Utah Railway Sources

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This page was last updated on July 24, 2012.

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Alexander, Thomas G. "From Dearth To Deluge: Utah's Coal Industry" Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 31, Number 3, (Summer 1963). (Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah State Historical Society, 1963)

Arrington, Leonard J. David Eccles, Pioneer Western Industrialist. (Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 1975).

Carr, Stephen L. A Historical Guide to Utah Ghost Towns. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Western Epics, 1972).

Carr, Stephen L. and Robert W. Edwards. Utah Ghost Rails. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Western Epics, 1989).

Cederlof, A. Philip. The Peerless Coal Mines, 1916-1953. Unpublished manuscript. Utah State Historical Society, MSS A 2202, 1975

Colorado Railroad Museum Locomotives of the Rio Grande(Golden, Colorado: Colorado Railroad Museum, 1980)

Cunningham, Frank. Big Dan: The Story Of A Colorful Railroader(Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret News Press, 1946) Copyright by Frank Cunningham

Cunningham, Frances. Driving Tour Guide, Selected Abandoned Coal Mine Sites(Helper, Utah: Frances B. Cunningham, 1990) Development of guide funded by Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program, Utah Division of Oil, Gas & Mining. Originating grant from Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. Printing of guide funded by Helper City, printed by Peczuh Printing Company.

Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Company. Measurements of Side Tracks from Grand Junction to Ogden, January 1, 1884. Original in collection of Jack Thode.

Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. 1938 summary of branch lines.

Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company. General Traffic Department Circular No. 36-E, January 1, 1951. Reprinted by Tramway Press, Denver, Colorado, 1983.

Gibson, Arthur E. "In The Coal Fields Of Eastern Utah, Carbon And Emery Counties, Spring Canyon District, Carbon County", Centennial Echos from Carbon County, Thursey Jesson Reynolds, compiler. (Carbon County, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Carbon County, 1948), pp. 221-235

Gibson, Arthur E. "A Brief History Of The Development Of The Gordon Creek Coal District", Centennial Echos from Carbon County, Thursey Jesson Reynolds, compiler. (Carbon County, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Carbon County, 1948), pp. 241,242.

Knight, Jesse William. The Jesse Knight Family: Jesse Knight, His Forebears and Family (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret News Press, 1941) Copyright 1940 by J. William Knight.

LeMassena, Robert A. Articulated Steam Locomotives of North America, Volume 1 (Silverton, Colorado: Sundance Publications, Limited, September 1979)

LeMassena, Robert A. Rio Grande...to the Pacific! (Denver, Colorado: Sundance Ltd, 1974)

Madsen, C. H., editor and compiler. Carbon County: A History, Price, Utah: April 12, 1947) Mr. Madsen was mayor of Price, Utah, in 1926-1927.

O'Neil, Floyd A. "Victims of Demand: The Vagaries of the Carbon County Coal Industry" Carbon County: Eastern Utah's Industrial Island, Philip F. Notarianni, editor. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah State Historical Society, 1981)

Parker, D. J. "Safety Conditions In Liberty Mine, Liberty Fuel Co., Latuda, Utah", United States Department of the Interior, United States Bureau of Mines Information Circular 6812.

Pitchard, George E. A Utah Railroad Scrapbook. (Salt Lake City, Utah: George E. Pitchard, September 1987; other editions dated March 15, 1988 and November 3, 1989) An annotated newspaper index and notebook of Utah railroads.

Pitchard, George E. Newspaper Notes Project, Railroad Notes. (Salt Lake City, Utah: George E. Pitchard, August 1987) Portions included in A Utah Railroad Scrapbook.

Powell, Allan Kent. "A History of Labor Union Activity in the Eastern Utah Coal Fields, 1900-1934". PhD dissertation. (Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah, 1976)

Powell, Allan Kent. The Next Time We Strike: Labor in Utah's Coal Fields, 1900-1933. (Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 1985) 272 pages.

