UtahRails Bibliography

Index For This Page

This page was last updated on February 17, 2025.

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Abdill, George B. Pacific Slope Railroads, From 1854 to 1900. (New York: Bonanza Books) By arrangement with Superior Publishing Company. Copyright 1959 by Superior Publishing Company, Seattle, Washington.

Ames, Charles Edgar. Pioneering The Union Pacific, A Reappraisal of the Builders of the Railroad. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts Division, Meredith Corporation, 1969)

Arrington, Leonard J. Beet Sugar in the West, a history of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1891-1966. (Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, 1966)

Arrington, Leonard J. Brigham Young: American Moses. (Champaign-Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1985) Illini Books edition, 1986.

Arrington, Leonard J. David Eccles, Pioneer Western Industrialist. (Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 1975).

Arrington, Leonard. Great Basin Kingdom. (Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1966) Reprint of 1958 Harvard edition.

Arrington, Leonard J. "Utah's Coal Road in the Age of Unregulated Competition". Utah Historical Quarterly, January 1955, pp.35-63.

Asay, Jeff S. The Iron Feather: A Corporate History of the Western Pacific and Sacramento Northern Railroads. (Lockridge Press, 2018) The definitive history of the Western Pacific Railroad in California, Nevada and Utah.

Asay, Jeff S. Track and Time, An Operational History of the Western Pacific Railroad Through Timetables and Maps. (Feather River Rail Society, 2006)

Athearn, Robert G. The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, Rebel of the Rockies. Yale University Press, 1962.

Athearn, Robert G. Union Pacific Country. (Rand McNally and Company, 1971).

Bachman, J. R. The Story of the Amalgamated Sugar Company, 1897-1961. (Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1962) Copyright 1962 by Amalgamated Sugar Company, Ogden, Utah.

Beal, Merrill D. Intermountain Railroads. (Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1962)

Bliss, Jonathan. Merchants and Miners in Utah: The Walker Brothers and Their Bank. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Western Epics, 1983)

The Carnation Company, Annual reports

Carr, Stephen L. "The Historical Guide To Utah Ghost Towns." (Salt Lake City: Western Epics, 1972)

Carr, Stephen L. and Robert W. Edwards. Utah Ghost Rails. (Salt Lake City: Western Epics, 1989)

Collett, Carol Ivins. Kaysville - Our Town, A History. (Kaysville, Utah: Kaysville City, 1976)

Comfort, Harold W. "Gail Borden and His Heritage Since 1857". Public Addresses and Speeches of The Newcomen Society of North America, 1953 (Volume 13, No. 5)

Dixon, Madoline Cloward. Peteetneet Town, A History of Payson, Utah. (Payson, Utah: Payson City, 1974) Second Printing, August 1978.

Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. East of Antelope Island. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1948) Fourth Edition, 1971.

Eames, Alfred W., Jr., and Richard G. Landis. "The Business of Feeding People, The Story of Del Monte Corporation". Public Addresses and Speeches of The Newcomen Society of North America, 1974 (Volume 39, No.8)

Florin, Lambert. "Ghost Towns of The West." (New York City: Promontory Press, 1971)

Galloway, John Debo, C. E. The First Transcontinental Railroad, Central Pacific, Union Pacific. (New York, New York: Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation, 1950)

Gamble, Theodore R. "75 Years of Pet Milk Company (1885–1960), The Company That Founded an Industry". Public Addresses and Speeches of The Newcomen Society of North America, 1960 (Volume 21, No. 30)

Gregory, Ruth West. "Those Good Peas, The Morgan Canning Company in Smithfield, Utah." Utah Historical Quarterly, Spring 1968 (Volume 36, No.2)

Griswold, Wesley S. A Work of Giants, Building the First Transcontinental Railroad. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1962)

Hayes, Stephen M. Western Pacific Depots and Stations (Hayes Publishing, 2007)

Jones, Marcus, E. "Coal Fields and Iron Ore Deposits Of Utah", The Mining Review, December 30, 1900, pp.23-26

Kaysville–Layton Historical Society. Layton, Utah, Historic Viewpoints. (Kaysville, Utah: Kaysville–Layton Historical Society, 1985)

Klein, Maury. Union Pacific, Volume I, Birth of a Railroad, 1862-1893. (Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1987)

Klein, Maury. Union Pacific, Volume II, The Rebirth, 1894-1969. (New York: Doubleday and Company, 1989)

Koch, Micheal. The Shay Locomotive, Titan of the Timber. (Denver, Colorado: World Press, 1971)

Kraus, George. High Road To Promontory: Building the Central Pacific (now Southern Pacific) across the High Sierra. (Palo Alto, California: American West Publishing Company, 1969)

LeMassena, Robert A. Rio Grande...to the Pacific. (Denver, Colorado: Sundance Publications, Ltd., 1974) Third Printing, Second Edition, May 1979

Madsen, Brigham D. Corinne, The Gentile Capital of Utah. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah State Historical Society, 1980)

Marshall, James. Elbridge A. Stuart: Founder of Carnation Company. (Los Angeles, California: The Carnation Company, 1949)

Murray City Corporation. The History of Murray City, Utah. (Murray, Utah: Murray City Corporation, 1976)

Myrick, David F. Western Pacific, The Last Transcontinental Railroad. Colorado Rail Annual No. 27. (Colorado Railroad Museum, 2006)

Notarianni, Philip F., ed. Carbon County, Eastern Utah's Industrialized Island. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah State Historical Society, 1981)

Orem Bicentennial Committee. It Happened in Orem, A Bicentennial History of Orem, Utah. (Orem, Utah: Orem City, 1978)

Peterson, Gary B. and Lowell C. Bennion. Sanpete Scenes, A Guide to Utah's Heart. (Basin Plateau Press, 1987)

Powell, Allan Kent. The Next Time We Strike, Labor in Utah's Coal Fields, 1900-1933. (Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 1985)

Roberts, Richard C. and Richard W. Sadler. Ogden: Junction City. (Northridge, California: Windsor Publications, 1988) Hardbound reprint of 1985 softbound original.

