Default Font Test

Testing Default Font Size

The default font is set in the main utahrails.css file.

body {
font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px; /* this sets 1em as 16px */
/* Supposedly, all browsers default to 16px on screen, or 12pt in print */
/* using % breaks elements that are part of other elements, such as li */
/* UtahRails uses one font, 16px (default); headings are h4 (1em), h3 (1.15em), h2 (1.3em), h1 (1.5em) */

1em = the width taken by an upper case M, which is a good indication of the font size.

A good test of any font is to compare an uppercase 'I' with a lower case 'l'. Example: Superbowl XVIII was in Freewill, Illinois.

UtahRails is slowly changing to using an 'em' standard instead of using pixels (for screen) or points (for print).

UtahRails previously used either 11px or 13 px.

To compare font sizes...





Note that the 100% setting is the same as the 1em setting (XXXMMM) except the 16px, which is specifically set. All others are the same because 14px is set as the base font.


This is a test of re-setting the font to "1em sans-serif" (XXXMMM) using an in-line style.

This is a test of re-setting the font to "1em Verdana" (XXXMMM) using an in-line style.

This is a test of re-setting the font to "1em Droid Sans" (XXXMMM) using an in-line style.

This is a test of re-setting the font to "1em Noto Sans" (XXXMMM) using an in-line style.


Testing Default Fonts

Verdana on Windows and Mac OS vs. Google Fonts web fonts.


Here are some paragraphs using plain "sans-serif" font (this is the default font for *your* computer or device).

Salt Lake & Western Railway

(View a map of the Salt Lake & Western Ry.; later known as the Fairfield Branch)

Boom times for the Horn Silver mine made the mines of the Tintic district more attractive, and the extension to Tintic was again looked at. In May 1881, UP interests organized the Salt Lake and Western Railway, with a proposed route the same as the earlier Lehi and Tintic line, with the added destination being a route to meet another road organized in Nevada with the same name. Union Pacific and Central Pacific were feuding at the time, and the combined Salt Lake and Western roads were part of Union Pacific's plan to bypass its Central Pacific connection at Ogden and give UP direct access to California.

A good test of any font is to compare an uppercase 'I' with a lower case 'l'. Superbowl XVIII was in Freewill, Illinois.


Here are some paragraphs using Verdana font.

Salt Lake & Western Railway

(View a map of the Salt Lake & Western Ry.; later known as the Fairfield Branch)

Boom times for the Horn Silver mine made the mines of the Tintic district more attractive, and the extension to Tintic was again looked at. In May 1881, UP interests organized the Salt Lake and Western Railway, with a proposed route the same as the earlier Lehi and Tintic line, with the added destination being a route to meet another road organized in Nevada with the same name. Union Pacific and Central Pacific were feuding at the time, and the combined Salt Lake and Western roads were part of Union Pacific's plan to bypass its Central Pacific connection at Ogden and give UP direct access to California.

A good test of any font is to compare an uppercase 'I' with a lower case 'l'. Superbowl XVIII was in Freewill, Illinois.

[Google Open Sans]

Here are some paragraphs using Google Fonts Open Sans.

Salt Lake & Western Railway

(View a map of the Salt Lake & Western Ry.; later known as the Fairfield Branch)

Boom times for the Horn Silver mine made the mines of the Tintic district more attractive, and the extension to Tintic was again looked at. In May 1881, UP interests organized the Salt Lake and Western Railway, with a proposed route the same as the earlier Lehi and Tintic line, with the added destination being a route to meet another road organized in Nevada with the same name. Union Pacific and Central Pacific were feuding at the time, and the combined Salt Lake and Western roads were part of Union Pacific's plan to bypass its Central Pacific connection at Ogden and give UP direct access to California.

A good test of any font is to compare an uppercase 'I' with a lower case 'l'. Superbowl XVIII was in Freewill, Illinois.

[Google Droid Sans]

Here are some paragraphs using Google Fonts Droid Sans.

Salt Lake & Western Railway

(View a map of the Salt Lake & Western Ry.; later known as the Fairfield Branch)

Boom times for the Horn Silver mine made the mines of the Tintic district more attractive, and the extension to Tintic was again looked at. In May 1881, UP interests organized the Salt Lake and Western Railway, with a proposed route the same as the earlier Lehi and Tintic line, with the added destination being a route to meet another road organized in Nevada with the same name. Union Pacific and Central Pacific were feuding at the time, and the combined Salt Lake and Western roads were part of Union Pacific's plan to bypass its Central Pacific connection at Ogden and give UP direct access to California.

A good test of any font is to compare an uppercase 'I' with a lower case 'l'. Superbowl XVIII was in Freewill, Illinois.

[Google Noto Sans]

Here are some paragraphs using Google Fonts Noto Sans.

Salt Lake & Western Railway

(View a map of the Salt Lake & Western Ry.; later known as the Fairfield Branch)

Boom times for the Horn Silver mine made the mines of the Tintic district more attractive, and the extension to Tintic was again looked at. In May 1881, UP interests organized the Salt Lake and Western Railway, with a proposed route the same as the earlier Lehi and Tintic line, with the added destination being a route to meet another road organized in Nevada with the same name. Union Pacific and Central Pacific were feuding at the time, and the combined Salt Lake and Western roads were part of Union Pacific's plan to bypass its Central Pacific connection at Ogden and give UP direct access to California.

A good test of any font is to compare an uppercase 'I' with a lower case 'l'. Superbowl XVIII was in Freewill, Illinois.

Testing The Header

Here is the header with your browser's default 'serif' font:


Here is the header with Times New Roman standard font:


Here is the header with Georgia standard font:


Here is the header with Verdana standard font:
