Utah Eastern Railroad (1879-1887)

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Utah Eastern Railroad, December 1879 through to its shut down by UP in 1883 and abandonment in 1887

From Bancroft's History of Utah (published in 1889), Chapter 28, pages 757, 758:

During Emery's administration [George W. Emery, Utah Territory governor, 1875-1880] a bill passed the legislature authorizing the counties of Salt Lake, Davis, Summit, and Tooele to issue bonds for the purpose of constructing a road from Coalville to Salt Lake City, the main object being to obtain a supply of coal at cheaper rates than was charged for fuel taken from the Wyoming mines of the Union Pacific. The bill was vetoed by the governor; but in 1880 an effort was made to build the line by private enterprise, among the subscribers being many who could ill afford such a venture. Like others of the Utah lines, it was thus commenced on a slender capital, but through the aid of wealthy stockholders in the Ontario mine, it was completed as far as Park City, a distance of twenty-five miles from Coalville. Soon afterward a parallel branch, named the Echo and Park City, was built by the Union Pacific, and in 1883 the control of the former, which was known as the Utah Eastern, fell into the hands of the latter. (Salt Lake City Tribune, Dec. 28, 1879)


June 30, 1874
Union Pacific raised its rates for moving coal from Summit County to Salt Lake City from $1.50 to $3.80 per ton and started a public outrage about Union Pacific's monopoly over coal into Utah. The public outcry over the monopoly and the need for competition was the reason that both the Utah Eastern Railroad and the Salt Lake & Coalville Railroad were organized on June 13, 1874, joining the Salt Lake & Echo Railroad which was organized on January 25, 1873. Union Pacific yielded to the pressure of public opinion and lowered the coal rate back down to $1.75 per ton on August 8. (Reeder, pp. 330-336; Utah corporation number 4289)

December 26, 1879
Utah Eastern Railroad incorporated to build from Salt Lake City to Coalville. The company was organized with special provisions to keep Union Pacific, or any other road, from gaining control of it and getting a strangle hold on the coal traffic into Salt Lake City. (Reeder, pp. 339-342)

December 28, 1879
"Utah Eastern Railroad" articles of incorporation filed yesterday; the capital stock is set at $700,000.00. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, December 28, 1879)

June 1880
Utah Eastern began buying land. (miscellaneous records at Summit County court house, Coalville, Utah)

August 23, 1880
The Utah Eastern has 27 located bridges between Coalville and Park City, only three of which have been completed. (Deseret Evening News, August 23, 1880)

August 26, 1880
R. C. Chambers and others connected with the Utah Eastern are in San Francisco, buying and/or contracting for the rail and rolling stock. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, August 26, 1880)

September 12, 1880
In an item on the Utah Eastern, now being built, it is noted that "The rails to Park City, engine and ten cars have been secured from the Nevada Central Railroad." (Salt Lake Herald, September 12, 1880)

September 18, 1880
The Utah Eastern has completed its grade from Coalville to Park City, and the rail was to have been shipped from San Francisco Wednesday. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, September 18, 1880)

September 29, 1880
"Park City Notes," from the Park Mining Record of the 25th: "Thirteen car loads of rails have just been received for the Utah Eastern." (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, September 29, 1880)

October 1880
Utah Eastern directors organize Home Coal Company to operate several coal mines in vicinity of Coalville, to furnish reliable coal sources to fulfill contracts with Ontario Silver Mining Company in Park City. (Arrington, Leonard J. "Utah's Coal Road in the Age of Unregulated Competition". Utah Historical Quarterly, January 1955, p. 51)

October 1, 1880
Ten car loads of iron have arrived at Echo for the Utah Eastern, and are to arrive at a rate of 10 to 15 cars per day until all has been received. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, October 1, 1880)

October 23, 1880
Nevada Central sold two locomotives, 10 flat cars, and one caboose, along with 25 miles of rail, to Utah Eastern. Nevada Central numbers 1 and 3 became Utah Eastern numbers 1 and 3. (Pitchard notes)

October 26, 1880
Utah Eastern began track laying, at Coalville. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, October 27, 1880, "yesterday")

October 27, 1880
Tracklaying on the Utah Eastern began at Coalville yesterday. An engine, 10 flatcars and a caboose due at Ogden yesterday. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, October 27, 1880)

October 29, 1880
Laying of track on the U. E. is supposed to have started yesterday; "Two engines and eleven cars have been purchased from the Nevada Central, and one of the engines has been shipped and was expected to reach Ogden today." (Deseret Evening News, October 29, 1880)

