Union Pacific Named Lightweight Sleeper Cars

This page was last updated on July 22, 2024.

(Return to Union Pacific Passenger Cars main index)

There were 191 lightweight sleeper cars owned by Union Pacific; 190 named lightweight sleeper cars came from the Pullman pool, and one other came from GM's Train of Tomorrow. Those 191 cars are shown below.

There were 48 named sleeper cars in the original articulated Streamliner trainsets. (Roster listings of all the Union Pacific Streamliner trainsets)

The following comes from Dick Harley on September 13, 2011:

Research indicates that all of the tapered cross-section sleeper cars from the 1st thru 4th streamliner trains were scrapped before the Joint ownership agreements were dissolved in 1948, so UP never owned them outright.

When the federal courts broke up Pullman in the 1940s, Pullman sold off most of their lightweight sleeping cars in December 1945, and then sold most of their heavyweight sleeping cars in December 1948. UP bought many of those cars and then leased them back to Pullman for operation. Once UP actually owned them, they showed up in the UP Passenger Car Diagrams.

In addition to the lightweight cars (shown below), UP bought 55 heavyweight cars. All of the heavyweight cars were withdrawn from lease (retired) before the UP terminated its operating lease with Pullman in 1969. See also: Tom Madden's Pullman project website. (Read more about UP's heavyweight sleeper cars.)

Lightweight Sleepers

Car Names Qty. Year Built  
Alpine series 14 cars 1953  
American series 42 cars 1942  
American series 4 cars 1950  
City series 10 cars 1956 (Baker, Boise, Cedar City, Cheyenne, Grand Island, La Grande, North Platte, Ogden, Omaha, Pendleton)
Dream Cloud 1 car 1947 (Train of Tomorrow)
Imperial series 12 cars 1942  
National series 12 cars 1955  
Ocean series 3 cars 1953  
Ocean series 2 cars 1955  
Pacific series 50 cars 1949  
Placid series 10 cars 1956  
Star series 7 cars 1956  
Sun series 12 cars 1949  
Western series 12 cars 1949  


Roster Listing

Sleeper (14 section) -- 14 cars
AC&F, 1954

Rebuilt To
Coach (44 seats)
Date To
5543 Series
Alpine Camp Jan 1954 UP 5543 Jan 1966
Alpine Crest Jan 1954 UP 5544 Jan 1966
Alpine Grove Jan 1954 UP 5545 Feb 1966
Alpine Lake Feb 1954 UP 5546 Jan 1966
Alpine Lodge Feb 1954 UP 5547 Feb 1966
Alpine Meadow Mar 1954 UP 5548 Dec 1965
Alpine Park Mar 1954 UP 5549 Jan 1966
Alpine Pass Mar 1954 UP 5550 Jan 1966
Alpine Peak Mar 1954 UP 5551 Dec 1965
Alpine River Apr 1954 UP 5552 Feb 1966
Alpine Road Apr 1954 UP 5553 Dec 1965
Alpine Scene Apr 1954 UP 5554 Jan 1966
Alpine Stream Apr 1954 UP 5555 Jan 1966
Alpine View Apr 1954 UP 5556 Dec 1965


  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: 85'-0"
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6""
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel, with disc brakes (9'-0" wheelbase) Pullman 41-CUDO-11

General Notes:

  1. Built in 1954 by AC&F as 14-section sleepers; leased to Pullman for operation; lease to Pullman ended in May 1962; cars returned to UP for operation
  2. AC&F Lot 3816
  3. Floor Plan: 237-CB-37454
  4. Remodeled in 1965 from Alpine series sleepers to 5543 series 44-seat coaches by UP at Omaha
  5. Book: Ranks, Kratville, Streamliners, page 447
  6. UP diagram sheet P-9-6 (2/15/1954), Rev. B (12/20/1957) (as 14 Section Alpine-series Sleepers)
  7. UP diagram sheet P-3-47 (8/10/1965) (no revision) (as 5543-series Coaches)
  8. Photos:
  9. See page 56 thru 59 in "The Passenger Car Library Volume 7" by W. David Randall, RPC Publications, 2003
  10. See page 484 in "The Union Pacific Streamliners" by William Kratville and Harold Ranks, Kratville Publications, 1974
  11. See page 195 thru 206 in "Union Pacific Railroad Passenger Cars Volume 1 1950-1964 by G.B. Davies, 1976.


Sleeper -- 42 cars (of 119 total cars built)
Pullman-Standard, 1942

A total of 119 American-series sleeper cars were built in 1942 by Pullman-Standard, for Pullman's own sleeper service. Of those 119 cars, 60 were assigned to trains on the Overland Route (Chicago to San Francisco and Chicago to Los Angeles). The cars were assigned to the San Francisco Overland Limited, operated by C&NW-UP-SP, and Los Angeles Overland Limited, operated by C&NW-UP.

Ralph Barger has commented that the Overland roads really did not want these cars in 1942. The military pushed them into ordering them. This was to make sleeping rooms available for the many new officers plying the rails.

Sold on December 31, 1945 to UP (42 cars), SP (11 cars), and C&NW (7 cars), and leased back to Pullman for operation; some sources show the sale date as January 1, 1946. UP mechanical department records show "Date Acquired" as January 1946. The Pullman lease ended in 1966 and cars were returned for operation to UP. Most were retired within three years.

Two cars (American Command and American Lake) were wrecked while owned by Union Pacific, but leased to Pullman (1946-1966).

Two internal Union Pacific telegrams dating from March 1946, after the January 1946 transfer of ownership from Pullman to UP, show that cars assigned to Chicago-San Francisco service, trains 27 and 28, The Overland, a total of 22 of the 42 UP-owned cars, were to be lettered as "Overland". These Overland cars were painted in Pullman's two-tone gray paint scheme. When the City trains became daily train in February (COP), May (COLA) and September (COSF) 1947, some of these Overland cars were reassigned to City service.

The cars assigned to the City of San Francisco, City of Los Angeles, and City of Portland were yellow and gray. Cars assigned to the City of St. Louis were two-tone gray.

The City of Portland became a daily train on February 15, 1947. A telegram dated June 12, 1947 shows that of the 42 UP-owned cars, 11 were assigned to the City of Portland as part of the four additional trainsets known as the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th trains. Two other UP-owned cars were assigned to the City of Los Angeles as part of the 16th and 17th trains. All of these 13 cars would have been painted Streamliner yellow and gray.

An undated telegram shows that five UP-owned American sleepers were assigned to trains 27 and 28, along with four SP-owned cars and three C&NW-owned cars.

The individual Pullman car card records show that 21 of the 42 UP-owned cars were painted UP yellow and gray in 1952-1956. This suggests that the 42 cars were delivered mid 1942 painted in two-tone gray, but by mid 1947, half of the fleet had been painted yellow and gray, and by the mid 1950s, all 42 cars were yellow and gray. The records of how these cars were painted and repainted are limited and few have survived, making complete research difficult. As always, the best advice is to look at photos.

Date To
UP Yellow
Series Number
Date To
900000 Series
American Ace May 1942 29 May 1952 Aug 1968 UP 906052 Oct 1969  
American Adventure May 1942 6 May 1955 Nov 1969 UP 906072 Aug 1970  
American Ambassador May 1942   Nov 1969 UP 906073 Nov 1970  
American Army May 1942 Jun 1952 Nov 1969 UP 906074 Oct 1970  
American Beacon May 1942 May 1956 Aug 1968 UP 906053 May 1969  
American Beauty (C&NW) May 1942         1
American Brigade (C&NW) May 1942         2
American Buffalo (C&NW) May 1942         3
American Canyon (SP) May 1942         4
American Captain May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906054 Sep 1969  
American Charm (SP) May 1942         5
American Classic May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906055 Jul 1969  
American Clipper May 1942 Nov 1954 Aug 1968 UP 906056 Aug 1969  
American Command May 1942   Mar 1956     6
American Courier May 1942   Nov 1969 UP 906075 Sep 1970  
American Cruiser May 1942   Nov 1969 UP 906076    
American Dairyland (SP) May 1942         7
American Eagle May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 90605 Jan 1969  
American Elm (SP) May 1942         8
American Emblem May 1942 May 1954 Nov 1969 UP 906077 Sep 1970  
American Ensign May 1942 Aug 1954 Nov 1969 UP 906078    
American Escort May 1942   Nov 1969 UP 906079 Nov 1970  
American Falls May 1942 Jul 1954 Nov 1969 UP 906080 Mar 1970  
American Flyer May 1942 Apr 1955 Nov 1969 UP 906081 Mar 1970  
American Fortress Jun 1942 Oct 1954 Nov 1969 UP 906082 Nov 1970  
American Forum (SP) May 1942         9
American Guard (SP) May 1942         10
American Haven May 1942 May 1955 Aug 1968 UP 906061 Dec 1969  
American Heights May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906062 Nov 1972  
American Hills May 1942 May 1954 Aug 1968 UP 906063 Oct 1969  
American Home May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906064 Nov 1972  
American Indian (C&NW) May 1942         11
American Lake May 1942   Dec 1951     12
American Light May 1942 Jan 1954 Nov 1969 UP 906083 Aug 1970  
American Manor (SP) May 1942         13
American Marine May 1942 May 1952 Nov 1969 UP 906084 Dec 1970  
American Merchant (SP) May 1942         14
American Monitor May 1942   Nov 1969 UP 906085    
American Navy May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906065 Oct 1969 15
American Park May 1942   Nov 1969 UP 906086 Dec 1970  
American Patrol (C&NW) May 1942         16
American Plains (C&NW) May 1942         17
American Progress May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906066 Nov 1972  
American Rampart (SP) May 1942         18
American Ranger (SP) May 1942         19
American Rapids May 1942 May 1952 Nov 1969 UP 906087 Apr 1970 20
American River May 1942 Feb 1953 Aug 1968 UP 906067 Aug 1969  
American Rose (SP) May 1942         21
American Royal May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906058 Aug 1969  
American Sailor May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906068 Dec 1969  
American Scene May 1942 Mar 1952 Aug 1968 UP 906069 Dec 1969  
American Sentry May 1942 Nov 1954 Aug 1968 UP 906070 Dec 1969  
American Shores May 1942   Nov 1969 UP 906088 Sep 1970  
American Skies (C&NW) May 1942         22
American Skipper May 1942   Nov 1969 UP 906089 Apr 1970  
American Soldier May 1942 Oct 1953 Nov 1969 UP 906090 Mar 1970  
American Star May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906071 Sep 1969  
American Trails May 1942 Apr 1952 Nov 1969 UP 906091 Jan 1970  
American Trooper May 1942   Aug 1968 UP 906059 Sep 1969  
American Woodland May 1942 May 1952 Aug 1968 UP 906060 Aug 1969  


