Salt Lake City Street Cars (1872-1904)
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This page was last updated on December 13, 2024.
(Return to the Salt Lake City streetcars index page)
(Read more about the history and background of the street cars of Salt Lake City, before 1904)
(Read Clarence Reeder's excellent history of the Salt Lake City Railroad, before electrification)
From Clarence Reeder's dissertation, page 306.
The next addition to the line was the extension of the track from the Utah Central depot to the Temple Block in order to transport granite blocks from the granite quarry in Little Cottonwood Canyon, via the Wasatch and Jordan Valley, and the Utah Southern railroads, to the site of the construction of the temple. This particular portion of the line was constructed of standard gauge in order to eliminate the necessity of changing cars at the depot. The line was completed by the end of July and the first carload of granite, weighing ten to twelve tons, entered the Temple Block on July 31 pulled by two span of horses and two yoke of oxen. It was soon found, however, that the light track used for the Street Railroad could not stand the heavy weight of the granite. Heavier thirty-pound rails were then put down, and the company obtained permission from the City Council to use a locomotive to pull the cars loaded with granite to the Temple Block. The first cars, five in number, pulled by a locomotive, made the run between the depot and the Temple Block on the heavier track on August 28, 1872. [9]
[9] Salt Lake Tribune, July 9, August 1, 15, 1872; L.D.S. Millennial Star (Liverpool), August 27, September 24, 1872; Deseret Evening News (SLC), August 14, 1872.
January 6, 1872
The Salt Lake City Railroad was organized. The initial route was to be along South Temple street from the Utah Central depot at Fourth West, east to the eastern limits of the city, with a branch to Warm Springs, and a branch along North Temple street to the Jordan river, a total distance of about seven miles. (Utah Corporation Index 2566, and Index 4347)
(Read the Salt Lake City Railroad corporate information)
March 6, 1872
"A Street Railroad. - A joint stock company has been formed for the purpose of constructing and conducting a street railroad in this city. Two cars for the line arrived yesterday from the east, where they were purchased by John W. Young, Esq. The iron for the track is on the way and is expected shortly to arrive. Leaving the U. C. depot the track will run eastward on South Temple Street to the south-west corner of the Temple block, thence south, to the Townsend House, thence east to East Temple Street, thence south, passing the Salt Lake House, to Second South Street, thence east to First East Street, thence north to the Theatre and thence eastward two blocks, to the American Hotel. This will constitute the portion of the track that is expected to be in running order within one month from now. Before the end of next July, however, it is anticipated the track will be extended northwest as far as the warm springs, and eastward along First South Street to the foot of the bench towards Camp Douglas." (Deseret News, March 13, 1872, "From Wednesday's Daily; "Wednesday" was March 6, 1872)
July 31, 1872
"Granite By Rail. - On July 31st the first car load of granite for the Temple, 10 to 12 tons, entered the Temple Block, being hauled on the street railroad track by two span of horses and two yoke of cattle. It moved along very smoothly, and was a wonderful improvement on the old ox-team arrangement." (Millennial Star, August 27, 1872, page 559)
July 31, 1872
The following comes from the July 31, 1872 issue of the Deseret News newspaper.
An Improved Switch - On the Street Railroad, at the junction of South and West Temple streets, close by the "Valley House," an improved switch has just been laid, designed and manufactured by W.J. Silver, Esq., engineer of this city. It is called the "Point Switch," and is similar to those used on all railroads in England. Where this is used the cars cannot run off the track, at least there is no more danger of them doing so at the switches than at any other part of the line. If it is misplaced the cars simply run on to the wrong track; while the rail, instead of being loose, as when the ordinary or common switch is used, is supported by the outside or "Stock" rail, nearly the whole length; and it also admits of being worked from a distance with great facility. Owing to its position, the arrangement by which this one is worked has to be concealed below the surface, and, when not in use, the lever removed; but on a regular railroad an ordinary switch stand can be used. The advantages of this over the common switch is so apparent, and commend themselves so strongly, that it is expected they will be used on the Utah Northern road. (Deseret News, July 31, 1872; research by Matt Mihalo)
Josh Bernhard found in his research on the use of the point switch in the United States that this use in July 1872, as designed and installed on the Salt Lake City street railroad by William Silver, was likely the first use of the design in the U.S. The point switch was in use in England, where Silver may have seen it prior to his immigrating to New York in 1855, and to Utah in 1859. Josh also found that the adoption of the point switch in the U.S. most likely took place after the "Lorenz Switch" was adapted from an English design in 1875, and adopted for limited use by the Philadelphia & Reading beginning in 1878. Boston & Albany fully adopted the point switch across its system in 1883.
