claims and one location. The remainder were in the hands of William A. Hanauer, who held clear title due to an unfulfilled contract. In the recent past, C. A. Coffin had an option, during which he expended $25,000 for development work and pumping machinery to clear the mine of water and make repairs. The option was not taken, but the mine was in better shape than ever before. Mr. Farnsworth stepped in and saved the mine. At the time of the sale to Farnsworth, there was only enough coal on hand to keep the pumps running for another 24 hours, with the company's financial condition making it unable to obtain more coal. If the sale to Farnsworth had not taken place, the entire property (mine, mill and tramway) would have reverted to Mr. Hanauer. Those voting against the sale were a few minority stockholders who had received their stock as part of a settlement of debts from James Bacon, one of the organizers of the 1896 reorganization. It was just the 22 claims that were sold to Farnsworth, leaving the remainder still in the hands of a much smaller Dalton & Lark company, with just enough value to cover the value of stock still in the hands of the minority stockholders. (Deseret Evening News, February 5, 1900; Salt Lake Herald, February 6, 1900)

(A listing of the creditors of James Bacon in the April 6, 1900 issue of the Salt Lake Herald, showed a total of 147 businesses and persons who had been depositors in Bacon's bankrupt Bank of Salt Lake, with deposits in excess of $100, and as much as $13,402 from Salt Lake County. Most deposits were less than $1,000. The total of the deposits, which were secured by Bacon with stock from the Dalton & Lark company, was $129,462.73. But the value of the remaining Dalton & Lark stock, after the sale of the 22 claims to Farnsworth, was just $13,454.48, or a bit more than 10 cents on the dollar.)

February 9, 1900
Fred Mitchell accepted the position of superintendent of the Mascot of Bingham mine [sic: Mascotte of Bingham]. (Salt Lake Tribune, February 9, 1900; Dalton & Lark name not mentioned)

"The Dalton & Lark property, now known as the Mascot, under the management of Philo T. Farnsworth, was in the market with five cars of ore yesterday." (Salt Lake Herald, February 9, 1900)

February 12, 1900
"Among shippers this week are the Mascot (Dalton & Lark) with 9 cars..." (Deseret News, February 12, 1900, "Bingham Operations")

March 25, 1900
"Superintendent Fred Mitchell of the Mascotte reports that the incline shaft on that property has now reached the 1,000-foot mark, and the work of sinking still continues. Drifting on the 800 and 950 levels is being prosecuted at the same time, and the mine is looking fine." (Salt Lake Herald, March 25, 1900)

April 23, 1900
"Last Monday the main incline of Dalton & Lark mines had reached 1,025 feet in depth. It is in excellent mineral, and going down as rapidly as possible to establish the 1,100-foot level. The mines are looking well at every point, and manager P. T. Farnsworth states without reserve that purchase of the property by Mascotte company will be consummated according to terms stipulated. A force of about 40 men is employed, mainly on development work." (Salt Lake Herald, April 23, 1900)

(Note that the company was again being called the Dalton & Lark, with Farnsworth as manager.)

May 5, 1900
"Mascotte Forces Laid Off" "The Mascot company has laid off its forces at Dalton & Lark, except pump men, pending matters which will culminate in a few days." "The pumps are lifting several hundred gallons of water per minute from such depths as to entail ruinous expense. The remedy lies in tunneling, which is said to be feasible." (Deseret News, May, 5, 1900)

May 6, 1900
"The Mascot company has laid off its forces at the Dalton & Lark, except pump men, etc, pending matters which will culminate in a few days We understand an important move is to be made looking to a more economical working of the property. The pumps are lifting several hundred gallons of water per minute from such depths as to entail ruinous expense. A remedy lies in tunneling, which is said to be feasible." (Salt Lake Herald, May 6, 1900)

June 23, 1900
Farnsworth made the first $10,000 payment on his option of the Dalton & Lark property. The mine was flooded to the 700 level, and Farnsworth stated that the only way to work the mine was by digging a drain tunnel. Work had started on such a tunnel "two weeks ago," with a projected length of 6,000 feet, and which would "tap the Dalton & Lark ore bodies at a depth of 1,250 feet." (Deseret Evening News, June 23, 1900)