  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: 84'-9"
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6""
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel, disc brakes (9'-0" wheelbase) Pullman 41-HR-11

General Notes:

  1. "American" series Sleeper, 4 bedroom, 6 section, 6 roomette (4-6-6)
  2. Pullman Lot 6669; Pullman Plan 4099
  3. All 60 'Overland' cars were delivered in Two-Tone Gray for service on the UP/SP "Overland Limited" and for the SP "Golden State". Many, but not all got OVERLAND lettering in 1946 and the UP cars were painted yellow and gray by approximately 1954. Some, but not all, UP cars were painted yellow and gray in 1947 when the CITY trains went daily. (Jeff Cauthen, email dated October 17, 2010)
  4. Of the 60 cars built, 42 cars became UP, 11 cars became SP, and 7 cars became C&NW.
  5. Of the 42 cars sold to Union Pacific, formal ownership took place in January and February 1946, at various locations across UP's system depending on the service and particular trains each car was assigned to. The variations in dates of ownership was said to reduce the clerical workload of personnel in UP's mechanical department in Omaha.
  6. Cars were remodeled as Roadway Boarding (bunk) cars in 1969-1970.
  7. See also: "Questions & Answers", The Streamliner, Volume 8, Number 1, pages 36-37, which includes information about the conversion of the toilet to a linen closet.
  8. See also: Southern Pacific Passenger Cars, Volume 2: Sleepers & Baggage-Dorms, published by Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Society, 2005, pages 326-334 and pages 454-458
  9. UP diagram sheet P-9-1 (9/1/1949), Rev. A (1/5/1954), Rev. D (7/26/1966)


  1. American Beauty, to C&NW; to Edwards International, June 15, 1963; to Mexico; became NdeM 284 "Monte Blanco"
  2. American Brigade, to C&NW; to Edwards International, June 15, 1963; to Mexico; became NdeM 285 "Monte Caucaso"
  3. American Buffalo, to C&NW; to Edwards International, June 15, 1963; to Mexico; became NdeM 286 "Monte Irazu"
  4. American Canyon, to SP 515 in June 1943 for Lark service; to SP 9164 in May 1952; rebuilt to SP Automat 10611 in July 1962; retired 1971; "The 6 section, 6 roomette, 4 double bedroom lightweight sleeping cars AMERICAN ELM, AMERICAN MANOR, AMERICAN CANYON and AMERICAN ROSE were withdrawn from Overland Route service in 1942 and 1943, exchanging their names for the numbers 513-516 respectively for LARK operation between Los Angeles and Oakland." (Robert Wayner, Car Names Numbers and Consists, 1972, page 204)
  5. American Charm, to SP 9150
  6. American Command, disposition unknown; believed retired early and scrapped.
  7. American Dairyland, to SP 9151
  8. American Elm, to SP 513 in July 1942 for Lark service; to SP 9162 in April 1952; rebuilt to SP Automat 10614 in December 1962; wrecked June 1970, retired
  9. American Forum, to SP 9152
  10. American Guard, to SP 9153
  11. American Indian, to C&NW; to Edwards International, June 15, 1963; to Mexico; became NdeM 287 "Monte Libano"
  12. American Lake was wrecked at Wyuta, Utah, on November 12, 1951; retired in December 1951
  13. American Manor, to SP 514 in July 1942 for Lark service; to SP 9163 in January 1951; rebuilt to SP Automat 10605 in May 1962; retired 1970
  14. American Merchant, to SP 9154
  15. American Navy (as UP 906065) was sold to Empire Builder Private Cars in 2000 for Eugene Hawk, moved to Spokane, Washington; still there as of August 2007; sold to Spokane Fire and Rail Museum in July 2009. (2007 update from David Varilek, email dated August 16, 2007; 2009 update from Robert Lawrence, email dated October 24, 2009)
  16. American Patrol, to C&NW; to Edwards International, June 15, 1963; to Mexico; became NdeM 288 "Monte Olimpo"
  17. American Plains, to C&NW; to Edwards International, June 15, 1963; to Mexico; became NdeM 289 "Monte Parnaso"
  18. American Rampart, to SP 9155
  19. American Ranger, to SP 9156
  20. American Rapids; to UP 906087 in 1970; sold to Great Western Railway in 1987; donated to the North Alabama Railroad Museum in 1999.
  21. American Rose, to SP 516 in July 1943 for Lark service; to SP 9165 in March 1952; rebuilt to SP Automat 10615 in October 1962; retired 1971
  22. American Skies, to C&NW; to Edwards International, June 15, 1963; to Mexico; became NdeM 290 "Monte Sinai"


Sleeper -- 4 cars
AC&F, 1950

Car Name
(after August 1969)
American Border Mar 1950   Dec 1966 1
American Consulate Mar 1950 UP 1101 Sep 1970 2
American Embassy (C&NW)       3
American General Mar 1950 UP 1102 Dec 1971 4
American Sunset (C&NW)       5
American View Mar 1950 UP 1103 Dec 1971 6


  • Length, Over Buffers: 85'-0"
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel, disc brakes (9'-0" wheelbase) Pullman 41-CUS-11; changed at unknown date to 41-CUDO-11.

General Notes:

  1. "American" series Sleeper, 4 bedroom, 6 section, 6 roomette (4-6-6)
  2. Delivered in UP yellow and gray colors.
  3. Sold by Pullman to UP in March 1950; leased back to Pullman for operation; lease ended and returned to UP operation in 1966-1969.
  4. "American General" and "American View" were modified in 1962 to include a Buffet section in place of sections 11 and 12, for service on UP's Butte Special; one section became a buffet, and the other section had a table that seated four people; UP engineering drawing (283-CB-37658) not issued until 11-20-1969. (The modified cars were first shown in the timetable issued on April 29, 1962, per an email from David Seidel, dated June 3, 2009)
  5. UP 1101-1103 numbers added to remaining three cars after August 1, 1969. (The Union Pacific Streamliners, Kratville, page 479)
  6. UP diagram sheet P-9-2 (9/1/1949), Rev. A (2/15/1956), Rev. B (7/26/1966)


  1. American Border; to Mexico in 1967
  2. American Consulate; (to Mexico in 1967??)
  3. American Embassy (C&NW); to Edwards International, June 11, 1964; to Mexico; became NdeM 336 "Monte Azul"
  4. American General; changed to Sleeper Buffet in 1962; sold to Rail Tours International (Jack Spence) in January 1972; to Rails Tours number 2 "Harold F. Spence" (Jack Spence's father who passed away in September 1971); to G. Pies "American General"; to Tony Citro (Wayne, New Jersey); to DL&W Car; sold to Ringling Bros. in 1993, to RBBX 40013; in service until the last circus trains were operated in May 2017; to Kirby Family Farm, Williston, Florida.
  5. (Robert Sherwood reported in an email on March 3, 2010 that he saw "American General" during the early 1980s in Wilmington, Delaware across the Northeast Corridor tracks from the Delaware Car Company facility.)
  6. American Sunset (C&NW); to Edwards International, June 11, 1964; to Mexico; became NdeM 337 "Monte Verde"
  7. American View; changed to Sleeper Buffet in 1962; to Mineral King Foundry in 1972; to cafe in Fresno, California; to R. Basicht (Laguna, California) in 1980; sold to Ringling Bros., to RBBX 40014; in service until the last circus trains were operated in May 2017; to Kirby Family Farm, Williston, Florida.


Sleeper Lounge -- 10 cars (City series)
Pullman-Standard, 1956

"Star" Series Date To
"Star" Series
Baker Mar 1956 Jun 1964     1
Boise Mar 1956 Oct 1963     2
Cedar City Mar 1956 Jan 1965 "Star Bay" (1701) Jun 1965 3
Cheyenne Apr 1956 Jan 1965 "Star Crest" (1702) May 1965 4
Grand Island Apr 1956 Jan 1965 "Star Leaf" (1703) May 1965 5
La Grande Apr 1956 Jan 1965 "Star Range" (1704) Jul 1965 6
North Platte (1st) Apr 1956 Jan 1965 "Star Scene" (1705) Jul 1965 7
Ogden Apr 1956 Nov 1971     8
Omaha (1st) Apr 1956 Jan 1965 "Star Vale" (1706) Jun 1965 9
Pendleton Apr 1956 Jan 1965 "Star View" (1707) Jun 1965 10


  • Length, Over Buffers, Coupled: 85'-0"
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: (not shown)
  • Length, Over End Sills: 79'-2"
  • Length, Inside:
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel (9'-0" wheelbase) (Pullman 41-CUDO-11)

General Notes:

  1. "City" series Sleepers
  2. Configured with 5 bedrooms and a club section (34'-2" inside length)
  3. Pullman-Standard Plan 4199, Lot 6959
  4. Floor Plan: 237-CB-26516
  5. Owned by Pullman Co.; sold to UP in March 1956 (same as new date) and leased back to Pullman for operation; lease ended and returned to UP operation in May 1964
  6. Seven of 10 cars remodeled by Pullman-Standard in 1965 to Star series Sleeper (11 bedroom).
  7. Davies, Volume 1, pages 237-250
  8. UP diagram sheet P-9-24 (9/29/1955), Rev. B (12/1/1964) (8 cars remaining), Rev. C (8/10/1965) (1 car remaining)
  9. UP Equipment Record: r3-1203 (Star series); r3-1261 (City series)
  10. See also: Ranks and Kratville, Union Pacific Streamliners, pages 480 and 484
  11. For UP "Ogden" as a UP Staff Car 126, see Randall, Pullman Volume 1, page 133


  1. "Baker"; to Business Car 102 (3rd) in 1965
  2. "Boise"; to Business Car 103 (4th) in 1964
  3. "Cedar City" to Sleeper "Star Bay" (1701) in 1965
  4. "Cheyenne"; to Sleeper "Star Crest" (1702) in 1965
  5. "Grand Island"; to Sleeper "Star Leaf" (1703) in 1965
  6. "La Grande"; to Sleeper "Star Range" (1704) in 1965
  7. "North Platte" (1st); to Sleeper "Star Scene" (1705) in 1965
  8. "Ogden"; to UP Staff Car 126 in 1967 (no modifications); retired November 1971; to Great Western Tours 126 "Redwood" in June 1972; to Chicago Medical Equipment Co. (Dr. James Foster) "Silver Foot" in 1974; reported remodeled to platform car in 1986
  9. "Omaha" (1st); to Sleeper "Star Vale" (1706) in 1965
  10. "Pendleton"; to Sleeper "Star View" (1707) in 1965


Sleeper -- 18 cars
Pullman-Standard, 1942

Date To
Date To
UP Yellow
Later UP
Date To
Later Number
Imperial Band Mar 1942 Jan 1946 3 Jun 1952 Jun 1964     1
Imperial Beach Mar 1942 Jan 1946 (no date) Sep 1970 UP 906207 Jul 1972 2
Imperial Bird Mar 1942 Jan 1946 2 Apr 1952 Feb 1970     3
Imperial Cape Mar 1942 Jan 1946 24 Mar 1953 Sep 1970     4
Imperial Drive (C&NW) Mar 1942     Sep 1970     5
Imperial Flower Mar 1942 Jan 1946 (no date) Sep 1970 UP 904208 Nov 1972 6
Imperial Gate Mar 1942 Jan 1946 31 Mar 1952 Sep 1970 UP 906209 Jun 1972 7
Imperial Harbor (SP) Mar 1942     Sep 1970     8
Imperial Horn (SP) Mar 1942     Sep 1970     9
Imperial Hour Mar 1942 Jan 1946 17 Jul 1954 Sep 1970 UP 904210 Apr 1972 10
Imperial Leaf (C&NW) Mar 1942     Sep 1970     11
Imperial Letter Mar 1942 Jan 1946 5 Apr 1952 Sep 1970     12
Imperial Mark (C&NW) Mar 1942     Sep 1970     13
Imperial Palm Mar 1942 Jan 1946 11 May 1956 Sep 1970 UP 906211 Oct 1972 14
Imperial Ranch (C&NW) Mar 1942     Sep 1970     15
Imperial Robe Apr 1942 Jan 1946 2 Apr 1952 Sep 1970 UP 906212 Dec 1972 16
Imperial Rock Apr 1942 Jan 1946 22 Jun 1955 Sep 1970 UP 906213 Oct 1972 17
Imperial Sands Apr 1942 Jan 1946 14 Oct 1954 Oct 1969     18


  • Length, Over Buffers: (not shown)
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: 84'-9"
  • Length, Over End Sills: 82'-7"
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel (9'-0" wheelbase) (41-HR-11)

General Notes:

  1. "Imperial" series Sleeper, 4 bedrooms 4 compartments 2 drawing rooms (4-4-2)
  2. Pullman Lot 6668
  3. Pullman Plan 4069H
  4. All 40 cars were delivered in Two-Tone Gray for service on the UP/SP "Overland Limited" and for the SP "Golden State". Many, but not all got OVERLAND lettering in 1946 and the UP cars were painted yellow and gray by approximately 1954. Some, but not all, UP cars were painted yellow and gray in 1947 when the CITY trains went daily. (Jeff Cauthen, email dated October 17, 2010)
  5. All cars equipped with Pullman 41-HR-11 trucks.
  6. Outside rubber diaphragms retired and removed in August and September 1950.
  7. On December 31, 1945, all 18 cars were sold by Pullman to UP, SP, and C&NW; all 18 cars were then leased back to Pullman for operation. Twelve cars went UP ownership. Two cars (Imperial Harbor and Imperial Horn) went to SP ownership. Four cars (Imperial Drive, Imperial Leaf, Imperial Mark, and Imperial Ranch) went to C&NW ownership.
  8. Three of the UP-owned cars (Imperial Bird, Imperial Letter, Imperial Rock) were repainted to Illinois Central brown and orange colors in November 1957 for use on IC's Panama Limited; all three cars were repainted back to UP yellow and gray in May 1959. (Four of the six C&NW-owned cars were also repainted to IC colors at the same time.) (Dates from Pullman car records)
  9. Seven UP-owned cars were remodeled to Roadway bunk cars 1972, numbered as UP 906207-906213.
  10. UP diagram sheet P-9-3 (9/1/1949), Rev. A (1/5/64), Rev. B 3/2/1959, Rev. C (12/1/1964)
  11. UP Equipment Record: r3-1082 (Imperial series); r3-1209 (Imperial series)


  1. Imperial Band was wrecked on Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P) on December 21, 1963; retired in June 1964.
  2. Imperial Beach; to Roadway Bunk 906207 in July 1972
  3. Imperial Bird; sold in December 1969 to Ronald Graham on behalf of the Pacific Railroad Society, used during the 1970s in excursion and charter service on several routes throughout U.S., Canada and Mexico, still owned by Pacific Railroad Society as of early 2003, out of service and stored in East Los Angeles, California; identified as Pacific Railroad Society (PAR) No. 1, Amtrak 800365, painted in Amtrak colors; donated to Pacific Southwest Railway Museum by Pacific Railroad Society in early January, 2016; moved from Commerce, California, to PSRM location in Campo, California, arriving on Saturday, March 12, 2016. (Ted Brumberg, email dated December 17, 2014; Diana Hyatt, email dated March 15, 2016; See also: The Streamliner, Spring 2003, Volume 17, Number 3, page 4, RPO Letters to the Editor)
  4. Imperial Cape; sold to Pacific Railroad Society in August 1971; scrapped by Pacific Railroad Society in 1971 to provide parts for Imperial Bird. (Andrew Novak, email dated March 18, 2016)
  5. Imperial Drive (C&NW) to C&NW in 1945; repainted to C&NW on 23 April 1953; to Auto-Liner on 1 August 1970, to Auto-Liner 100; to Great Western Tours; currently owned by John Kirkwood-Rail Ventures (RVIX) as the Yerba Buena, listed as RVIX 800344 and PPCX 800344).
  6. Imperial Flower; to Roadway Bunk 904208 in November 1972; assigned to Cheyenne wreck train during 1974; assigned to Salt Lake City wreck train; sold for scrap to Durbano Metal in Ogden, Utah, during early 2007. (2007 update from Rich Castagna, email dated April 10, 2008)
  7. Imperial Gate; to Roadway Bunk 906209 in June 1972
  8. Imperial Harbor (SP) to SP in 1945; to SP 9100 on 8 July 1949; retired in 1968 and sold to Judge Roy Hofheinz for the planned Astrodomain hotel in Houston, later sold to Ringling Brothers circus.
  9. Imperial Horn (SP) to SP in 1945; to SP 9101 on 9 February 1951; retired in 1968 and sold to Judge Roy Hofheinz for the Astrodomain, later scrapped.
  10. Imperial Hour; to Roadway Bunk 904210 in April 1972.
  11. Imperial Leaf (C&NW) to C&NW in 1945; repainted to C&NW on 22 March 1953; to Auto-Liner on 28 December 1970; sold to Charter Wire Co. (CWMW) no. 33 "Imperial Leaf"; listed as CWMW 800144, PPCX 800144, and RPCX 800144)
  12. Imperial Letter; sold to the Johnsons Junction Motel (Joe Johnson) in Antonito, Colorado, August 1971 (along with National Command, UP 4051 and UP 5613); moved for storage on the Idaho Northern & Pacific Boise Cutoff Branch, near Morrison Knudsen's locomotive shop in Boise, Idaho, by June 1993; moved to Nampa, Idaho, by May 2007; moved to Emmett, Idaho, in November 2009. (previously reported in error as sold to Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad)
  13. Imperial Mark (C&NW) to C&NW in 1945; repainted to UP yellow on September 9, 1954; to Auto-Liner on 28 December 1970; scrapped by Auto-Liner in 1978.
  14. Imperial Palm; to Roadway Bunk 906211 in October 1972; later retired and sold to C. Zever as CHZX no. 100 (Independence, Missouri).
  15. Imperial Ranch (C&NW) to C&NW in 1945; repainted to UP yellow; to Auto-Liner on 28 December 1970; to Rock Island 100; sold in 1979 to Arthur Cohen, named "Blue Goose" due to the light blue "The Rock" paint; later owned by Dan Dews and Edmund Boyce, doing business as St. Louis Car Company, renamed "Innsbrook"; later sold to NdeM as NDM 3593 "Agalegas I," and assigned to the company's president. (Ted Brumberg, email dated December 17, 2014)
  16. Imperial Robe; to Roadway Bunk 906212 in December 1972
  17. Imperial Rock; to Roadway Bunk 906213 in October 1972; sold in September 2004 to Empire Builder Private Cars 903213; donated to Pacific Railroad Preservation Association (www.sps700.org) at Portland, Oregon; PRPA moved its stored equipment (except the three steam locomotives in the Brooklyn roundhouse) in February 2011 to a new site in Portland; car sold to Mount Hood Railroad (date?); moved as SLRG 9120 from Mount Hood to (?), seen en route at Nampa, Idaho, on April 12, 2016, seen en route at Pocatello, Idaho on April 20, 2016. (David Varilek, email August 16, 2007; 2016 updates from Trainorders.com, April 13, 2016, and Jerry LaBoda, email dated April 21, 2016)
  18. Imperial Sands; to Auto-Liner, October 1969, to Great Western Tours; repainted to Amtrak colors; sold to Streamliner Rail Travel Corp. (B. Black, W. Gawzner, E.T. Peterson Owners) , repainted to the Overland Two-Tone Gray; sold to Classic Rail Cars numbered as PPCX 800143; moved to the Morristown & Erie; stored out of service with URHS of New Jersey equipment in Boonton, New Jersey. As of 2016, car has not operated in excursion or charter service in more than a dozen years. No longer certified to operate as a private car on the Amtrak system.