August 15, 1872
"Local Brevities." "A track is to be laid from the depot to the Temple block strong enough to permit a locomotive to haul the cars of rock upon it. The horse railroad is found to be not sufficiently strong." (Utah Mining Journal, August 15, 1872)
August 21, 1872
"Local Brevities." "Temple street is well cut with railroad tracks, the new one being put down by the Church. These tracks leave no room on that side of the street for teams to pass, and the dray-men complain bitterly of the situation of affairs. They are compelled to pay license, and yet the streets are practically closed to them. That street will be almost impassable in the winter to loaded drays." (Utah Mining Journal, August 21, 1872)
September 26, 1872
The Salt Lake City street railroad has added a third car, larger than other two. (Salt Lake Herald, September 26, 1872)
October 29, 1873
Salt Lake City Railroad completed the junction at the intersection of South Temple Street and Second West Street. This junction was referred to as "Warm Springs junction." "One of W. J. Silver's self-acting switches has been put down and works admirably." Cars were to be put on the Warm Springs Division "at once." (Deseret News, October 29, 1873, "today")
July 21, 1874
"Steam Street Car. - A street car, run by steam, and destined, we understand, for Salt Lake City street-railroad, arrived from the East yesterday. It was made by E. Remington and Sons, Illion, N. Y., and is a handsome design and finish. The steam generating apparatus is in one end, while the steps and platform are on the other, and the former is so constructed as to take up but very little room. It has four wheels, which are driven in a similar manner to those of a locomotive, and the one-steam car, while it carries a load of passengers, propels a train of other cars. It is certainly a great improvement on the horse-car, and much more comfortable in cols weather, as it can be heated by steam pipes." (Ogden Junction, July 21, 1874; research by Matt Mihalo)
July 22, 1874
"Ogden items. From the Junction of last evening: A street car, with a steam dummy for motive power, destined for the Salt Lake City railroad, is at Ogden." (Salt Lake Herald Republican, July 22, 1874)
July 22, 1874
"Horseflesh at a discount. - A 'steam dummy,' an ingenious contrivance for running the street railroad conveyances by steam instead of horse-power, has reached this city, having been imported from the east by the Salt Lake Street Railroad Co. We understand it is soon to be fitted up and make its trial trip." (Deseret News July 22, 1874)
July 27, 1874
"Trial Trip. - The newly imported steam 'dummy' made its trial trip on the street railroad to-day, and worked satisfactorily. It makes little to no noise, with the exception of a few puffs when starting. The trial was witnessed by President Brigham Young, Bishop John Sharp, Feramorz Little, Esq., and others." (Deseret News, July 27, 1874)
July 28, 1874
The new steam streetcar (also known as a "dummy") for Salt Lake City was tried yesterday afternoon. (Salt Lake Herald, July 28, 1874; research by George Pitchard)
July 28, 1874
"Steam Street Car. - The new street car, run by steam, which was recently imported from the east, was tried yesterday afternoon. It is a neat, commodious car, with a small locomotive in one end for propelling the vehicle. It worked to the apparent entire satisfaction of the crowd who assembled to see the novelty, at least none of them seemed to complain that is wasn't all right and didn't know its business. We understand the steam car is not to be put on the street railroad immediately, some alteration being necessary in the turn-tables." (Salt Lake Herald Republican, July 28, 1874)
August 7, 1874
The steam dummy is in use on the Warm Springs line of the Salt Lake City street car system, making regular trips. (Salt Lake Herald, August 7, 1874)
August 12, 1874
"From last evening's News: The steam dummy is making regular trips on the street railroad to Warm Springs." (Ogden Junction, August 12, 1874)
September 21, 1876
A new Salt Lake City streetcar, no. 12, built by the Utah Central shops. (Salt Lake Herald, September 21, 1876)
May 23, 1877
"Steam plowing. Some years ago a car was driven over the rails in the streets of Salt Lake City, by a steam engine, but by some mismanagement it was found not to give satisfaction, both as to noise and wear." Now it is used as a steam tractor on President Young's farm, near Jordan, on the west side. With it, can plow an acre an hour, two men running it 'easily'. The thing is the property of John. W. Young. (The Utah County Enquirer, Provo, May 23, 1877)
January 1, 1883
The Salt Lake City Street Railroad has 14 cars, four of which were received in 1882; and two more are en route. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, January 1, 1883)