Reeder, Clarence A., Jr. "History of Utah Railroads, 1869-1883". PhD dissertation. (Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah, 1970)

Reynolds, Thursey Jessen, compiler. Centennial Echos from Carbon County. (Carbon County, Utah: Daughters of the Utah Pioneers of Carbon County, 1948)

Taniguchi, Nancy J. Necessary Fraud. (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996)

Thompson, George A. Some Dreams Die: Utah's Ghost Towns and Lost Treasures. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Dream Garden Press, 1982)

United States Fuel Company. Thirty Years of Coal Mining. (Salt Lake City, Utah: United States Fuel Company, July 1946)

Utah Railway. Coal Mines Tributary To Utah Railway, Revised May 1, 1944.

Utah Railway. Official Manual of Utah Railway Company: Maps And Milage Tables, Equipment Roster, Historical Data and Other Information, No. 2, January 1, 1937, Revised May 1, 1944.

Zehnder, Chuck. A Guide To Carbon County Coal Camps And Ghost Towns(Price, Utah: Castle Press, 1984)

Railfan Magazines

"Ask Paint Shop: Utah Railway" Model Railroader, February 1993

"Black Diamonds And White Diesels" Trains, January 1956

"Diesel Detail Close-Up: Utah Railway Alco RSD4/5" Model Railroading, June 1992

"From Coal Mine to Coal Tower - A Railroad You Can Model" Model Trains, Summer 1958

"Helper - With a Name Like That, What Else Could It Be" Railroad Modeler, May 1980

"The Grande's Utah Branchline" 1001 Model Railroading Ideas, Fall 1972

"Two Yards Mean Variety" Railroad Modeler, August 1976

"Modeling the Utah Railway" Railroad Modeler, Special Layout Issue, Spring 1979

Farewell, R. C., "Black Diamonds and Pinion Pine" Pacific News, July 1979, page 11

McKenzie, William H. "Utah Railway Revisited" Trains, August 1981

Morgan, William T. "Utah Railway Revisited, Western Coal Hauler" Pacific Rail News, Issue 277, December 1986

Harrop, Doug. "Two In The Canyon" Railfan & Railroad, September 1990

Hemphill, Mark, and Doug Harrop. "Utah Railway" CTC Board, Issue 166, May 1990

Melvin, George. "Utah Railway Terminal" Model Railroading, November 1993

Snell, Scott R, and Rich Wallace. "Soldier Summit: A Changing of the Guard" Railfan & Railroad, January 1993

Williams, Jay. "Utah Railway" Mainline Modeler, May 1994

Other Periodicals

Coal Age magazine

Mines and Minerals magazine

Salt Lake Mining Review magazine

Anderson, G. S. "History of Utah Railway Company", Ax-I-Dent-AxVolume 15, Number 1, (January 1930)

Ax-I-Dent-Ax. "A magazine for the benefit of the employees of the United States Smelting, Refining and Mining Company, and its subsidiaries, including Utah Railway and United States Fuel Company".

Elliott, W. R. "A Recent Utah Coal-Mine Development", Coal Age, Volume 4, Number 4, (July 26, 1913)

Gibbs, C. H. "The Coal Industry of Utah", The Salt Lake Mining Review, Volume 17, number 19 (January 15, 1915), pp. 62,63.

Harrington, Daniel. "Utah as a Coal-Producing State", The Salt Lake Mining Review, Volume 11, number 23 (March 15, 1910), pp. 19-23.

Higgins, Will C. "One of Our Largest Home Industries: The Coal Mines of Carbon County, Utah", The Salt Lake Mining Review, Volume 3, number 16 (November 30, 1901), pp. 11-14,19,20.

Higgins, Will C. "Business Men Examine Hiawatha Mines", The Salt Lake Mining Review, Volume 13, number 4 (May 30, 1911), pp. 15-18.

Higgins, Will C. "The Castle Valley Coal Company", The Salt Lake Mining Review, Volume 13, number 6 (June 30, 1911), pp. 15-18.