Sleeper -- 12 cars
Pullman-Standard, 1955

Car Number
(after August 1969)
Date To
1200 Series
National Border Feb 1956 UP 1201   Sep 1970 1
National Colors (Wabash)         2
National Command Nov 1955 UP 1202 Jul 1969 Sep 1970 3
National Consulate May 1956 UP 1203   Sep 1970 4
National Domain Nov 1955 UP 1204 Jul 1969 Sep 1970 5
National Embassy Nov 1955 UP 1205 Jul 1969 Sep 1970 6
National Emblem Nov 1955 UP 1206   Sep 1970 5
National Forum Jan 1956 UP 1207 Aug 1969 Nov 1971 7
National Frontier Nov 1955 UP 1208   Sep 1970 8
National Homes (Wabash)         9
National Progress Dec 1955 UP 1209   Sep 1970 10
National Scene Dec 1955 UP 1210   Sep 1970 11
National Shores Dec 1955 UP 1211   Sep 1970 12
National Unity (Wabash)         13
National View Dec 1955 UP 1212 Jul 1969 Dec 1971 14


  • Length, Over Buffers, Coupled: 85'-0"
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: (not shown)
  • Length, Over End Sills: 79'-2"
  • Length, Inside:
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel (9'-0" wheelbase)

General Notes:

  1. "National" series Sleeper, 6 roomettes, 4 bedrooms, 6 open sections (6-4-6)
  2. UP 1201-1212 numbers added after August 1, 1969. (The Union Pacific Streamliners, Kratville, page 479)
  3. Pullman-Standard Plan 4197, Lot 6957
  4. UP Floor Plan: 237-CB-26509
  5. UP diagram sheet P-9-22 (9/29/1955), Rev. A (6/12/1962) (12 cars)
  6. UP Equipment Record: r3-1212 (National series)
  7. (Additional dispositions from Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society and Jeffery Trimble)


  1. National Border (UP 1201); sold to Herman Thompson; to Golden Spike Tours (Fullerton, California); to John Clark, Cerritos, California
  2. National Colors (Wabash); sold to Steelmet Inc.; to Ringling Brothers in 1971; stored at Venice, Florida by 1979; wrecked in the January 13, 1994 derailment at Lakeland, Florida, scrapped.
  3. National Command (UP 1202); sold to Johnsons Junction Motel (Joe Johnson) in January 1972 (along with Imperial letter, UP 4051 and UP 5613); sold back to UP in 1991; moved for storage at Cheyenne, Wyoming; on permanent loan by UP to Western Heritage Museum (Omaha) in 1996; National Command was donated by UP to the Durham Museum (formerly Western Heritage Museum) in June 2018; car moved to the museum during 2019 and refurbished with new carpet and upholstery on the sleeping section seats.
  4. National Consulate (UP 1203); sold to Simco Inc., in February 1972; scrapped in South Carolina
  5. National Domain (UP 1204) and National Emblem (UP 1206) were sold to Rail Tours International (Jack Spence) in January 1972; sold to Outdoor World Ltd. in late 1972, moved to McKinley Park Station, Alaska, 230 miles north of Anchorage on the Alaska Railroad, for use as temporary accommodations to replace for the McKinley Park Hotel (also at McKinley Park Station), destroyed by fire in September 1972. Outdoor World Ltd. was the new concession operator for the hotel, which was owned by the National Park Service. The hotel was not rebuilt, but Outdoor World and the National Park Service created a replacement facility made up of eleven railroad cars and new modular units, with the new name, McKinley Park Station Hotel, reflecting the railroad theme of the new facility. The cars (and "temporary" hotel) remained in place adjacent to Alaska Railroad's McKinley Park Station siding until 1993; sold to Mike and Susan Wilson, and moved to their property near Fairbanks, then renovated as the Aurora Express Bed and Breakfast; still there as of late 2020. (Railway Preservation News about National Domain and National Emblem, January 2021)
  6. National Embassy (UP 1205); sold to Pacific Railroad Society in 1971; traded to William Gawzner in 1978 in exchange for his ex-SP Shasta Daylight car; Mr. Gawzner used National Embassy as part of his Miramar Hotel in Montecito, California (near Santa Barbara); Mr. Gawzner passed away in 1984 and National Embassy sat neglected until the car was donated in February 2000 by the motel's new owners to the Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society. On February 16, 2000, the National Embassy was hoisted from its 22-year home, onto a truck, for a ride to its new home in Fillmore, California. (Read more about National Embassy at the Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society's web site)
  7. National Forum (UP 1207); sold to Pacific Railroad Society in January 1972
  8. National Frontier (UP 1208); sold to Simco Inc., in February 1972; scrapped in South Carolina
  9. National Homes (Wabash); sold to Steelmet Inc.; possibly scrapped in 1971
  10. National Progress (UP 1209); sold to Thomas Pearson in August 1971; to Overland Rail Travel 1209; stored in a salvage yard in Santa Fe Springs, California until moved in April 1986 (along with UP Baggage Dormitory 6009) to Los Angeles Live Steamers on Zoo Drive on the north side of Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California; still there as of November 2014.
  11. National Scene (UP 1210); sold to Finlay Funtime Tours in August 1971, renamed to "Audubon Park" (Finlay Funtime Tours shut down and equipment auctioned off); sold to Hartwell-Lowe Corporation; donated to Orange Empire Railway Museum in (?).
  12. National Shores (UP 1211); sold to O. C. Varnes in October 1971; operated by Overland Rail Travel; sold to Mexico in 1979 as NdeM 702 "Monte Sinai"; scrapped at Huehuetoca Yard, July 2000
  13. National Unity (Wabash); sold to Steelmet Inc.; possibly scrapped in 1971
  14. National View (UP 1212); sold to O. C. Varnes in October 1971; sold to Mexico in 1979 as NdeM 701 "Monte Blanco"


Sleeper -- 2 cars
ACF, 1954

Car Number
(after August 1969)
Date To
1300 Series
Ocean Sands Dec 1954 UP 1301 Jul 1969 Oct 1971 1
Ocean View Dec 1954 UP 1302 Aug 1969 Oct 1971 2

Why these two cars from ACF and the later three "Ocean" cars from Pullman? These two cars were originally part of a 20-car order to ACF for a group of 4 bedroom 4 compartment 2 drawing room "Imperial" series sleepers, with these two cars being "Imperial Charm" (delivered as "Ocean Sands") and "Imperial Palace" (delivered as "Ocean View"). The railroad changed the floor plan for these two cars to use the 5 bedroom 2 compartment 2 drawing room floor plan. The two additional 5 bedroom sleepers were needed to equip all five of the train sets assigned to City of Los Angeles service (7th, 9th, 16th, 17th and 21st) with five sleepers in each train, with the 16th and 17th trains having only four sleepers. The two-car order went to ACF because of the established recent orders UP had with ACF, and ACF likely had the production capacity that would allow short-term delivery. Pullman was likely unable to deliver on UP's short-term need. Within less than a year, UP decided to equip all five train sets with identical 5 bedroom 2 compartment 2 drawing room sleepers, and an order was placed with Pullman for the three additional cars. In January 1955, Pullman's requested for names for the three cars, and after UP provided possible names, Pullman instead suggested a continuation of the "Ocean" series to keep the 5 bedroom 2 compartment 2 drawing room sleepers in the same name series.


  • Length, Over Buffers:
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: 85'-0"
  • Length, Over End Sills:
  • Length, Inside:
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel (9'-0" wheelbase)

General Notes:

  1. "Ocean" series Sleepers, 5 bedrooms, 2 compartments, 2 drawing rooms (5-2-2)
  2. UP 1301 and 1302 numbers added after August 1, 1969. (The Union Pacific Streamliners, Kratville, page 479)
  3. UP diagram sheet P-9-7 (3/8/1954), Rev. B (12/20/1957), Rev. C (8/10/1965)
  4. UP Equipment Record: r3-1214 (Ocean series)


  1. "Ocean Sands"; to Auto-Train 301 in 1972; to Mexico Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 713 "Peten"
  2. "Ocean View"; to Auto-Train 302 in 1972; (disposition unknown, all Auto-Train equipment sold at auction in December 1981)


Sleeper -- 3 cars
Pullman-Standard, 1956

Car Number
(after August 1969)
Date To
1300 Series
Ocean Mist May 1956 UP 1303 Aug 1969 Oct 1971 1
Ocean Scene May 1956 UP 1304 Jul 1969 Oct 1971 2
Ocean Sunset May 1956 UP 1305 Aug 1969 Oct 1971 3


  • Length, Over Buffers:
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: 85'-0"
  • Length, Over End Sills:
  • Length, Inside:
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel (8'-0" wheelbase)

General Notes:

  1. "Ocean" series Sleepers, 5 bedrooms, 2 compartments, 2 drawing rooms (5-2-2)
  2. UP 1303-1305 numbers added after August 1, 1969. (The Union Pacific Streamliners, Kratville, page 479)
  3. UP diagram sheet P-9-25 (9/29/1955) (no revision)
  4. UP Equipment Record: r3-1214 (Ocean series)


  1. "Ocean Mist"; to Auto-Train 303 in 1972; wrecked in Florence, South Carolina, on February 24, 1978, scrapped
  2. "Ocean Scene"; to Auto-Train 304 in 1972; to Mexico Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 714 "Palenque"
  3. "Ocean Sunset"; to Auto-Train 305 in 1972; to Mexico Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 715 "Cholula"


Sleeper -- 50 cars
Budd, 1949-1950

(Read more about the 43 cars sold to Amtrak in 1971)

Car Number
(after August 1969)
Date To
1400 Series
First Amtrak
Pacific Bay Dec 1949 UP 1401 Oct 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2601 Pacific Bay 1
Pacific Beach Jan 1950 UP 1402 Jul 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2602 Pacific Beach 2
Pacific Beauty Jan 1950 UP 1403 Oct 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2600 Pacific Beauty 3
Pacific Bend Feb 1950 UP 1404 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2603 Pacific Bend 4
Pacific Bridge Jan 1950     Aug 1969     5
Pacific Cape Feb 1950     Dec 1971 AMTK 2604 Pacific Cape 6
Pacific Castle Jan 1950     Dec 1971 AMTK 2605 Pacific Castle 7
Pacific Command Jan 1950 UP 1408 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2606 Pacific Command 8
Pacific Cove Jan 1950 UP 1409 Feb 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2607 Pacific Cove 9
Pacific Crest Feb 1950 UP 1410 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2608 Pacific Crest 10
Pacific Cruiser Feb 1950     Aug 1969     11
Pacific Domain Feb 1950 UP 1412 Oct 1970 Dec 1971     12
Pacific Emblem Feb 1950 UP 1413 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2609 Pacific Emblem 13
Pacific Empire Feb 1950     1953     14
Pacific Falls Feb 1950 UP 1414 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2610 Pacific Falls 15
Pacific Forest Feb 1950 UP 1415 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2611 Pacific Forest 16
Pacific Forum Feb 1950 UP 1416 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2612 Pacific Forum 17
Pacific Gardens Feb 1950 UP 1417 Jul 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2613 Pacific Gardens 18
Pacific Guard Feb 1950     Aug 1969     19
Pacific Harbor Feb 1950     Aug 1969     20
Pacific Heights Mar 1950 UP 1420 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2614 Pacific Heights 21
Pacific Hills Mar 1950 UP 1421 Nov 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2615 Pacific Hills 22
Pacific Home Mar 1950 UP 1422 Apr 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2616 Pacific Home 23
Pacific Island Mar 1950 UP 1423 Nov 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2617 Pacific Island 24
Pacific Light Mar 1950     Aug 1969     25
Pacific Lodge Mar 1950 UP 1425 Jul 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2618 Pacific Lodge 26
Pacific Meadow Mar 1950 UP 1426 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2619 Pacific Meadow 27
Pacific Mist Mar 1950 UP 1427 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2620 Pacific Mist 28
Pacific Northwest Mar 1950 UP 1428 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2621 Pacific Northwest 29
Pacific Ocean Apr 1950 UP 1429 Sep 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2622 Pacific Ocean 30
Pacific Park Apr 1950 UP 1430 Jul 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2623 Pacific Park 31
Pacific Patrol Apr 1950 UP 1431 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2624 Pacific Patrol 32
Pacific Peak Apr 1950 UP 1432 Nov 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2625 Pacific Peak 33
Pacific Plateau Apr 1950 UP 1433 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2626 Pacific Plateau 34
Pacific Range Apr 1950 UP 1434 Oct 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2627 Pacific Range 35
Pacific Rest Apr 1950 UP 1435 Nov 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2628 Pacific Rest 36
Pacific Ridge Apr 1950 UP 1436 Nov 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2629 Pacific Ridge 37
Pacific Sands May 1950 UP 1437 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2630 Pacific Sands 38
Pacific Scene May 1950 UP 1438 Oct 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2631 Pacific Scene 39
Pacific Shore May 1950 UP 1439 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2632 Pacific Shore 40
Pacific Skies May 1950 UP 1440 Oct 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2633 Pacific Skies 41
Pacific Slope May 1950 UP 1441 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2634 Pacific Slope 42
Pacific Spray May 1950 UP 1442 Jun 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2635 Pacific Spray 43
Pacific Sunset May 1950 UP 1443 May 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2636 Pacific Sunset 44
Pacific Terrace Jun 1950 UP 1444 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2637 Pacific Terrace 45
Pacific Trail Jun 1950 UP 1445 Jul 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2638 Pacific Trail 46
Pacific Union Jun 1950 UP 1446 Apr 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2639 Pacific Union 47
Pacific View Jun 1950 UP 1447 Nov 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2640 Pacific View 48
Pacific Waters Jun 1950 UP 1448 Jul 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2641 Pacific Waters 49
Pacific Waves Jun 1950 UP 1449 Jul 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2642 Pacific Waves 50


  • Length, Over Buffers:
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: 85'-0"
  • Length, Over End Sills:
  • Length, Inside:
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel (9'-0" wheelbase)

General Notes:

  1. "Pacific" series Sleeper, 6 bedrooms, 10 roomettes (6-10)
  2. UP 1401-1444 numbers added to remaining cars after August 1, 1969; the five cars sold to Milwaukee Road in 1969 did not receive 1400-series numbers. (The Union Pacific Streamliners, Kratville, page 479)
  3. Stainless steel construction, with fluted sides
  4. Delivered to UP between December 1949 and June 1950.
  5. "Pacific Bay" to "Pacific Light" (25 cars) were delivered in UP's standard yellow and gray paint scheme.
  6. "Pacific Lodge" to "Pacific Waves" (25 cars) were delivered in UP's two-tone gray paint scheme; repainted in 1952 to UP's standard yellow and gray paint scheme.
  7. "Pacific Beach" painted in UP's two-tone gray for City of St. Louis service; changed to UP/SP Seattle to Oakland pool service, which operated over UP from Seattle to Portland, then over SP from Portland to Oakland; retained in this service until January 1966, including repainting to SP's all-aluminum with red letterboard scheme in 1959; upon ending of Seattle to Oakland pool service in 1966, Pacific Beach was returned to full-time UP pool service and repainted to UP's standard yellow and gray very soon after.
  8. After their sale to Amtrak, most Amtrak "Pacific" sleepers were remodeled to electric power (HEP) and renumbered into three different number series; some were later assigned to Crew Sleeper Dormitory service. (Read more about the Pacific-series cars after HEP conversion)
  9. Amtrak information taken from "Amtrak By The Numbers," pages 123, 124, 179 and 180.
  10. UP diagram sheet P-9-4 (9/1/1949), Rev. A (12/20/1957), Rev. C (1/10/1967)
  11. UP Equipment Record: r3-1083 (Pacific series); r3-1210 (Pacific series)

The following listing shows the dates that the Pacific-series cars were repainted as UP yellow and gray.

Date To
UP Yellow and Gray
  Pacific Lodge 5/2/52
  Pacific Meadow 5/6/52
  Pacific Mist 5/9/52
  Pacific Northwest 5/15/52
  Pacific Ocean 8/19/52
  Pacific Park 3/26/52
  Pacific Patrol 7/31/52
  Pacific Peak 8/13/52
  Pacific Plateau 4/4/52
  Pacific Range 6/16/52
  Pacific Rest 4/11/52
  Pacific Ridge 5/2/52
  Pacific Sands 7/15/52
  Pacific Scene 4/11/52
  Pacific Shore 6/11/52
  Pacific Skies 5/16/52
  Pacific Slope 9/4/52
  Pacific Spray 6/9/52
  Pacific Sunset 5/21/52
  Pacific Terrace 4/17/52
  Pacific Trail 4/25/52
  Pacific Union 5/23/52
  Pacific View 6/13/52
  Pacific Waters 8/25/52
  Pacific Waves 3/28/52


