Nydqvist Och Holm Aktiebolag (NOHAB)

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NOHAB went out of business and was replaced by Kalmar Verkstads AB as the Swedish licensee about 1980. GM production was from 1954 to about 1989. Final unit built, a T-44 exported to Israel, might not have been built on an EMD order number, but assembled from spare parts.

Units built for Denmark had mechanical parts built by FRICHS, so they also had FRICHS serial numbers, show in brackets.

Danish MZ class units, while identified by EMD as "SD40" and "SD45-2" have a double-cab full-cowl body and should have been identified as "JT26C" and "JT30C-2".

Notes On Serials 2402,2416-2419

Serial 2402 was built as a demonstrator/test locomotive and it was leased to Finnish State Railways 12/58 to 03/60 as KDs1 (actual loco never carried a fleet number, though). It was tested against an MaK locomotive and was found to be a superior performer, so Finnish State Railways placed a tentative order for a series of locomotives with Nohab, and planned to acquire serial 2402. However political pressure from labor unions and Finnish builders resulted in the Government's refusal to ratify the order, and ordering from Lokomo and Valmet instead. The demo was eventually returned to Nohab, and after trials in Sweden eventually this unit went to Norwegian State Railways as 3.643 in 12/60.

Two of the locomotives of the tentative order (2416 and 2417) were near completion when the order was given up on, so they were completed as planned and were leased out to the Norwegian State Railways as 41.01 and 41.02 12/59 to 07/60. They were then sold to Norwegian State Railways and renumbered 3.641 and 3.642.

The remaining two locomotives (2418 and 2419) had barely been started, so when construction was resumed, they were completed to standard Norwegian specifications, including C-C instead of A1A-A1A running gear, and were delivered to Norwegian State Railways as standard class Di3a's 3.623 and 3.622 in 08/60 and 07/60 respectively. The three oddballs 3.641 to 3.643 were assigned class Di3b instead.

GM Locomotives Built in Sweden

2242 02/54 (AA16) (EMD o/n 7020)
Danish State Rys MY1101

2243-2245 [504-506] 04-05/54 (AA16) (EMD o/n 7020)
Danish State Rys MY1102-1104

2246 04/55 (AA16) (EMD o/n 7023)
demo to Norwegian State Rys Di3.602
(1st used in Norway as demo 10/54, also saw use in Yugoslavia, Greece, and Turkey. Sold 1957)

2314-2318 04-07/56 (G12) (EMD o/n 701121)
Swedish State Rys 100-104

2319-2338 [559-578] 03-11/56 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701120)
Danish State Rys MY1105-1124

2339-2343 04-06/57 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701152)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.603-607

2366-2369 [596-599] 08-09/57 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701430)
Danish State Rys MY1125-MY1128

2370-2382 [600-612] 09/57-03/58 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701431)
Danish State Rys MY1129-MY1141

2383-2385 [613-615] 03,05/58 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701632-634)
Danish State Rys MY1142-MY1144

2391-2395 12/57-05/58 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701606-701610)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.608-612

2396-2398 05-06/58 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701658-701660)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.613-615

2399-2401 08-09/58 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701684-701686)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.616-618

2402 08/60 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701???)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.643 (see notes)

2413-2414 10-11/58 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701761-701762)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.619-620

2413-2415 12/58 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701766)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.621

2416-2417 12/58,02/60 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701867-701868)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.641-642 (see notes)

2418-2419 08,02/60 (AA16) (EMD o/n 701869-870)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.623, 622 (see notes)

2441-2485 [658-702] 09/60-08/61 (AA12) (EMD o/n 702222-266)
Danish State Rys MX1001-1045

2494-2518 10/61-09/62 (G12) (EMD o/n 702494-518)
Swedish State Rys 209-233

2521-2545 10/62-06/63 (G12) (EMD o/n 702683-707)
Swedish State Rys 234-258

2546-2550 05-08/63 (AA16) (EMD o/n 700502-506)
Hungarian State Rys M61.001-005

2581-2595 09/63-02/64 (AA16) (EMD o/n 700507-521)
Hungarian State Rys M61.006-020

2596-2610 [826-840] 10/64-06/65 (AA16) (EMD o/n 700817-831)
Danish State Rys MY1145-1159

2611-2616 04-09/65 (AA16) (EMD o/n 710044-049)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.624-629

2702 06/67 [954] (SD40) (EMD o/n 710723)
Danish State Rys MZ1401

2703-2711 08/68-04/69 [956-959,961-965] (SD40) (EMD o/n 710724-732)
Danish State Rys MZ1402-1410

2713-2722 01/69-02/70 (B-1-B Snowplows) (EMD o/n 710961-970)
Swedish State Rys 284-293

2723-2747 01/69-06/70 (G22W) (EMD o/n 710987-1111)
Swedish State Rys 259-283

2749-2752 06-09/69 (AA16) (EMD o/n 711107-110)
Norwegian State Rys Di3.630-633

2760-2775 03-10/70 [1190-1205] (SD40) (EMD o/n 711181-196)
Danish State Rys MZ1411-1426

2794-2803 09/70-06/71 (G22W) (EMD o/n 711404-413)
Swedish State Rys 314-323

2858-2877 12/72-07/74 [1308-1327] (SD45-2) (EMD o/n 712248-267)
Danish State Rys MZ1427-1446

2888-2891 02-06/73 (G22CW) (EMD o/n 71203-606)
Luossavaara-Kirunavaara Co (Sweden) 1-4

2928-2962 08/75-10/77 (G22W) (EMD o/n 713490-524)
Swedish State Rys 329-363

3013-3027 07/77-03/78 [1508-1522] (SD45-2) (EMD o/n 749028)
Danish State Rys MZ1447-1461

3028-3032 11/76-02/77 (G22W) (EMD o/n ?)
Swedish State Rys 364-368

3039-3053 02-12/80 (G22W) (EMD o/n 789300)
Swedish State Rys 369-383

Built by Kalmar

410054-1/18 01/83-01/85 (G22W) (EMD o/n 819303)
Swedish State Rys 384-401

410054-19/33 01/85-03/87 (G22W) (EMD o/n 849301)
Swedish State Rys 402-416

40100-001 1989 (G22W) (EMD o/n ?)
Israel Rys T40100
