Meat Packing Industry in Utah

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This page was last updated on December 31, 2017.

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While there are meat packing companies throughout Utah, only a few were large enough to be served by railroads. Those companies are the focus of the following information.

There were at various times, and in various cities, smaller meat packing companies that were served by railroads, but these were small operations that supplied one or two cars of dressed meat.


Ogden Meat Packing -- Information about the meat packing plants in Ogden, Utah, including Utah By-Products company.

Ogden Union Stock Yards -- Information about the stock yards located in Ogden.

Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City Meat Packing -- Information about the meat packing plants in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake Union Stock Yards -- Information about the stock yards located near Salt Lake City, in North Salt Lake.