Russell, Emma. Footprints of Roy, 1873–1979, 1979

Signor, John R. The Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad: Union Pacific's Historic Salt Lake Route. (San Marino, California: Golden West Books, 1988)

State of Utah, Department of Public Instruction. Utah - Resources and Activities, Supplement to the Utah State Cources of Study for Elementray and Secondary Schools. Salt Lake City, Utah: 1933

Stewart, John J. The Iron Trail to the Golden Spike. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Company, 1969)

Stolk, William C. "American Can Company, Revolution in Containers". Public Addresses and Speeches of The Newcomen Society of North America, 1960 (Volume 21, No. 26)

Swett, Ira. Interurbans of Utah. Interurbans Special No. 55. (Cerritos, California: Interurbans, 1974)

Tooele County Historical Society. Mining, Smelting and Railroading in Tooele County. (Tooele, Utah: Tooele County Historical Society, 1986)

Trottman, Nelson. History of the Union Pacific, A financial and economic survey. (New York: Agustus M. Kelley Publishers, 1966) Reprint of Sentry Press.

Varley, James F. Brigham and the Brigadier: General Patrick Connor and His California Volunteers in Utah and Along the Overland Trail. (Tucson, Arizona: Westernlore Press, 1989)

Weaver, John D. Carnation, The First 75 Years, 1899–1974. (Los Angeles, California: The Carnation Company, 1974)

White, Henry K. History of the Union Pacific. (Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 1895). Reprinted by Augustus M. Kelley Publishers, Clifton, New Jersey, 1973

Wilson, O. Meredith. The Denver and Rio Grande Project, 1870-1901, A History of the First Thirty Years of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Howe Brothers Publishing Company, 1981)


Adkins, Marlowe C., Jr. "A History of John W. Young's Utah Railroads, 1884-1894." MS Thesis. Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 1978

Johnson, David F. "The History and Economics of Utah Railroads." MS Thesis. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1947

Pitchard, George E. A Utah Railroad Scrapbook. (Salt Lake City, Utah: George E. Pitchard, September 1987; other editions dated March 15, 1988 and November 3, 1989) An annotated newspaper index and notebook of Utah railroads.

Pitchard, George E. Newspaper Notes Project, Railroad Notes. (Salt Lake City, Utah: George E. Pitchard, August 1987) Portions included in A Utah Railroad Scrapbook.

Reeder, Clarence A., Jr. "The History of Utah's Railroads, 1869-1883". PhD dissertation, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1970

Simpson, Edith Hardy. Personal interview by Russell Simpson (grandson), 1978. Edith died in 1984 and was Nephi Edwin Hardy's daughter and Nephi Preston Hardy's granddaughter. She was also the author's wife's grandmother.

Terry, William W. Weber County Is Worth Knowing. [no publication information]

Terry, William W. William W. Terry Collection. Weber State University, Special Collections, MS 116, Ogden, Utah


Coal Age
Electric Railway Journal
Engineering News
Engineering and Mining Journal
Iron Age
Mining and Metalurgy
Mining and Minerals
Mining Science
Mining and Scientific Press
Railroad Gazette
Railway Age
Railway and Engineering Review
Scientific American
Scientific American Supplement
Salt Lake Mining Review

Government Documents

State of Utah, Office of the Secratary of State, Incorporation records of State of Utah.

United States, Congress, Senate. Testimony before the Pacific Railway Commission, Senate Executive Document 51, 50th Congress, First session, 1887-1888, nine volumes, Washington, 1888

Interstate Commerce Commission. Reports. Volumes 26 and 106. Cited as "26 ICC" and "106 ICC", with page number.

ICC Corporate Histories

Between 1914 and 1928, the ICC issued 25 separate valuation orders that provided for the nation's railroads to document the value of their trackage, rolling stock, and other assets for the purposes of establishing each company's value, for the further purposes of establishing fair and equitable shipping rates. For historians, the important valuation orders are No.1 for maps, No. 2 for physical property, No.3 for improvements to physical property, No. 8 for equipment and rolling stock, and No. 20 for corporate histories. (Go to a summary of all 25 ICC valuation orders)

Union Pacific Railroad. Corporate History of Union Pacific Railroad Company, As of June 30, 1919; in compliance with ICC Valuation Order No. 20 (PDF; 162 pages; 56.4MB)

Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company. Corporate History of Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company, June 30, 1916; in compliance with ICC Valuation Order No. 20 (PDF; 163 pages; 60.1MB)

Oregon Short Line Railroad Company. Corporate History of Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, As of June 30th, 1916; in compliance with ICC Valuation Order No. 20 (PDF; 80 pages; 22MB)

San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company. Corporate History of San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, As of June 30, 1914; in compliance with ICC Valuation Order No. 20 (PDF; 62 pages; 18.1MB)

Daughters of Utah Pioneers at Ancestry.com

Daughters of Utah Pioneers has published a series of extremely useful "lessons", dating back to Kate B. Carter's "Heart Throbs of the West", first published in 1939. By 1989, there have been a total of 51 volumes of primary-sourced and secondary-sourced Utah history.

Here is a list of DUP lessons as published in their hardback volumes. Check your local library, or the Family History library.


(Read more about the newspapers used as part of the research for UtahRails.net)