July 10, 1900
Farnsworth made his third payment "yesterday" (July 10) of $10,000 on the $300,000 purchase of the Dalton & Lark company's Bingham mines. The fourth payment of $50,000 was due in thirty days, and $70,000 was due in sixty days. The final payment of $159,000 was due at the end of the year. "The great enterprise was launched in a preliminary way by the formation of the Mascotte company by Mr. Farnsworth." (Salt Lake Herald, July 11, 1900)

July 11, 1900
The Mascot of Bingham Mining company had been formed "several months ago" to take over the property of the Dalton & Lark group. The purchase price was reported as $300,000, to be paid in four payments. The first was recently paid, and the final payment of the "balance of $159,000 to come by the end of the year." Eastern investors included George W. Cook and James D. Sturges of New York, and local management was by P. T. Farnsworth. (Salt Lake Herald, July 11, 1900)

September 17, 1900
"Keystone branch of the Dalton & Lark tram is to be completed tomorrow (September 17), when Fortune mill will begin shipping via Leadmill station, saving 70 cents per ton as compared with wagon hauling to Sandy." (Salt Lake Herald, September 16, 1900)

October 3, 1900
Farnsworth, and his new partner William F. Snyder, made the payment of $55,000 due on their purchase of the Dalton & Lark property, meaning that the sale was to be completed very soon. The property included the "old Lead mine group, the Antelope, Brooklyn and other ground, through which no less than three splendid veins are known to run and from the surface workings of which splendid fortunes have been taken in years gone by, but on which operations ceased at the water level or above." The sale also included practical control of the Dalton & Lark organization itself. (Salt Lake Herald, October 3, 1900)

Upon payment of a total of $56,132, Mr. A. Hanauer of the Lead Mine company would turn over to Farnsworth, the deeds to some twenty claims held by the Lead Mine company. In addition, the ownership of one million shares of the Dalton & Lark company would also pass to Farnsworth. The above figure of $56,132 did not represent the overall value of the Lead Mine company, but instead was the balance of the option to the Lead Mine company held by the Dalton & Lark company. The above figure was the remaining balance of $52,000 of the original Dalton & Lark $175,000 option on the Lead Mine company from Mr. Hanauer, plus interest. At the same time, Farnsworth was to take an option on the Dalton & Lark company from Mr. Schenck. (Deseret Evening News, October 3, 1900) (The 1 million shares was likely held by Hanauer as security against the option being paid in full by the Dalton & Lark company.)

October 11, 1900
The Dalton & Lark properties were sold on October 11, 1900 to P. T. Farnsworth and Willard F. Snyder, with the purchase price being $300,000. The actual total purchase price was $315,000, minus the money spent by Farnsworth to keep the mine in operation for the past year, as well as the $56,000 owed to Hanauer on the Lead Mine property. "Work will shortly be resumed on the big 5000-foot tunnel, by which it is proposed to tap and drain the immense property at the depth of 1200 feet." (Salt Lake Herald, October 12, 1900; Deseret News, October 12, 1900, "last evening")

April 30, 1901
The stockholders of the Bingham Copper and Gold Mining Company were notified that their company had been sold to a new company by the name of Bingham Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company, incorporated in Maine for the purpose of exchanging stock between the old and new companies, and to purchase the properties of the Dalton & Lark, Brooklyn, Antelope and other groups, and for the purchase of the Copper Belt Railway. The Dalton & Lark and other groups consist of twenty-eight claims, embracing over 200 acres. The plan had already been endorsed by 75 per cent of the stockholders, and the remaining stockholders had until May 8, 1901 to exchange their stock in the old company, for stock in the new company. (Deseret Evening News, April 30, 1901)

May 1901
"Purchase of Dalton and Lark-Brooklyn-Yosemite group and consolidation with Bingham Gold and Copper Mining Company as Bingham Consolidated Mining Company." (Economic Geology of the Bingham Mining District, USGS Professional Paper No. 38, 1905, page 99)

June 28, 1901
The directors of the Dalton & Lark company announced a final dividend of 10.5 cents per share, or $256,725, to be distributed to stockholders of record prior the the transfer of ownership to the new Bingham Consolidated company. (Deseret Evening News, June 28, 1901)

July 5, 1901
The Dalton & Lark property was sold on July 5, 1901 to the Bingham Copper & Gold company, at the purchase price of $250,000, plus $1 million in stock of the purchasing company. (Deseret News, July 6, 1901, "yesterday afternoon")

(This story continues after 1901 with the Bingham Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company)

(Read more about Bingham Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company, 1901-1908)
