UtahRails.net Tech Talk - Web Site

...being a technical discussion of how this UtahRails web site works.

This page was last updated on April 1, 2019.

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Utahrails.net, as a complete web site, is maintained using Dreamweaver CC (since 2017, then Dreamweaver CS3 since 2005). Dreamweaver is the choice, not for any of the bloated features of the program itself, but simply for the way it makes editing HTML tables a lot easier, and there are a lot of data tables here at UtahRails. I do a lot of hand-coding, mostly because I know how and I understand what is needed. Everything I know about web sites, HTML and CSS is self-taught, from books and from examples and tutorials on other web sites. The years since 2001 have been an interesting journey.

UtahRails uses PHP server-side includes for a common page header, menu, and page footer, and we use CSS to control the actual appearance of the web pages. (Since October 2022, there is only a PHP header; no menu, and no footer.)

There are hundreds of locomotive roster pages. They are formatted as standard HTML tables, with CSS to control the actual appearance of the tables.

UtahRails.net has been HTML5 compliant since 2015.

What is PHP?

Wikipedia PHP article

PHP Tutorial

Google Search, PHP

What is CSS?

Wikipedia CSS article

CSS Tutorial (W3Schools)

CSS Tutorial (HTML.net)

CSS Tricks Almanac (CSS Selectors and CSS Properties)

Google Search, CSS

What is HTML5?

Dive Into HTML5 -- A good discussion about what HTML5 is.

HTML5 on Wikipedia (see also: HTML Wikipedia article)

Google Search, HTML5