Higgins, Will C. "Success Of The Consolidated Fuel Co.", The Salt Lake Mining Review, Volume 13, number 1 (April 15, 1911).

Higgins, Will C. "The Spring Canyon Coal Company", The Salt Lake Mining Review, Volume 15, number 6 (June 30, 1913), pp. 9-12.

Higgins, Will C. "Operations of the Standard Coal Company", The Salt Lake Mining Review, Volume 16, number 2 (April 30, 1914), pp. 13-19.

Jones, Marcus E. "Coal Fields and Iron Ore Deposits Of Utah", The Mining Review, (December 30, 1900), pp. 23-26

Kleinschmidt, H. S. "Defiance of Statute and Engineering Law Wrecked Mammoth Dam", Engineering-News Record, Volume 79, number 2 (July 12, 1917), pp. 52-56

"New Railroads For Eastern Utah Coal Fields", The Salt Lake Mining Review, March 15, 1912, pp. 16,17.

Watts, A. C. "Coal Mining in Carbon County, Utah", Coal Age, Volume 3, Number 11, (March 15, 1913) Note: Mr. Watts was chief engineer for Utah Fuel Company.

Watts, A. C. "Coal-Mining Methods in Utah -- I", Coal Age, Volume 10, number 6 (August 5, 1916), pp. 214,215. This article describes the actual properties of Utah coal, and is notable due to its accompanying photographs.

Watts, A. C. "Plant Of The Utah Fuel Co.", Mines and Minerals, October 1909, pp. 161-163.


Statehood Day Special Edition, Sun Advocate and Helper Journal, January 2, 1975. (Note: Each newspaper, the Sun Advocate and the Helper Journal, each had its own special edition. The two issues were very similar but differed in some of the information presented. The Helper Journal edition was plainly marked as a "Special Edition".)

Carbon County News (Price, Utah)

Eastern Utah Advocate (Price, Utah)

News-Advocate (Price, Utah)

The Sun (Price, Utah)

Sun-Advocate (Price, Utah)

Sun-Advocate & Helper Journal (Price, Utah)

Government Sources

Clark, Frank R. Economic Geology Of The Castlegate, Wellington, And Sunnyside Quadrangles, Carbon County, Utah, U. S. Geologic Survey Bulletin 793. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1928)

Interstate Commerce Commission. Reports Of The Commission. Volume 26. Page 809 cited as "26 ICC 809".

Interstate Commerce Commission. "Public-Convenience Application Of Utah Terminal Railway", Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission (Finance Reports), Volume 72, Finance Docket 36, pages 89-95. Finance Docket also embraces Finance Docket 1632, the application of the Utah Railway to acquire and operate the Utah Terminal Railway. Cited as "72 ICC 89". Rehearing was granted and the application approved in Volume 79, pages 187-190. Cited as "79 ICC 187".

Interstate Commerce Commission, "Construction Of Line By National Coal Railway Company", Decisions Of The Interstate Commerce Commission (Finance Reports), Volume 99, Finance Docket 4599, pages 569-572. Cited as "99 ICC 569". This decision also embraces Financial Docket 5295, the application of the Utah Railway to issue sufficient securities to allow purchase of the National Coal Railway.

Interstate Commerce Commission. "Securities Of National Coal Ry.", Decisions Of The Interstate Commerce Commission (Finance Reports), Volume 99, Finance Docket 5048, pages 787-789. Cited as "99 ICC 787".

Interstate Commerce Commission. "Control Of National Coal Ry. Co. By Utah Ry. Co.", Decisions Of The Interstate Commerce Commission (Finance Reports), Volume 105, Finance Docket 5294, pages 639-642. Cited as "105 ICC 639".

Interstate Commerce Commission. "Utah Railway Company", Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission (Valuation Reports), Volume 141, Valuation Docket 538, pages 545-576. Cited as "141 ICC 545".

State of Utah, Utah State Archives, Secretary of State, Incorporation records.

State of Utah, Utah State Archives, Public Service Commission case files.

State of Wyoming. Incorporation records.