November 3, 1880
The Utah Eastern was reported to have purchased two locomotives and 11 cars from the Nevada Central, with the equipment set to arrive in Ogden from Nevada on October 29, 1880. (Deseret News, November 3, 1880, citing the daily issue of October 29, 1880, "today"

November 4, 1880
"Work on the Utah Eastern is getting along nicely, and tracklaying continues without interruption. All the iron has been received at Echo, together with the ten cars and the engine. The latter was fired up on Thursday and put in operation." (Salt Lake Herald, November 5, 1880; Thursday was November 4th)

November 5, 1880
"The rolling stock of the Utah Eastern is all on the track at Coalville, and the engine [Utah Eastern 2-6-0 no. 1] was fired up for the first time yesterday." (Deseret Evening News, November 5, 1880)

November 6, 1880
One mile of track is laid on the Utah Eastern, and the 10 flatcars and caboose are in use now. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, November 6, 1880)

November 24, 1880
"The Utah Eastern road will be finished to Kimball's tomorrow." (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, November 24, 1880)

November 28, 1880
The U. E. is finished to Kimball's, but no coal shipments yet. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, November 28, 1880)

December 5, 1880
Utah Eastern 2-6-0 number 3, actually its second locomotive, was received at Echo, formerly Nevada Central number 3. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, December 8, 1880)

December 8, 1880
"On Sunday another locomotive for the Utah Eastern was received at Echo. The road is now ironed within three miles of Park City." ("Sunday" was December 5, 1880.) (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, December 8, 1880) ("within three miles of Park City" is the approximate location of today's Kimballs Junction.)

December 9, 1880
Utah Eastern completed to Park City. Grading had begun in May and track laying began in early November. The tracks were completed to Kimballs Junction, near the Kimballs Overland Stage station, on November 26. (Arrington, Leonard J. "Utah's Coal Road in the Age of Unregulated Competition". Utah Historical Quarterly, January 1955, pp. 50-52)

December 10, 1880
"Utah Eastern" stockholder's meeting was held yesterday, the 9th. It reports, among other things, that the second engine is now running on the line, 14 more cars have been received, and an additional nine cars are ordered; the 14 just received makes a total of 24 in service. The manager of the Ontario Mine, R. C. Chambers, is also quite closely involved with the Utah Eastern. He was interviewed for this piece, and he says that tracklaying began on 5 November, and that less than one and one-half miles remain to be laid. Towards the end of the piece, the editor of the Herald notes that "...our attention has been called to the statement published in the Herald as to the money advanced to the Utah Eastern by the Ontario Company. Owing to a typographical error, the amount was wrongly put. We are now in a position to make the positive statement that the amount advanced by the Ontario Company is but a trifle over $100,000." (Salt Lake Herald, December 10, 1880)

December 12, 1880
"The Utah Eastern boomed into Park City on Saturday night." From another item: "The Union Pacific branch railroad to Park City was completed on Saturday; word to that effect having been received here by Agent McConnell." (Salt Lake Daily Herald, December 12, 1880)

December 14, 1880
Item from the Park Mining Record of December 11, 1880: "The first load of coal over the Utah Eastern was hauled to Kimball's Thursday and presented to the proprietor of the place." (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, December 14, 1880) ("Thursday" was December 9, 1880)

December 14, 1880
"The Utah Eastern pulled the first coal train into the Park on Sunday afternoon." (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, December 14, 1880) ("Sunday" was December 12, 1880)

December 15, 1880
"To Shippers" "The Union Pacific Railroad Company, having completed its branch line to Park City,... is now prepared ... to carry freight from this point to Park City." (Salt Lake Daily Herald, December 15, 1880)

December 16, 1880
"Utah Eastern" began hauling coal to the Ontario on Sunday, 12 December; the terminal of the Utah Eastern is one-half mile closer to town than that of the Union Pacific. Both roads reached Park City on Saturday at noon of that day, the U. P. was 300 yards from its chosen terminal site, the Utah Eastern passed them and arrived at its end-of-track first, laying their last rail at about 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, "a few hours ahead" of the Union Pacific. (Salt Lake Daily Herald, December 16, 1880)

December 17, 1880
Coal is being sold for $4.00 per ton at Kimball's Station on the U. E. (Salt Lake Daily Herald, December 17, 1880)