August 8, 1889
"The first electric motor car was run over the First South street line of the Salt Lake Street Car company last evening at about 6 o'clock, and the trial trip was, as far as could be seen, a perfect success." The boilers at the new power house were started on August 5th, and the first car moved by its own power on August 6th. (Salt Lake Herald, August 6, 1889; August 9, 1889, "last evening")
January 14, 1890
Salt Lake Rapid Transit Company was organized. Initial routes were stated as being: 1) on Fourth South in Salt Lake City, from the Fort Douglas Military Reservation west to the Jordan River; 2) on Seventh South from the Fort Douglas Military Reservation west to the Jordan River; and 3) from the south limits of Salt Lake City by the most convenient route north to Beck's Hot Springs; total route miles were put at about 30 miles, including the above three routes and routes on other unstated city streets. (Utah Corporation Index 4333)
(Read the Salt Lake Rapid Transit Co. corporate information)
April 14, 1890
West Side Rapid Transit Company was organized. (Utah Corporation Index 4335)
(Read more about the West Side Rapid Transit Co.)
July 8, 1890
Popperton Place and Fort Douglas Rapid Transit Company was organized to build along South Temple from East Temple (Main Street) to and within Fort Douglas. (Utah Corporation Index 721, and Index 4340)
(Read the Popperton Place & Fort Douglas Rapid Transit Co. corporate information)
November 24, 1890
East Bench Street Railway was organized to build from a point at Seventh East on the south city limits of Salt Lake City, then east along the street running at or near the south line of the city limits to Eleventh East (also known as the Upper County Road), then south along Eleventh East to its intersection with the county road running east and west along the south side of Block No. 45 in 10 acre plat "A", then east along the same county road to the southeast corner of Block No. 10 of five acre plat "C", a total length of about 3-1/2 miles. (Utah Corporation Index 806, and Index 4342)
(Read the East Bench Street Railway corporate information)
December 15, 1890
The new electric line to Fort Douglas, connecting with the line in Second South, passing the Salt Lake Brewing Company, thence to Mount Olivet cemetery, and terminating at the U. S. Army's Quartermaster's Office. Track has been laid and wire is now being installed. (Salt Lake Journal of Commerce, December 15, 1890, Volume 4, Number 11)
January 20, 1891
An electrified streetcar line of the Salt Lake City Railroad has been completed to Fort Douglas. (Salt Lake Daily Herald, January 20, 1891)
May 1, 1891
The Salt Lake Rapid Transit company was to run its first excursion to Calder's Park, which it had just obtained a lease for. (Salt Lake Herald, April 26, 1891)
May 20, 1891
The Salt Lake (Street) Railway company is taking up the 20-pound rail from its First South route, between Second and Eleventh East, and replacing it with 35-pound steel. The old 20-pound rail was then sold to W. S. Godbe, who is taking it to Pioche, Nevada, to use on his tramways there. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, May 20, 1891)
November 7, 1891
"The cars for the Popperton Place and Fort Douglas electric line arrived yesterday. The grade has been completed, ties and iron have been strung along the line and the finishing strokes will be rapidly given." (Salt Lake Herald, November 7, 1891)
December 25, 1891
The following comes from the December 25, 1891 issue of the Salt Lake Herald newspaper.
Salt Lake Rapid Transit Company. This company has thirty-two miles of car line in operation, about twelve miles of which was constructed this year. The power house is located at the corners of Seventh South and Third West streets. The engines, boilers and dynamos are all of the best and newest makes. The company has twenty-two motor cars and thirteen trail cars in operation. The line runs to Murray, a distance of eight miles south of the city; to Calder's park, five and a half miles southeast; to the penitentiary, southwest to the race track, and White lake, a distance of four miles and east to Fort Douglas.
The company controls Calder's park, about forty acres, which it has leased for a term, to be used as a pleasure resort. In the summer season picnicking, dancing, music, boating, etc., are freely indulged in, and it is getting to be a favorite resort for pleasure-seekers generally. The large pavilion is used for musical performances. Through cars are run by the company to the Hot and Warm springs. Arrangements are being made to extend the lines next year to all the suburban parts, where new residences are springing up and additional car facilities are required. At present the company has about one hundred employees and renders a very efficient service.