  1. Pacific Bay; to Amtrak 2600, "Pacific Bay" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2900 in September 1979, off roster in 1988, retired by Amtrak in 1996
  2. Pacific Beach; to Amtrak 2601, "Pacific Beach" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2440 in January 1981; sold by Amtrak February 2002
  3. Pacific Beauty; to Amtrak 2602, "Pacific Beauty" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2880 in June 1979, off roster in 2001; sold to ("Friends of 261"); sold to Canadian Northern Railway as of June 2014.
  4. Pacific Bend; to Amtrak 2603, "Pacific Bend" in December 1971; converted to Amtrak HEP 2903 in June 1978; to Crew Dormitory 2504 in January 1998; removed from service in February 2007; converted to Amtrak 10020 "Pacific Command" (2nd) in 2008.
  5. Pacific Bridge; to Milwaukee Road 33, "Pacific Bridge" in August 1969; sold to Mexico in March 1972 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 629 "Navarra"
  6. Pacific Cape; to Amtrak 2604, "Pacific Cape" in December 1971; converted to Amtrak HEP 2891 in January 1980; converted to Amtrak Crew Sleeper Dormitory 2521 in January 1999; removed from service in February 2007; converted in April 2008 to Amtrak 10021 "Pacific Patrol" (2nd).
  7. Pacific Castle; to Amtrak 2605, "Pacific Castle" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2438 in September 1980, retired by Amtrak in November 2002; as of October 2015, "Pacific Castle" was stored out of service at Chehalis, Washington, on the Western Washington Railroad ("The car is in rough shape, looks like stainless steel outside and the name 'Pacific Castle' was on it.").
  8. Pacific Command; to Amtrak 2606, "Pacific Command" (1st) in December 1971; converted to HEP 2892 in February 1980; to Crew Dormitory 2524 in January 2000; "Pacific Command" name removed in December 2004; stored as February 2007; seen at Seattle's King Street Station during 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, serving as Amtrak's police command center. (2010 update from Joshua D. Coran, via email dated August 12, 2010)
  9. Pacific Cove; to Amtrak 2607, "Pacific Cove" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2441 in October 1980, off roster in 1988, sold by Amtrak in July 1995; sold to private individual, in service as AMTK 800037
  10. Pacific Crest; to Amtrak 2608, "Pacific Crest" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2436 in December 1980, retired by Amtrak in January 2002
  11. Pacific Cruiser; to Milwaukee Road 34, "Pacific Cruiser" in August 1969; sold to Mexico in March 1972 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 631 "Galicia"
  12. Pacific Domain; to UP Staff Crew Car 202 in 1973; to UP Staff Crew Car "Cabarton" in June 1980; to UPP 202 Staff Diner Lounge in 1989
  13. Pacific Emblem; to Amtrak 2609, "Pacific Emblem" in December 1971, wrecked on December 16, 1971, retired by Amtrak in August 1973, scrapped
  14. Pacific Empire was wrecked on November 12, 1951 at Wyuta, Utah; scrapped in 1953
  15. Pacific Falls; to Amtrak 2610, "Pacific Falls" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2430 in November 1980, wrecked in August 1994 at Batavia, New York.
  16. Pacific Forest; to Amtrak 2611, "Pacific Forest" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2911 in November 1977; to Crew Dormitory 2505 in March 1998; removed from service and stored "dead" in January 2007
  17. Pacific Forum; to Amtrak 2612, "Pacific Forum" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2431 in June 1980, sold by Amtrak in 2001
  18. Pacific Gardens; to Amtrak 2613, "Pacific Gardens" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2913 in October 1978; to Crew Dormitory 2516 in August 1998, stored "dead" in September 2006
  19. Pacific Guard; to Milwaukee Road 35, "Pacific Guard" in August 1969; sold to Mexico in March 1972 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 630 "Aragon"
  20. Pacific Harbor; to Milwaukee Road 36, "Pacific Harbor" in August 1969, wrecked on December 16, 1971; sold to Mexico in 1971 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 632 "Versalles"
  21. Pacific Heights; to Amtrak 2614, "Pacific Heights" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2433 in November 1980, wrecked in August 1994 at Batavia, New York.
  22. Pacific Hills; to Amtrak 2615, "Pacific Hills" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2915 in October 1977; wrecked in July 1984 at Williston, Vermont, scrapped in 1984
  23. Pacific Home; to Amtrak 2616, "Pacific Home" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2885 in December 1979, stored "dead" in September 1995; retired by Amtrak; acquired by Mercer County, New Jersey, circa 2001 and moved to Dempster Fire Training Center, Mercer County Fire Academy, in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. Used to support training operations, but not damaged. Purchased by Chuck Jensen in 2009 and moved over the road (highway heavy haul) to Morristown & Erie Railway in Morristown, New Jersey. Repaired and refurbished as 9 roomette 6 double bedroom sleeper. One roomette converted to toilet compartment; toilets removed from the other 9 roomettes. Amtrak certified, assigned private car number RPCX 800971. Fully operational July 2016. (update from John Deasy, Dominion Rail Voyages, email dated August 27, 2016)
  24. Pacific Island; to Amtrak 2617, "Pacific Island" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2917 in May 1977, listed as "For Sale" in August 2001; sold to The Sleeper Line; sold to Dominion Rail Voyages LLC in 1999; converted to six bedroom lounge car during 2001-2002, renamed "Mount Vernon" and assigned AAR reporting marks PPCX 800708. After 22 years active service with Dominion Rail Voyages LLC as a private car certified to operate on Amtrak and Via Rail Canada, RPCX 800708 MOUNT VERNON was acquired by Adios Rail LLC in June 2023. Car has been renamed with its original name PACIFIC ISLAND. Car is based on Morristown & Erie Railway in New Jersey. (update from John Deasy, Dominion Rail Voyages, email dated July 22, 2024)
  25. Pacific Light; to Milwaukee Road 37, "Pacific Light" in August 1969; sold to Mexico in March 1972
  26. Pacific Lodge; to Amtrak 2618, "Pacific Lodge" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2439 in October 1980; sold in September 1996 to Ringling Bros. RBBX 41408 (as of October 2011, trucks removed and car stored on jack stands at RBBB rail shop at Palmetto, Florida)
  27. Pacific Meadow; to Amtrak 2619, "Pacific Meadow" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2435 in December 1980, sold by Amtrak in February 2002
  28. Pacific Mist; to Amtrak 2620, "Pacific Mist" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2920 in September 1977; to Crew Dormitory 2520 in October 1998, retired by Amtrak in January 2003
  29. Pacific Northwest; to Amtrak 2621, "Pacific Northwest" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2893 in February 1980; to Crew Dormitory 2507 in February 1998; removed from service and stored "dead" in October 2006
  30. Pacific Ocean; to Amtrak 2622, "Pacific Ocean" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2437 in December 1980, sold by Amtrak in 2001
  31. Pacific Park; to Amtrak 2623, "Pacific Park" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2923 in September 1977; to Crew Dormitory 2511 in April 1998, stored "dead" in June 2006
  32. Pacific Patrol; to Amtrak 2624, "Pacific Patrol" (1st) in December 1971; converted to HEP 2924 in October 1978; to Crew Dormitory 2510 in April 1998, stored "dead" in June 2006
  33. Pacific Peak; to Amtrak 2625, "Pacific Peak" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2887 in December 1979, listed as "For Sale" in October 1995; sold to a private party (date?); sold to Illinois Railway Museum in 2004, with full compliment of sheets, blankets and pillows, repainted to Burlington to match other cars in train used during filming of the movie "Flags Of Our Fathers." (IRM update from Jon Habegger via email dated October 9, 2011; date to IRM from Michael McCraren, email dated January 3, 2012)
  34. Pacific Plateau; to Amtrak 2626, "Pacific Plateau" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2434 in October 1980, sold by Amtrak in 2001
  35. Pacific Range; to Amtrak 2627, "Pacific Range" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2883 in July 1979, listed as "For Sale" in July 1995, off roster in 2001; PACIFIC RANGE was renamed PACIFIC SUNSET (2nd), either by Amtrak after conversion to HEP in 1979 or by the first private owner. Assigned Amtrak private car number 800698. Acquired from previous private car owner by Katy and Fred Gullette in 2010. (Pacific Sunset (1st) was scrapped by Amtrak after retirement in 1975.) Pacific Sunset (2nd) was converted to a variation on bedroom lounge business car layout. Certified to operate as private car on the Amtrak system. Based at Kansas City Union Station. (update from John Deasy, Dominion Rail Voyages, email dated July 22, 2024)
  36. Pacific Rest; to Amtrak 2628, "Pacific Rest" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2894 in February 1980, listed by Amtrak as "For Sale" in October 1995; sold to David Varilik, stored at Hooper, Nebraska, on Fremont and Elkhorn Valley, moved to Fremont and salvaged for parts (trucks and interior removed); sold to Iowa Pacific before May 2014 and and moved by truck in August 2014 from Fremont to Alamosa, Colorado; still there as of August 2021.
  37. Pacific Ridge; to Amtrak 2629, "Pacific Ridge" in December 1971, wrecked in 1979, retired by Amtrak in 1980
  38. Pacific Sands; to Amtrak 2630, "Pacific Sands" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2881 in June 1979, retired by Amtrak in 1996; sold for private service, based in Montreal; sold to Pullman Adventures in June 2003 for charter service, based in Los Angeles (Amtrak assigned number PPCX 800355)
  39. Pacific Scene; to Amtrak 2631, "Pacific Scene" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2886 in December 1979, listed as "For Sale" in August 1997; sold to private party in Arizona (stored in Phoenix), named "Silver Star"; sold to private party in New Jersey, en route during May 2023
  40. Pacific Shore; to Amtrak 2632, "Pacific Shore" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2932 in October 1978, listed as "For Sale" in 2001; moved to Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum, Clarea, Alabama; out of service as of September 2021.
  41. Pacific Skies; to Amtrak 2633, "Pacific Skies" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2933 in November 1977; to Crew Dormitory 2517 in September 1998, stored "dead" in July 2006
  42. Pacific Slope; to Amtrak 2634, "Pacific Slope" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2884 in December 1979; to Crew Dormitory 2508 in March 1998; wrecked as of August 8, 2003; stored until retired by Amtrak in December 2006
  43. Pacific Spray; to Amtrak 2635, "Pacific Spray" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2888 in January 1980, listed as "For Sale" in July 1995
  44. Pacific Sunset; to Amtrak 2636, "Pacific Sunset" in December 1971; wrecked on July 6, 1974 near Malvern, Kansas; retired by Amtrak in September 1975, scrapped. (This was the Pacific Sunset (1st). Pacific Sunset (2nd) is the former Pacific Range.)
  45. Pacific Terrace; to Amtrak 2637, "Pacific Terrace" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2889 in January 1980; to Crew Dormitory 2509 in February 1998; removed from service in February 2007; converted to Buffer Car 10405 in November 2008.
  46. Pacific Trail; to Amtrak 2638, "Pacific Trail" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2882 in June 1979; sold in May 1996 to Ringling Bros., to RBBX 41407 (as of October 2011, trucks removed and car stored on jack stands at RBBB rail shop at Palmetto, Florida)
  47. Pacific Union; to Amtrak 2639, "Pacific Union" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2890 in January 1980, listed as "For Sale" in May 1995; to American Rail Excursions "Pacific Union" in 1996, complete mechanical overhaul completed, part of a fleet of 16 cars available for private charter; to Webb Rail LLC (WEBX 800640) in 2018 and completely restored in early 2020.
  48. Pacific View; to Amtrak 2640, "Pacific View" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2940 in June 1978; to Crew Dormitory 2502 in December 1997; retired by Amtrak in September 2003; sold to Chris Edwards/Batavia and Ohio Rail Car Company in September 2003. Sold by Batavia & Ohio Railcar Company (Chris Edwards) to Hocking Valley Scenic Railway in Nelsonville Ohio, December 2019.
  49. Pacific Waters; to Amtrak 2641, "Pacific Water" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2941 in November 1977; assigned as Amtrak Crew Dormitory 2513 in October 1997, stored "dead" in July 2006
  50. Pacific Waves; to Amtrak 2642, "Pacific Waves" in December 1971; converted to HEP 2432 in June 1980, sold in 2001