December 22, 1880
Item from the Park Mining Record of the 18th: Large coal sheds are being put up at Kimball's for the Salt Lake coal traffic; "The road has purchased additional rolling stock, and now has twenty-four cars and two locomotives." (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, December 22, 1880)

December 28, 1880
The U. E. is not yet running passenger trains. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, December 28, 1880)

December 30, 1880
The distance between Echo and Park City on the U. P. line is given as being 26.8 miles. (Salt Lake Daily Herald, December 30, 1880)

January 29, 1881
Five cars just purchased for U. E., making 29 cars now on road. (Park Mining Record, Park City, January 29, 1881)

February 4, 1881
The Utah Eastern has had their first accident, on Tuesday, when an engine hit a handcar; only minor damage to the engine, but no more handcar. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, February 4, 1881)

March 1881
Utah Eastern built a two stall engine house at the end of the wye at Park City. The road had also received a new locomotive. (Salt Lake Herald, March 3, 1881; March 25, 1881)

March 2, 1881
From the Park Mining Record of February 26th: the Utah Eastern is putting up a large building at Park City as an enginehouse for two engines, car shop and machine shop; it is located at the end of the wye. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, March 2, 1881)

March 3, 1881
Notes lifted from the Park Record: The E. & P. C. (U. P.) depot at Park City is finished, and the outside painted a lead color. the inside is all lathed and plastered. Also, the Utah Eastern is putting up a large building at the Park City end of their road, the larger part to be an enginehouse to hold two engines; on one side will be the carpenter's shop and the engineer's office, and on the other side will be the blacksmith shop and machine shop. This facility is located on the tail track of the wye. (Salt Lake Herald, March 3, 1881)

March 25, 1881
An item in the 'Chips' column notes "A new engine was received the other day," on the Utah Eastern. This may be a case of slight confusion, as none is known received at this time. However, the 2-8-0, which will not arrive until early 1882, was ordered in March of 1881. (Salt Lake Herald, March 25, 1881)

August 2, 1881
From Ogden Pilot of August 1, 1881; a carload of narrow gauge cars for the Utah Eastern went to Coalville yesterday. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, August 2, 1881)

August 19, 1881
From Pilot of August 18, 1881; another carload of narrow gauge cars went up to Coalville yesterday for the Utah Eastern. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, August 19, 1881)

November 19, 1881
Utah Eastern tracks extended into Park City; the item makes reference to "...the two engines of the Utah Eastern..." (Park Mining Record, Park City, November 19, 1881)

November 26, 1881
"The Utah Eastern has ordered a new engine which is to be here by the first of January next." (Park Mining Record, Park City, November 26, 1881)

December 10, 1881
"Another addition has been made to the Utah Eastern railroad, namely, twelve new flat cars. This addition adds greatly to increase the facilities of this road, and when the new engine arrives in January next, we shall probably have coal from Coalville on the Park City market. Heretofore the road has only been able to supply the Ontario Company only." (Park Mining Record, Park City, December 10, 1881)

January 1, 1882
"The Utah Eastern Railroad Co." "An extension of the U. E., of about one mile, brought the end-of track within the city limits of Park City; this track was completed December 12, 1881. At the Coalvillle end of the road, an extension of about 2 & 3/4ths miles was built to reach the Wasatch and Crismon coal mines; "...and thirty new flat-cars were added [to] its equipment. A new engine, ordered twelve months ago, is expected early in January." (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, January 1, 1882)

February 11, 1882
"The Utah Eastern Railroad Company have just received a new thirty ton engine [Utah Eastern 2-8-0 no. 2, its third locomotive], with eight driving wheels, the cost of which is $12,000, delivered to the road. She is a beauty to look at, and is capable of hauling a load of 100 tons over any grade on the road." (Park Mining Record, Park City, February 11, 1882)

The locomotive was "proposed" by Baldwin to R. C. Chambers for a price of $9,000.00, plus $440.00 in extras. The locomotive was completed at Baldwin on January 5, 1882, its "Date of Trial," and was shipped on January 13, 1882. (Pitchard)

February 15, 1882
The Utah Eastern company have added another powerful locomotive to their rolling stock. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, February 15, 1882)

April 29, 1882
Utah Central shops have just turned out a way car for the Utah Eastern. It will be shipped soon to the U. E. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, April 29, 1882)

May 20, 1882
"Engine No 3, of the Utah Eastern, is nearly ready to go on the road again. It has been thoroughly overhauled at their shops and when turned out will be as good as new." (Park Mining Record, Park City, May 20, 1882)

