Smelters and Stamp Mills in Utah in 1873

(Return to Smelters Index page)

(from Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol. 17, pp. 35-37, citing Salt Lake Herald, April 21, 1873, which itself cited the Mining Journal)

Smelters operating in 1873
Alger Reduction Works Corinne built in 1871; Henry Sanger, proprietor.
Badger State Works On State Road, south of Salt Lake City built in the spring of 1871; one blast; capacity fifteen tons per day; ores treated from Little Cottonwood, Parley's Park and Bingham canyon; Robins, Mackinson & Jones, Lessees.
Flagstaff Silver Mining Company, Ltd. mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon incorporated in London, capital $300,000; built by Buel & Batemen in 1870; working Flagstaff ore. Three furnaces; two running; the third expected to start soon. The latter is a hot-blast furnace, and of equal capacity with the other two.
Gilbertson & Berry's Deep Creek built 1872; one furnace; thirty tons bullion sent to Salt Lake City averaged $93 silver per ton.
Monitor Furnace Union Fort mouth of Little Cottonwood built in 1871; T. R. Scheuner, proprietor; patent force blast smelting furnace, capacity 10 to 15 tons per day.
Ophir Mining and Smelting Works East Canyon incorporated in Utah; one furnace completed July 4th, 1871; one building; capacity fifteen to twenty tons per day.
Ophir Upper Smelting Works East Canyon built by Mr. Raymond in the fall of 1870; two cupola blast, capacity twenty-five tons per day.
Register Smelting and Refining Co. Ogden one furnace; built in fall of 1871.
Saturn Mining Company, (Limited) Sandy Station, on U.S.R. fifteen miles south of Salt Lake City; incorporated in England; capital $175,000; has three cupola blast furnaces, six feet Sturtevant blower, No. 9; thirty horse-power engine; capacity twenty tons per day each furnace; two in constant operation; engine and furnaces under one roof; cost of furnaces and buildings $20,000.
Sultana Smelting Works American Fork Canyon three furnaces, capacity eighty-five tons per day--Two of thirty tons and one of twenty-five tons, two built in 1871.
Tintic Smelting Company Diamond City completed, October 1871; built by Hopkins, Parsons & Co., two furnaces; capacity, twenty tons per day.
Utah Mining and Smelting Company East Canyon incorporated in London, England; capital stock $500,000; steam jet furnace, completed June, 1872; capacity fifteen tons.
Utah Silver Mining Company, (Limited) Bingham Canyon incorporated in London; two furnaces, one of the capacity of 15 tons per day, the other 30 tons per day and two roasters each 35 feet long.
Utah Smelting and Milling Company Homansville, Tintic incorporated in Utah; capital $30,000; completed June 1871; two furnaces; capacity twenty tons per day each.
W. & M. Robins' Smelting Works On State road seven and a half miles south of Salt Lake, at Little Cottonwood Creek, completed May, 1871; has one calciner: capacity fifty tons per day for high grade ores; also one reverberatory.
Wahsatch Silver-Lead Works Situated at South Cottonwood seven miles from Salt Lake City, on Utah Southern R.R. One reverberatory, two blast. Capacity 50 tons per day. Built last year. Commenced operations this winter.
Warm Springs Smelting Works Salt Lake City built in 1870; one blast and reverberatory; capacity twenty tons per day.
Waterman Smelting Works Stockton two cupolas and blast, capacity 14 tons each per day, completed May, 1871.
Wellington Mining & Smelting Company Little Cottonwood one furnace, capacity eight tons per day; built by Jones & Pardee, sold to Wellington Co., incorporated in San Francisco, January, 1872.
Winnamuck Company Bingham Canyon two furnaces, capacity eight tons per day each; erected by a company from New Haven, Connecticut; Daggett and Bristol, Superintendents.


Stamp Mills operating in 1873
Brevort Mill East Canyon; steam battery; capacity ten to twelve tons per day, custom ore.
Camp Floyd Silver Mining Co., Ltd Incorporated in London, England, capital, L120,000; twenty stamp mill, thirty tons per day capacity; power and machinery for thirty stamps; a forty ton Aiken roasting furnace.
Chicago Company Mill Ohio District, near Sevier River; steam battery, capacity six to eight tons per day.
Eureka Mining Company of Utah Homansville, Tintic District; incorporated in Utah, Capital $500,000; twelve stamp, capacity twenty-four tons per day.
Pioneer Mill Walker Bros., East Canyon, fifteen stamps, power for twenty-five; capacity, twenty-five tons per day, dry crushing; erected July, 1871.
Wyoming Silver Mining Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio Homansville, East Tintic; 10 stamps with arrangements for 15 additional stamps; furnished with a Stedtefeldt furnace, said to be the first one erected in the territory; capacity of 40 tons per day.
