Rio Grande Western, Nevada Extension (1892)

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Rio Grande Western, through its Tintic Range Railway subsidiary, completed its tracks to Eureka in early December 1891, then to Silver City in mid May 1892. Then in early July through mid September 1892, there were news stories about a completed survey west from Silver City to the Deep Creek mining district.

The grade for the planned extension was completed as far south as the "old Mammoth mill" (also known as the old Tintic mill) near today's McIntyre on the UP, as well in a couple strategic spots to occupy them before UP could. It all came to an end with the Silver Crash of late 1893.


May 21, 1892
Tintic Range Railway amended its articles of incorporation to add an additional route to Nevada, and to increase its number of shares to fund its expansion westward from its then-current western terminus at Mammoth Hollow. Two routes were proposed. First, a direct line to Deep Creek, or second, an easier route by way of Fish Springs, then to Deep Creek. (Salt Lake Herald, May 21, 1892)

"From Mammoth Hollow the road will run in a general westerly and northerly direction in the counties of Juab and Tooele to or near to Dugway pass in Tooele county. Thence northwesterly to or near Deep Creek in the Dutch Mountain mining district, either by a general northwesterly course or by running southwesterly to or near to Fish Springs mining district, and thence northwesterly to Deep Creek. Thence from Deep Creek southwesterly to the line of the state of Nevada, at a point within fifteen miles north of the intersection of the line between Juab and Tooele counties with said state line. In case the main line does not go by way of Fish Springs, the branch line will be built to the camp from or near Dugway pass. The total length of the main line from Springville to the Nevada line by way of Fish Springs is 225 miles and by the more direct route between Dugway pass and Deep Creek 212 miles."

May 22, 1892
"Trains will be running through to Silver City over the Rio Grande Western on Sunday." This was an extension of the Tintic Range Railway, completed to Eureka in early December 1891. (Salt Lake Times, May 20, 1892, "Sunday" was May 22, 1892)

LeMassena, in his book "Rio Grande To The Pacific," on page 101, says that RGW completed its line from Eureka to Mammoth Junction (2 miles) in 1892. Then in 1893 completed its line from Mammoth Junction to Silver City (2 miles), along with seven miles of yard trackage at Silver City, all to serve the new Tintic Standard Mill at Silver City.

(Timetables show that it was 2.3 miles from Eureka to Mammoth Junction [LA&SL Crossing], and 1.7 miles from Mammoth Junction to Silver City.)

July 6, 1892
"Willow Springs, situated at the base of the Deep Creek range. The Rio Grande Western road is surveyed by Dugway, Fish Springs and Willow Springs. There are five families living at Willow Springs." This is the first reference to an extension beyond the Tintic district. (Salt Lake Times, July 6, 1892)

August 14, 1892
"The Rio Grande Western surveyors will remove their headquarters from Silver City to Cherry Creek on the road to Deep Creek in a few days. This undoubtedly means that the Rio Grande Western proposes to get to deep Creek as soon as possible. It's dollars to doughnuts that the Rio Grande is the first railroad into that section." Another reference to an extension beyond the Tintic district. (Salt Lake Herald, August 14, 1892, citing the Tintic Miner newspaper)

August 21, 1892
"The grading on the Rio Grande Western extension from Silver City is nearly completed to the Tintic mills and track laying is proceeding as rapidly as possible. The track will not be extended beyond the mills at present, but the impression prevails that it is designed later on to carry it trough into the Deep Creek country." Another reference to an extension beyond the Tintic district. (Salt Lake Herald, August 21, 1892)

August 28, 1892
"The Rio Grande Western grade has reached the Tintic mill, and the rails will soon be laid." (Salt Lake Herald, August 28, 1892)

September 4, 1892
A reference to the Inferno mining claim owned by W. F. Bevis and C. C. Parker described their claim as being "sixty-five or seventy miles west of Eureka, thirty miles in the desert and five miles from Crater mountain." "The property lies near the line of survey of the Rio Grande Western railway extension, and the boys feel assured that it will develop into a great property." Another reference to an extension beyond the Tintic district. (Salt Lake Herald, September 4, 1892)

September 16, 1892
The Scotia mining claim was "twenty-two miles from Eureka and fifteen miles from Ironton, the nearest railway point. West Tintic has never made a showing which it is capable of, owing largely to the difficulty of the transportation of ores. This difficulty promises, however, in the near future to be removed, as the line of survey of the Rio Grande Western railway's proposed extension passes directly through the district and but a comparatively short distance from most of the prominent properties." (Salt Lake Herald, September 16, 1892)

D&RGW Records

The D&RGW Branchline Summary document (no date, last entry is 1948) shows the following segments of proposed tracks west from Silver City in the Tintic mining district:

-- "Silver City southwest toward Cherry Cr. Summit"; 11.41 miles; location commissioned 11-7-91; location completed 9-12-92; location map filed 12-12-92; location map approved 1-19-93; "Tintic Range Ry. 5 Mi. from Silver City to old Mammoth Mill constructed and removed."

-- "Silver City to Fish Springs; 5 sections"; sections 1 and 2; 22.94 miles; location commissioned 11-7-91; location completed 9-12-92; location map filed 12-12-92; location map approved 1-19-93; "Tintic Range Ry. Not Constructed."

-- "Silver City to Fish Springs; 5 sections"; sections 3, 4,and 5; 28.34 miles; location commissioned 11-7-91; location completed 1-26-92; location map filed 12-12-92; location map approved 1-19-93; "Tintic Range Ry. Not Constructed."

-- "Silver City to Fish Springs"; 51.14 miles; location commissioned 11-17-91; location completed 1-26-92; location map filed 9-7-92; location map rejected 10-17-92; "Not Constructed."

-- (No entry for the portion from Fish Springs to Deep Creek.)

-- "Deep Creek to Nevada Line"; 13.75 miles; location commissioned 11-17-91; location completed 1-26-92; location map filed 9-7-92; location map approved 10-17-92; "Not Constructed."