May 27, 1882
"Engine No 3, formerly the 'General Burton', of the Utah Eastern, was put on the track this week, after undergoing a thorough overhauling, and is now ready for regular duty." (Park Mining Record, Park City, May 27, 1882)

June 3, 1882
"On Wednesday a new way car for the Utah Eastern was unloaded at this end of the track. This company is constantly increasing their transportation facilities, and will no doubt be able before long to supply all the coal that is needed in Park City and at the mines." (Park Mining Record, Park City, June 3, 1882)

August 12, 1882
"Last Saturday A. M. Grant tested the speed of the new locomotive on the Utah Eastern by running to Coalville in fifty minutes, and returning in fifty-five. It must be remembered that it is all up-grade from Coalville, and in some places it is quite heavy." "The road bed of the Utah Eastern is in a splendid condition. A ride over it on the coal cars with comfortable seats, is almost as agreeable as a seat in a coach on many other roads. There is scarcely any jar and no jolting. We should like to see the line extended to Salt Lake before next spring." (Park Mining Record, Park City, August 12, 1882)

November 25, 1882
"Engine No 1, of the Utah Eastern, has been overhauled and repainted, and is now on the road, looking like a brand new machine. The painting was done by Mr. Cooper, of this city, and it is a job he may well be proud of." (Park Mining Record, Park City, November 25, 1882)

February 10, 1883
"Train wrecked" at the mouth of Silver Creek Canyon, on the Utah Eastern, on Thursday; the down train, consisting of the engine and seven cars, of which four were 'badly smashed,' while the engine and the other three cars were not injured. Cause of the derailment 'was a broken rail. The paper says that this is the little road's first accident. (Park Mining Record, Park City, February 10, 1883)

May 1, 1883
Utah Eastern Railroad trust deeds to James E. Dooly, for $230,000.00, the 27 miles that comprises the "Eastern Division" of the Utah Eastern, from the coal mines above Coalville to Park City. (miscellaneous records at Summit County court house, Coalville, Utah)

May 12, 1883
"A time-card for the Utah Eastern is being prepared by Mr. A. M. Grant. He says the business of the road demands it as the passenger traffic between the Park and the county seat is on the increase. The coal trade has also increased a great deal within the past month or two." (Park Mining Record, Park City, May 12, 1883)

July 28, 1883
"The report is current in Ogden that the Utah Eastern Railroad is about to be purchased by the Union Pacific Company. We have heard no such rumors in Park City circles and can learn no cause for such a report." (Park Mining Record, Park City, July 28, 1883)

October 20, 1883
"The Utah Eastern is now supplying many of our citizens with coal. Since the monster pump has been pumping water from the Ontario into the tunnel the consumption of coal has not been near so great." (Park Mining Record, Park City, October 20, 1883)

October 27, 1883
"On Sunday last the citizens in the lower end of town witnessed the novel sight of a house being shipped by rail. The house was loaded on a narrow gauge car near Kimball's and brought up and unloaded near the upper depot." (Park Mining Record, Park City, October 27, 1883)

November 19, 1883
Union Pacific elected its own choice of directors at the November 19 annual meeting. By autumn 1883 Union Pacific had secretly gained control of the Utah Eastern stock and bonds. (Reeder, p. 349)

November 20, 1883
"Utah Eastern Election." at annual meeting, held yesterday at the company's office in Salt Lake City; Sidney Dillon elected president; rest of slate almost wholly Union Pacific people. (Salt Lake Evening Chronicle, November 20, 1883)

November 24, 1883
"Utah Eastern Sale" being a rather longish item, with considerable editorializing upon the effects; "At a meeting of the Directors of the Utah Eastern at Salt Lake on Monday, the sale of the road was made to the Union Pacific." was how the item started. Monday was November 19, 1883. "Now as to the effects of the purchase by the Union Pacific. The natural inquiry is, how will Park City be treated in the change? It will increase the tariff in coal, probably; it may also make our merchants pay higher rates for their goods. Finally the track of the little road will be torn up and the rolling stock be transferred to the Utah & Northern." At present, the U. P. runs the Park City trains through from Ogden. (Park Mining Record, Park City, November 24, 1883)