Sleeper -- 10 cars
Pullman-Standard, 1956

(Read more about the 10 cars sold to Amtrak in 1971)

Car Number
(after August 1969)
Date To
1500 Series
Placid Bay Feb 1956 UP 1501 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2260 1
Placid Harbor Feb 1956 UP 1502 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2261 2
Placid Haven Feb 1956 UP 1503 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2262 3
Placid Lake Mar 1956 UP 1504 Jul 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2263 4
Placid Meadow Mar 1956 UP 1505 Jul 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2264 5
Placid Scene Mar 1956 UP 1506 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2265 6
Placid Sea Mar 1956 UP 1507 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2266 7
Placid Vale Mar 1956 UP 1508 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 AMTK 2267 8
Placid Valley Mar 1956 UP 1509 Jul 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2268 9
Placid Waters Mar 1956 UP 1510 Aug 1969 Dec 1971 AMTK 2269 10


  • Length, Over Buffers, Coupled: 85'-0"
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: (not shown)
  • Length, Over End Sills: 79'-2"
  • Length, Inside:
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 4 wheel (9'-0" wheelbase)

General Notes:

  1. "Placid" series Sleeper, 11 Bedrooms
  2. All ten "Placid" series cars were leased to Seaboard Coast Line from December 16, 1970 to April 20, 1971. "Union Pacific" lettering on letter board temporarily replaced by "Seaboard Coast Line." (Jerry LaBoda, email dated October 2, 2015)
  3. Amtrak information taken from "Amtrak By The Numbers," pages 120 and 121.
  4. Three cars were sold by Amtrak in 1971, then later to American Orient Express in 1996; AOE was sold to Grandluxe Rail Journeys in Spring 2006; Grandluxe went bankrupt in August 2008. (Read more about the American Orient Express)
  5. Pullman-Standard Plan 4198, Lot 6958
  6. Floor Plan: 237-CB-26533
  7. UP diagram sheet P-9-23 (9/30/1955) (no revisions) (10 cars)
  8. UP Equipment Record: r3-1211 (Placid series)
  9. UP 1501-1510 numbers added after August 1, 1969. (The Union Pacific Streamliners, Kratville, page 479)


  1. "Placid Bay", to UP 1501 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2260 in 1971, retired by Amtrak in July 1981; sold to American-European Express (AEE 06); sold to Les Kasten (ITAX) in 1991; sold to Kansas City Southern for executive service after 1997, out of service as of May 2014 at Metairie, Louisiana, due to poor condition, including corroded aluminum outer skin.
  2. "Placid Harbor", to UP 1502 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2261 in 1971, retired by Amtrak in July 1981; to Great Western Tours
  3. "Placid Haven", to UP 1503 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2262 in 1971, retired by Amtrak in July 1981; to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 732 "Mallorca"
  4. "Placid Lake", to UP 1504 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2263 in 1971, retired by Amtrak in October 1980; to Indiana Railway Museum (French Lick, Indiana); to American-European Express AE-13 in 1989 and rebuilt with two Presidential Suites and 7 Classic Pullman single sleeper bedrooms; to American Orient Express, in service as AOE "Berlin" (AOEX 800225); to GrandLuxe Rail Journeys in April 2006, stored after August 2008; sold in 2010 to Kevin Moore, restored at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in service as "Berlin" (BerlinSleepingCar.com) RPCX 2263.
  5. "Placid Meadow", to UP 1505 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2264 in 1971, retired by Amtrak in July 1981; sold to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 733 "Segovia"
  6. "Placid Scene", to UP 1506 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2265 in 1971; converted to HEP 2235 in May 1984 (name "Star View" added in 1987); sold to American Orient Express (AOEX 800668) "Grand Canyon" in February 1996; to GrandLuxe Rail Journeys in April 2006, stored after August 2008; sold to Xanterra ( American Railway Explorer) in 2010, name changed to "Glacier Bay"; sold to Greenbrier Express in 2011; sold at auction on September 18, 2014; sold to Morristown & Erie Railroad.
  7. "Placid Sea", to UP 1507 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2266 in 1971, retired by Amtrak in July 1981; to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 724 "Toledo"
  8. "Placid Vale", to UP 1508 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2267 in 1971, reported as wrecked, retired by Amtrak in 1979, scrapped in 1980
  9. "Placid Valley", to UP 1509 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2268 in 1971, retired by Amtrak in July 1981; to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 731 "Aranjuez"
  10. "Placid Waters", to UP 1510 in August 1969, retired by UP in December 1971. Sold to Amtrak 2269 in 1971, retired by Amtrak in July 1981; to Trans Rocky Mountain Tours; to American-European Express "Vienna" (AEE 5; AEE 800109), rebuilt with 2 Presidential suites and 7 Vintage Pullman bedrooms; sold to American Orient Express "Vienna" (AOEX 800109); to GrandLuxe Rail Journeys in April 2006, stored after August 2008; to Xanterra (American Railway Explorer) in 2010, renamed as "Isle Royale"; to Greenbrier Express in 2011, interior completely stripped; sold at auction on September 18, 2014 to Union Pacific.


Sleeper -- 7 cars
Pullman-Standard, 1965

(Read more about all seven cars after being sold to Amtrak in 1971)

Car Number
(after August 1969)
Date To
1700 Series
Star Bay Jun 1965 Cedar City UP 1701 Aug 1969 Dec 1973 AMTK 2250 1
Star Crest May 1965 Cheyenne UP 1702 Aug 1969 Dec 1973 AMTK 2251 2
Star Leaf May 1965 Grand Island UP 1703 Aug 1969 Dec 1973 AMTK 2252 3
Star Range Jul 1965 La Grande UP 1704 Aug 1969 Dec 1973 AMTK 2253 4
Star Scene Jul 1965 North Platte (1st) UP 1705 Aug 1969 Dec 1973 AMTK 2254 5
Star Vale Jun 1965 Omaha (1st) UP 1706 Nov 1969 Dec 1973 AMTK 2255 6
Star View Jun 1965 Pendleton UP 1707 Jul 1969 Dec 1973 AMTK 2256 7


  • Length, Over Buffers: 85'-0"
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style: 41-CUDO-11

General Notes:

  1. "Star" series Sleepers, 11 bedrooms
  2. Rebuilt by Pullman from "City" series Sleeper Lounge (5 Bedroom Buffet Lounge)
  3. All seven "Star" series sleepers were leased to Seaboard Coast Line from late 1970 until their lease to Amtrak in 1971; sold to Amtrak in 1973. (Jerry LaBoda, email dated October 2, 2015)
  4. Amtrak information taken from "Amtrak By The Numbers," pages 120 and 179
  5. Two cars were sold by Amtrak to American Orient Express in 2001-2002; AOE was sold to Grandluxe Rail Journeys in Spring 2006; Grandluxe went bankrupt in August 2008. (Read more about the American Orient Express)
  6. UP diagram sheet P-9-8 (8/10/1965) (no revision)
  7. UP Equipment Record: r3-1203 (Star series); r3-1261 (City series)


  1. UP "Star Bay" (UP 1701); to Amtrak 2250 in 1971; converted to HEP 2230 in December 1983, retired by Amtrak in 1997
  2. UP "Star Crest" (UP 1702); to Amtrak 2251 in 1971; converted to HEP 2231 in December 1983; sold to American Orient Express "Santa Fe" (AOEX 800768) in February 2001; to GrandLuxe Rail Journeys in April 2006, stored after August 2008; to Xanterra (American Railway Explorer) in 2010, name changed to "Glacier"; to Greenbrier Express in 2011, interior completely stripped; sold at auction on September 18, 2014 to Union Pacific.
  3. UP "Star Leaf" (UP 1703); to Amtrak 2252 in 1971; converted to HEP 2232 in February 1984, removed from service and stored in December 1996; retired by Amtrak in May 2001
  4. UP "Star Range" (UP 1704); to Amtrak 2253 in 1971; converted to HEP 2233 in March 1984; sold to American Orient Express "Pacific Star" (AOEX 800774) in October 2002; to GrandLuxe Rail Journeys in April 2006, stored after August 2008 at Colorado Rail Car, Fort Lupon, Colorado; sold to Dave Hoffman (Northern Sky Rail Charters), seen en route at Cheyenne on June 19, 2009 (with "Tallahassse").
  5. UP "Star Scene" (UP 1705); to Amtrak 2254 in 1971; converted to HEP 2234 in April 1984, removed from service and stored in December 1996, retired by Amtrak in May 2004; sold to American Orient Express "Montreal" (AOEX 800757); to GrandLuxe Rail Journeys in April 2006, stored after August 2008; to Xanterra (American Railway Explorer) in 2010, name changed to "Glacier"; to Greenbrier Express in 2011, interior completely stripped; sold at auction on September 18, 2014 to Morristown & Erie Railroad.
  6. UP "Star Vale" (UP 1706); to Amtrak 2255 in 1971 (not converted to HEP), retired by Amtrak in July 1981; sold to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 734 "Cordoba"
  7. UP "Star View" (UP 1707); to Amtrak 2256 in 1971 (not converted to HEP), retired by Amtrak in July 1981; sold to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorios (SCD) 735 "Cadiz"


