Utah Industries and Utah Railroads

This page was last updated on September 17, 2024.


Locomotives at Utah Industries -- Roster listings of the locomotives used by rail-served industries in Utah.


(listed alphabetically by industry)

Aluminum Oxide Processing -- Information about the Alunite mines at Marysvale, and the mills that processed the ore.

Breweries -- Information about the railroad-served breweries in Utah.

Brick Making -- Information about brick making in Utah, especially those companies large enough to be served by railroads. Including links to separate pages about Interstate Brick company and Utah Fire Clay company. Includes information about the two refractory products companies, Murray Refractories in Murray, and General Refractories in Lehi.

Canning Industry -- Utah's largest fruit and vegetable canneries were served by railroads. Includes the updated text from an article Don Strack wrote in 1994 for the Utah History Encyclopedia about the history of Utah's canning industry.

Cement -- Cement rock mining and cement manufacturing.

Coca-Cola -- Brief notes about the bottling plants of Coca-Cola. The original plant was served by a rail spur and was located at 875 South West Temple street, from 1938 to 1998. Rail service was provided originally by Salt Lake & Utah until 1947, then by Bamberger from 1947 to 1958, then by D&RGW until the spur was removed in 1977, although actual rail service ended in the late 1960s.

Defense Plant Corporation -- Information about the World War II era Defense Plant Corporation, which built the Geneva steel mill and the supporting coal mine in Carbon County, and the iron mine in Iron County. (added February 23, 2015)

Flour Milling -- Grain storage and flour milling.

Granite -- Granite quarries in Salt Lake County, used to build the Salt Lake City LDS temple, the Utah State capital building, and the Park Building at University of Utah, along with many others.

Griffin Wheel -- Information about the Griffin Wheel iron railroad wheel plant located in Salt Lake City from 1927 to 1960, including the text from the book Griffin Wheel Company, First One Hundred Years, 1877-1977.

History of Manufactures -- Excerpts from Victor Clark's three-volume overview of manufacturing in the United States: Volume 1, 1670-1860; Volume 2, 1860-1893; Volume 3, 1893-1929

Ice and Cold Storage -- Information about the ice and cold storage industry in Utah, served by railroads, including Pacific Fruit Express.

Industries in Davis County -- A brief list of a few industries in Davis County, based on abstract research in Davis County Recorder office.

Industries List -- A listing of industries served by railroads in Utah, taken from Model Railroad Operations Special Interest Group at Yahoogroups.

Industries, Locomotives -- Locomotive rosters and information about rail-served industries in Utah that have their own locomotives, including U. S. Steel's Geneva plant.

Iron and Steel Making -- Iron ore mining in Iron County, and iron making and steel making in Utah County. (includes the Wellington coal wash plant)

Iron and Steel Working -- Information about the foundries and machine shops in Utah, 1850 to 1950, that helped form Utah's industrial base.

Limestone -- Limestone mining.

Livestock -- Information about how Utah's railroads served the livestock industry.

Meat Packing -- Information about the meat packing industry in Utah. (incomplete and under construction)

Milk Canning -- Information about Utah's milk canning industry, including condensed milk and evaporated milk. (incomplete and under construction)

Mining Index -- Index page for mining in Utah, and the railroads that served the mines, mills and smelters, including Bingham Canyon.

Oil -- Petroleum refining in Salt Lake County and Davis County.

Pacific Fruit Express in Utah -- Information about the locations of Pacific Fruit Express in Utah, including information about Utah Ice and Storage Co., its major supplier of ice to locations other than Ogden.

Phosphate Rock -- Information about Utah's phosphate rock mining industry.

Purity Biscuit -- Information about the Purity Biscuit company in Utah. Purity Biscuit had bakeries and rail-served warehouses, and became part of Keebler in 1966.

Salt -- An index page for Utah's salt industry and Utah's railroads, includes information about other minerals extracted from Great Salt Lake.

Small Arms Plant -- Information about the Samll Arms Plant on Salt Lake City's west side.

Stone and Aggregates -- Stone quarries statewide used for construction materials, including gravel and aggregates, along with railroad ballast, and smelter slag.

Sugar Beet Industry -- An article about Utah's sugar beet and beet sugar industry.

Trash By Train -- Information about the movement by rail, of municipal solid waste to landfills in Utah.

Uranium Ore Processing -- Information about the Vitro Chemical plant in Salt Lake City.

Utah Coal -- "Utah Fuels The West" -- Index page with narrative history and research notes about Utah's coal mining industry, and the railroads that served it.

Utah Power & Light -- Information about Utah Power & Light, its predecessor Utah Light & Traction, and successor Rocky Mountain Power.

West Side Business Parks -- Information about industrial development for smaller rail-served industries on Salt Lake City's west side.

Wildcat Midstream Partners at Wildcat Loadout -- Information about the locomotives used at Utah Railway's Wildcat Siding.

Wool -- Information about the wool industry in Utah

Other Companies

International Car Corp. -- Information about the International Car Corporation, which built railroad caboose cars in Kenton, Ohio.