December 8, 1883
"A switch is being built at Coalville from the Utah Eastern to the U. P. track, for the transfer of coal to the Union Pacific trains. At present the Utah Eastern is running two coal trains per day into this city, but on the completion of the switch the business will probably be divided between the two roads," (HAH!!! see next item from one week later) (Park Mining Record, Park City, December 8, 1883)

December 15, 1883
"Trains on the Utah Eastern have been discontinued, and Park City is now drawing her supply of coal from the U.P.". (Park Mining Record, Park City, December 15, 1883)

December 20, 1883
Union Pacific suspended operation of the Utah Eastern, after completing a connection between its subsidiary Echo & Park City and the Utah Eastern at Coalville. (The Utah Eastern owned the spur from Coalville up to the Weber coal mine, which was owned by the Ontario Silver Mine in Park City.) The contract to deliver coal to the Ontario mine was transferred to Union Pacific's Echo & Park City. (Park Mining Record, February 16, 1884)

The Echo & Park City operated the coal spur at Coalville first by transferring the coal from narrow-gauge cars to standard-gauge cars at Coalville and later by converting the branch to standard-gauge and running their cars directly to the mine. (UP corporate history; Union Pacific control and disposal of Utah Eastern is in Athearn, pp. 283, 284)

December 22, 1883
"The first regular coal train on the E. & P. C. branch came up from Coalville on Thursday afternoon last. A coal switch has been constructed near the depot, and hereafter trains carrying coal exclusively will be run regular on that road. This effectually seals the fate of the little U. E." (Park Mining Record, Park City, December 22, 1883)

January 30, 1884
Suit for foreclosure filed yesterday evening by Dooley & Bennett, the trustees for the first series of Utah Eastern bonds, 230 at $1,000 each. (Salt Lake Evening Chronicle, January 30, 1884)

January 31, 1884
"Proceedings have been commenced in the District Court for the foreclosure of $270,000 mortgage bonds of the Utah Eastern Railway. J. E. Dooley and C. W. Bennett are the plaintiffs." (Salt Lake Daily Herald, January 31, 1884)

February 10, 1884
"The Utah Eastern." "The pooled stockholders of the Utah Eastern railroad met in the Firemen's Hall at 2:00 p.m. yesterday, February 9th, as per previous appointment." "The following report was submitted:..." here follows a half column report of the committee appointed to investigate the Utah Eastern and its present condition. Dated the 9th, at Salt Lake City, it reports that the road earned, under the contract with the Ontario Silver Mining Company, $166,156.00, hauling coal, in the period from December 1, 1880 through December 20, 1883." Further, it reports that on or about November 20, 1883, the day after the new (U. P.) board was elected, orders went out that the Utah Eastern was not to accept any local business whatever; on the 20th of December, 1883, the coal trains to the Ontario were taken off, the business handed to the E. & P. C., "and no trains have run over the Utah Eastern since that date,..." The contract between the Ontario Silver Mining Company and the Utah Eastern Railroad Company was to have run five years. After the new officers came in (November 19, 1883), the books and records of the U. E. were removed from the Salt Lake City office, and have not been seen since. The cost of the road, including $22,000 in rolling stock, is estimated to be about $300,000 (to May 31, 1881), about $54,000 of which sum came from the pooled stockholders. (Salt Lake Daily Herald, February 10, 1884)

February 16, 1884
"The Utah Eastern," report of the committee appointed to look into the affairs (and the takeover) of the Utah Eastern, in the interest of the minority stockholders. The committee found that from Dec. 1, 1880 through Dec. 20, 1883, the U. E. earned on hauling coal the sum of $166,156.60; other freight earnings are not obtainable. On the 20th of November, 1883, the day after the new U. P. board of the U.E. was elected, orders were issued that no local freight or passengers were to be received by the Utah Eastern. And on the 20th of December, 1883, coal trains to the Ontario were taken off, and the contract (which was to have run five years) was transferred to the U.P.'s Echo & Park City line; "...no trains have run over the Utah Eastern since that date." With the other new officers, a new secretary was appointed, and all of the Utah Eastern's books have disappeared. The committee further found that the cost of the railroad and its equipment, up to May 31, 1881, was 'about' $300,000, of which amount some $22,000 was the cost of the equipment. Another committee has been appointed to seek legal advice on the protection of the interest of the minority stockholders. (Park Mining Record, Park City, February 16, 1884)

May 24, 1884
"The Utah Eastern roadbed between this city and Coalville is in very bad condition, from the recent floods in the Canyon." (Park Mining Record, Park City, May 24, 1884)

