Interstate 70 In Utah

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This page was last updated on September 28, 2019.

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I-70 Construction History By Year

(Based on newspaper reports)

1960, September -- Crescent Junction (U. S. 191) to Floy (U. S. 6 & 50) (a 6-1/2 mile segment of two-lane road that created a new Crescent Junction on US 6&50 was built to federal Interstate standards)
1961, February -- Officials of Utah State Highway Department made initial survey of the 85 miles between Green River and Fremont Junction
1963, May -- Bids were awarded for 10 miles eastward from Fremont Junction (junction with Utah S.R. 10, serving Emery) , to crossing of Muddy Creek
(1967) -- planned completion for segment between Green River and Salina canyon

February 17, 1961
Officials of the State Highway Department drove the 85 miles of Jeep trails between Fremont Junction (Utah SR 10) and Green River (US 6&50), remarking about the considerable scenery comparable to any national park. (Deseret News, February 17, 1961)

January 24, 1963
A six-mile segment of Interstate 70 was in use westward from Crescent Junction. The segment connected the junction with U. S. 191 (to Moab) on the east, with the junction with U. S. 6 and 50 on the west. It had been in place for "a couple years." (Moab Times Independent, January 24, 1963)