January 1, 1892
Salt Lake Rapid Transit Co., organized in January 1890, now has 30 miles of track, part of which is the Popperton Place & Fort Douglas road. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, January 1, 1892)
January 10, 1892
First run over the Popperton Place & Fort Douglas to be on January 12th. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, January 10, 1892)
June 22, 1894
Valuations published for the following street railways:
- Salt Lake City Railway ($233,812)
- Salt Lake Rapid Transit ($150,095)
- Great Salt Lake & Hot Springs Railway ($58,910)
- Ogden City Street Railway ($50,250)
- Ogden & Hot Springs Railroad ($17,527)
- West Side Rapid Transit ($13,510)
- Salt Lake & Fort Douglas Railway ($8,027)
- (Utah Power & Light Archives, March 5, 1982)
December 22, 1900
Salt Lake Rapid Transit president J. S. Cameron returned from the east where he ordered, from Colorado Fuel and Iron, 250 tons of sixty-pound steel rail to replace the line's old iron rails. (Salt Lake Tribune, December 22, 1900)
Consolidated Railway & Power Company
July 30, 1901
Consolidated Railway & Power Company was organized, as a consolidation of four existing street railway routes, including the following:
- Salt Lake City Railroad (47.5 miles)
- Salt Lake Rapid Transit Co. (21.91 miles)
- East Bench Street Railway (1.935 miles)
- Popperton Place & Fort Douglas Rapid Transit Co. (1.472 miles)
- The extent of the four railroads included routes to Fort Douglas in eastern part of city, to Warm Springs in northern part of city, to Poplar Grove in western part of city, to Murray in Salt Lake County, south of the city, and to Utah State Prison in Salt Lake County, southeast of the city.
- Total of about 72.8 miles
- (Utah Corporation Index 3233)
November 15, 1901
Description of the route of the West Side Rapid Transit Co.:
- From Second South at First West, south along First West to Eighth South, then west to Second West, then south to the south city limits.
- Almost bankrupt in spring 1901 due to a tax debt of $15,000, until investments were made by "a number of Colorado people" who purchased the property and paid the back taxes in June 1901.
- Operated every hour by one "little red car".
- Purchased by Colorado interests (including those also interested in the Telluride Power Co.) to extend its line to the Highland Boy smelter near Bingham Junction, in competition with a franchise already given to the recently organized Consolidated Railway & Power Co.
- (Salt Lake Tribune, November 15, 1901, page 5)
March 24, 1902
Salt Lake & Jordan Valley Railroad organized as a reorganization of the West Side Rapid Transit Co., to construct a railway line from Salt Lake City to Bingham. Rumored to be controlled by L. L. Nunn and Thomas Kearns. Operated a street railway from Second South and First West, to the "Cannon Farm" at about Eighth West (900 West) and California Avenue (about 1350 South). Owned by L. L. Nunn for "some time". (part from Salt Lake Tribune, March 25, 1902)
West Side Rapid Transit was organized in April 1890, and completed a short piece of trackage along First West; not included as part of the merger that created Consolidated Railway & Power in 1901.
August 11, 1902
Franchise granted to Salt Lake & Suburban Railway. (Salt Lake Tribune, August 12, 1902) Organized in Dover, Delaware on July 9, 1902. (Salt Lake Tribune, July 10, 1902)
July 31, 1902
Franchise of Consolidated Railway & Power Co. to operate the route of the reportedly competing Salt Lake & Suburban Railway, was extended from Murray to Bingham Junction, then to Sandy, within a year. To acquire six new cars to operate new service. (Salt Lake Tribune July 31, 1902)
January 10, 1903
Salt Lake City council allowed the Salt Lake City Railroad to decide about car fenders. (Street Railway Journal, Volume 21, Number 2, January 10, 1903, page 93)
October 17, 1903
Item about Consolidated Railway and Power construction. (Street Railway Journal, Volume 22, Number 16, October 17, 1903, page 741)
Initial chronology based on notes taken during a review of "Robert W. Edwards" microfilm at University of Utah library, research completed on October 28-29, 1981.
One major source are the files of the Utah Public Utilities Commission. (Read more about the Utah Public Utilities Commission)
Portions come from newspaper research completed by George Pitchard during the mid 1980s.