August 2, 1884
"One of the locomotives belonging to the Utah Eastern road which has been stored in the shops below town, was loaded on a couple of flat cars and taken to Coalville via the U. P. It is to be used there in hauling coal from the mines. The Utah Eastern track is in such a condition that it could not be run over that road." (Park Mining Record, Park City, August 2, 1884)

September 20, 1884
"A Receiver to be Applied For," quotes item from the Salt Lake Tribune in regard to the Utah Eastern suit; the Record comments: "It is about time ... A large portion of the road bed has been washed away, one of the engines and all but sixteen of the cars have been transferred to the Utah & Northern, and we suppose that if a receiver is not appointed and that very soon, the road itself will go next." (Park Mining Record, Park City, September 20, 1884)

November 18, 1884
"The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Utah Eastern railroad was held in this city yesterday. Representatives of the Union Pacific voted a majority of the stock and elected a set of directors." (Salt Lake Evening Chronicle, November 18, 1884)

February 4, 1885
"The Utah Eastern receivership case was argued before Judge Zane today by Parley Williams for the defendant and Arthur Brown for the plaintiff." (Salt Lake Evening Chronicle, February 4, 1885)

February 5, 1885
"The Conspiracy" in regard to the Utah Eastern suit. The U. P. wants it settled, and the trustees want a receiver appointed. It is noted that J. B. Haggin was originally issued 186 bonds, each having a 'bonus' of 12 shares of stock, or a total of 2,220 shares. The trustees had 1,098 shares and there were about 550 shares 'floating.' The contract was made in December 1880, between the Ontario and Haggin and the Utah Eastern that all coal for the Ontario would go over the U. E., for a period of five years, at $2.00 per ton. Up to December 20, 1883, this brought in $166,156.00 by itself. The editor of the paper comments that "...the Union Pacific will wipe the Utah Eastern so thoroughly off the face of the earth that it will be difficult to find the place where a rail was laid." (Salt Lake Daily Herald, February 5, 1885)

February 14, 1885
Receiver appointed for the Utah Eastern, controlled by Union Pacific since November 1883. (Park Record, February 14, 1885)

February 14, 1885
A receiver is to be appointed for the Utah Eastern. (Park Record, Park City, February 14, 1885)

February 17, 1885
"A Receiver" "Mr. McMillan Appointed Receiver of the Utah Eastern Railroad." McMillan is the deputy clerk of the 3rd District Court, appointed yesterday to the position of Receiver by Judge Zane. His duties are likely to be light; "They will consist for awhile in sending detectives up the Utah & Northern line in quest of the missing Eastern's rolling stock, generally said to have found shelter on the Union Pacific narrow gauge branch." (Salt Lake Daily Herald, February 17, 1885)

February 18, 1885
The order appointing McMillan is printed. (Salt Lake Daily Herald, February 18, 1885)

February 19, 1885
"The Utah Eastern." "Receiver McMillan, of the Utah Eastern, has succeeded in tracing up the rolling stock of his road. Two of its three engines are in use on the Utah & Northern road and are said to be good ones. The other engine and a number of cars are found scattered along the Utah Eastern line. It is not yet determined whether the road will be put in operation. A number of the stockholders think it feasible." (Salt Lake Evening Chronicle, February 19, 1885)

April 18, 1885
"The Utah Eastern." Receiver filed report of his findings in this case in the Third District Court yesterday; rolling stock on the road is shown as: two engines; 22 coal cars; and one way car. Rolling stock of the Utah Eastern on lease to the Utah & Northern, and on that road, is one engine; 25 coal cars; and two way cars. The 'original cost' of the U. E. equipment on the Utah & northern is given as $26,110.00; it is leased at $3.00 per day for the engine and the cars at 3/4ths of a cent per mile actually run; the Utah & Northern "has had possession of this rolling stock since August 2, 1884." "One of the engines at Coalville is in good condition and running order, but the other is unsafe without undergoing a thorough refitting." The serviceable engine is in use on the branch to the coal mines, along with the best of the remaining cars. (Deseret Evening News, April 18, 1885)

February 6, 1887
An editorial sort of an item, lifted from the Park City 'Call', on the defunct Utah Eastern - says the rolling stock was partly removed to Coalville, and the balance put on the Utah & Northern. The main line of the U. E. is torn up already in several spots, only the branch from Coalville to the mines being used any at all. (Salt Lake Daily Tribune, February 6, 1887)