Sleeper -- 12 cars
ACF, 1949-1950 (Pullman, 1965)

Car Name
Date Retired
As Western Series
Date To
Sun Series
Car Number
(after Aug 1969)
Date 1600
Series Added
Sun Cape Western Adventure Jan 1965 Sep 1965 UP 1601 Sep 1969 Nov 1986 1
Sun Isle Western Hills Feb 1965 Oct 1965 UP 1602 Nov 1969   2
Sun Lake Western Lodge Jan 1965 Sep 1965 UP 1603 Oct 1969   3
Sun Lane Western Mountain Feb 1965 Oct 1965 UP 1604 Sep 1969   4
Sun Manor Western Plains Jan 1965 Aug 1965 UP 1605 Sep 1969   5
Sun Park Western Sea Jan 1965 Oct 1965 UP 1606 Oct 1969 May 1973 6
Sun Point Western Slope Jan 1965 Aug 1965 UP 1607 Jul 1970 Nov 1986 7
Sun Rest Western Star Jan 1965 Nov 1965 UP 1608 Oct 1969   8
Sun Ridge Western Trail Mar 1965 Oct 1965 UP 1609 Sep 1969 Nov 1986 9
Sun Skies Western Valley Mar 1965 Oct 1965 UP 1610 Jul 1970   10
Sun Slope Western Wonderland Mar 1965 Aug 1965 UP 1611 May 1970   11
Sun Villa Western Scene Jan 1965 Nov 1965 UP 1612 Oct 1969   12


  • Length, Over Buffers: 85'-0"
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: (not shown)
  • Length, Over End Sills: 78'-11" (without vestibule)
  • Length, Inside:
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style" 4 wheel (9'-0" wheelbase); 41-CUDO

General Notes:

  1. "Sun" series Sleepers, 11 Bedrooms
  2. AC&F Floor Plan: B-8595-C
  3. Remodeled by Pullman from "Western" series 4 Double Bedrooms and 12 roomettes (Pullman plan 9004), to "Sun" series 11 Bedrooms (Pullman plan 6009). (Photo and caption of "Sun Skies" in Railroad Model Craftsman, May 1968, page 61) (Plans and photos of both series in Railroad Model Craftsman, March 1968, pages 42-43)
  4. Remodeled by Pullman in 1965 from Western-series 4 Double Bedroom, 12 Roomette. (The Union Pacific Streamliners, Kratville, page 470)
  5. All 12 cars, except UP 1608 "Sun Rest", retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service.
  6. From February 1973 through September 1974, ten of the twelve cars (excluding UP 1606 and 1608) were leased to Amtrak. (Railway Passenger Car Annual, 1973-1974, page 127; Frailey, "Zephyrs, Chiefs and Orphans", page 216)
  7. Source: "Western Series Passenger Cars" by Thorton Waite, The Streamliner, Volume 7, Number 2 (published February 1992), pages 17-31
  8. Source: Letter To The Editor, "Western Series Update", The Streamliner, Volume 7, Number 4, pages 35-36
  9. UP diagram sheet P-9-9 (8/10/1965) (no revision)
  10. UP Equipment Record: r3-1084 (as Western series); r3-1204 (as Sun series); r3-1213 (as Western series)
  11. The following six cars, after the startup of Amtrak in May 1971, were leased for an unknown period of time to Hamburg Industries, who in turn leased the cars to Auto-Train for operation (photos dated December 1971 through February 1972). (Jerry LaBoda, email dated November 21, 2009)
  Sun Cape UP 1601
  Sun Isle UP 1602
  Sun Lane UP 1604
  Sun Point UP 1607
  Sun Rest UP 1608
  Sun Villa UP 1612


  1. UP "Sun Cape" (UP 1601); leased to Auto-Train during late 1971 and early 1972; used by UP during summer 1972 as part of eight separate 4,158-mile system-wide two-week tours of the railroad for 22 railroad traffic management employees on each tour; first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; retired again in November 1986; sold to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorio (SCD) 736 "Iztaccihatl"
  2. UP "Sun Isle" (UP 1602); leased to Auto-Train during late 1971 and early 1972; first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; partially stripped in 1983 for use as an officer car; conversion to officer car not completed; stored without trucks until sold to Classic Railcars in 1988; car could not be moved; sold back to UP; sold to Black-Wong Railcar Leasing and stored on Indiana & Ohio railroad before being traded back to UP in 1990 in a joint trade deal with Kasten Railcar that included former UP E9 locomotive 949 in exchange for UP Business Car Houston (MP 8); remodeled by UP and renamed to "Green River" for heritage fleet service by Northern Railcar Corp., completed in 1991
  3. UP "Sun Lake" (UP 1603); first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; remodeled to Deluxe Sleeper "Wyoming" in April 1976; to UPP 201 "Wyoming" in 1989
  4. UP "Sun Lane" (UP 1604); leased to Auto-Train during late 1971 and early 1972; first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; remodeled to Inspection Car "Idaho" in 1980
  5. UP "Sun Manor" (UP 1605); first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; remodeled to Deluxe Sleeper "Powder River" in 1990
  6. UP "Sun Park" (UP 1606); set aside in May 1973 and used as parts source for other "Sun" series cars; retired in September 1979, stored in early 1980
  7. UP "Sun Point" (UP 1607); leased to Auto-Train during late 1971 and early 1972; first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; retired again in November 1986; sold to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorio (SCD) 737 "Popocatepetc"
  8. UP "Sun Rest" (UP 1608); leased to Auto-Train during late 1971 and early 1972; first retired in January 1974; reinstated and remodeled to 8 bedroom Staff Car "Omaha" (2nd) in January 1974; to UPP 200 "Omaha" in 1989
  9. UP "Sun Ridge" (UP 1609); first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; retired again in November 1986; sold to Mexico in 1987 as Servicio de Coches Dormitorio (SCD) 738 "Paricutin"
  10. UP "Sun Skies" (UP 1610); first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; remodeled to 8 Bedroom "Portola" in 1990
  11. UP "Sun Slope" (UP 1611); first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; renumbered to UP Sleeper 314 in 1987; named "Columbia River" in 1990; remodeled to 7 Bedroom Lounge in 2001
  12. UP "Sun Villa" (UP 1612); leased to Auto-Train during late 1971 and early 1972; first retired in January 1974; reinstated and held for special service; renumbered to UP Sleeper 315 in 1987; named "North Platte" (2nd) in 1990; named "Little Rock" in 1995


Sleeper -- 12 cars (excluding C&NW and Wabash cars; total of 17 cars)
ACF, 1949-1950

1965 "Sun"
Series Name
Date To
Sun Series
Western Adventure Jan 1950 Jan 1965 Sun Cape Sep 1965  
Western Frontier (C&NW)         to Edwards International, June 11, 1964; to Mexico; became NdeM 338 "Venus"
Western Hills Dec 1949 Feb 1965 Sun Isle Oct 1965  
Western Lake (Wabash)         to Steelmet Inc., to Butterworth Tours
Western Lodge Dec 1949 Jan 1965 Sun Lake Sep 1965  
Western Mountain Dec 1949 Feb 1965 Sun Lane Oct 1965  
Western Peak (C&NW)         to Edwards International, June 11, 1964; to Mexico; became NdeM 339 "Saturno"
Western Plains Nov 1949 Jan 1965 Sun Manor Aug 1965  
Western Scene Feb 1950 Jan 1965 Sun Villa Oct 1965 purchased from Wabash in August 1951; to UP "Western Scene" in 1951
Western Sea Dec 1949 Jan 1965 Sun Park Aug 1965  
Western Slope Jan 1950 Jan 1965 Sun Point Nov 1965  
Western Star Dec 1949 Mar 1965 Sun Rest Oct 1965  
Western Sunset (Wabash)         to Norfolk & Western 451 (staff car)
Western Trail Jan 1950 Mar 1965 Sun Ridge Oct 1965  
Western Valley Dec 1949 Mar 1965 Sun Skies Aug 1965  
Western View (Wabash)         to Steelmet Inc., to Butterworth Tours
Western Wonderland Jan 1950 Jan 1965 Sun Slope Nov 1965  


  • Length, Over Buffers: 85'-0"
  • Length, Over Coupler Pulling Faces: (not shown)
  • Length, Over End Sills: 82'-7" (with vestibule)
  • Length, Inside:
  • Truck Centers: 59'-6"
  • Truck Style" 4 wheel (9'-0" wheelbase); 41-N as delivered; changed to 41-CUDO by UP after delivery.

General Notes:

  1. "Western" series Sleepers, 4 Double Bedrooms, 12 Roomettes (4-12)
  2. Remodeled by Pullman from "Western" series 4 Double Bedrooms and 12 roomettes (Pullman plan 9004), to "Sun" series 11 Bedrooms (Pullman plan 6009). (Photo and caption of "Sun Skies" in Railroad Model Craftsman, May 1968, page 61) (Plans and photos of both series in Railroad Model Craftsman, March 1968, pages 42-43)
  3. Total of 17 cars; 11 to UP; four to Wabash; two to C&NW (Western Scene from Wabash to UP in 1951)
  4. "By 1964, the demand for bedrooms exceeded the supply, while roomettes had lost much of their popularity. Consequently the Union Pacific decided to convert the twelve Western series sleepers from 4 bedroom-12 roomette to 11 bedroom cars. P-S did the work in 1965 and the new cars were named in the Sun series." (The Union Pacific Streamliners, Kratville, page 470)
  5. See also: "Western Series Passenger Cars" by Thorton Waite, The Streamliner, Volume 7, Number 2 (published February 1992), pages 17-31
  6. UP diagram sheet P-9-5 (9/1/1949), Rev. A (2/15/1956), Rev. B (12/20/1957), Rev. C (7/7/1961)
  7. UP Equipment Record: r3-1084 (Western series); r3-1204 (Sun series); r3-1213 (Western series)