February 26, 1887
"The Utah Eastern Sale" was held last Monday at Coalville; the order of sale as printed in the paper was dated January 27, 1887, stating that the sale was to be held at the Courthouse in Coalville at 2:00pm on February 21, 1887. There were only a few people present, and only one bid - that of the U. P.'s Western Division attorney, P. L. Williams, who bid $25,000. "Some of the rolling stock and an engine now on the Utah & Northern cost several times this amount." The U. P. was the successful bidder. The editor of the Record guesses that the road is to be abandoned entirely and taken up, except for the three-mile line up to the coal mines east of Coalville. (Park Record, Park City, February 26, 1887)

March 26, 1887
"The accounts of ex-Receiver McMillan of the defunct Utah Eastern railway, have been approved by the Third District Court," (Park Record, Park City, March 26, 1887)

May 18, 1887
Echo & Park City purchased the property of the abandoned Utah Eastern, from the trustee Edward Dickinson. Dickinson purchased the Utah Eastern under foreclosure on April 30, 1887. (UP corporate history)

December 1887
Former Utah Eastern tracks between Coalville and Park City were removed. (Salt Lake Herald, December 20, 1887)

August 13, 1887
Reference to the Utah Eastern roundhouse, which is near the cemetery. (Park Record, Park City, August 13, 1887)

October 21, 1887
"Roadmaster Yeoman began preparations Monday last to take up the Utah Eastern road and the work is now in full bloom. An engine was brought up and placed on the narrow track Tuesday last and has made a good showing for only two days work. We have not learned what will be done with the old rails, ties and bridge timbers. - Park City Call." (Deseret Evening News, October 21, 1887)

November 5, 1887
"The dismantling train and crew of the Utah Eastern are just below town tearing up the track of the old abandoned road." (Park Record, Park City, November 5, 1887)

November 19, 1887
"Thursday night's express train was two hours late because it had to wait while the freight train's crew shifted the Utah Eastern engine, which has been used to tear up the old track, and which was not properly loaded onto the car." (Park Record, Park City, November 19, 1887)

December 20, 1887
"The Utah Eastern track, says the Park City Call, is all up and a thing of the past." (Salt Lake Herald, December 20, 1887)

February 11, 1888
A side track is to be put down on the old Utah Eastern grade between the main line and the coal yard, to deliver timbers for the Ontario. (Park Record, Park City, February 11, 1888)

September 22, 1888
"The rails along the old Utah Eastern road bed are being taken up and shipped to Salt Lake for use in constructing the Salt Lake and Ft Douglas Railway." (Park Record, Park City, September 22, 1888)

December 29, 1888
"During the Year." "Coalville's Coal Industry." "At present the HomeCoal Company is the only one producing in the vicinity of Coalville. This company mines and ships about 185 tons daily,... A third rail on the old Utah Eastern (narrow gauge) coal branch affords splendid facilities for transporting the coal to the U. P. tracks..." (Park Record, Park City, December 29, 1888)

July 27, 1889
"The Union Pacific is laying a track on the old Utah Eastern road bed in Silver Creek Canyon, between Park City and Coalville, the object being, it is believed, to shut out the Salt Lake, Wyoming & California road now building hither. A big force of men is doing the work." (Park Record, Park City, July 27, 1889)

September 28, 1889
The Wyoming, Salt Lake & California is grading. (Park Record, Park City, 28 September 1889)


Utah Eastern Locomotives -- A roster listing of Utah Eastern locomotives.

More Information

Utah Eastern Railroad Corporate Information -- Information about Utah Eastern Railroad's corporate organization.

Utah Eastern, by Johnson -- The Utah Eastern portion of the David Johnson's 1947 thesis on Utah railroads.

Utah Eastern, by Reeder -- The Utah Eastern portion of Clarence Reader's 1970 thesis on Utah railroads before 1881.

Utah Eastern, by Arrington -- Leonard Arrington's 1955 article, "Utah's Coal Road In The Age Of Unregulated Competition". (PDF; 32 pages; 6.3MB)

Utah Eastern and the LDS Board of Trade -- An excerpt from the 1988 book, "Be kind to the poor, The Life Story of Robert Taylor Burton," a member of the LDS church's Board of Trade in 1870s and 1880s. (PDF; 21 pages; 696KB) (Scroll to page 334)

Utah Eastern entry from George W. Hilton's American Narrow Gauge Railroads (Stanford University Press, 1990)
