C&NW Diesel Locomotive Roster Updates
As a general rule, this roster does not include disposition of C&NW units after the UP-C&NW merger in 1995.
[Most recent entry listed first.]
September 13, 2022
Fixed an error on the subsequent history for C&NW U30C 934, which became MNCR 4183, in NJT paint. (Gerry Putz, email dated September 13, 2022; previously had C&NW 934 as NJT 4183)
June 24, 2022
Updated and corrected the information for C&NW RSD-5 1689. (Correction from Gary Baloun, email dated June 24, 2022)
June 23, 2022
Corrected the model of Fairbanks-Morse switchers 1071 and 1072 from H10-44 to H12-44. The model designation was correct in the model summary listing.
August 29, 2019
Corrected the NYC numbers of C&NW's 10 Alco RS-32s, to include the 2000 series as NYC units. (Correction from Rob Sarberenyi email dated August 28, 2019)
December 3, 2016
Changed the roster listings for C&NW F3A units 4056A, 4056C, 4064A, and 4064C, to include information found by Erich Russ, and sent via an email on December 2, 2016.
February 5, 2015
Added a note to ex CGW 101D-104D,ex CGW 113AC-115AC and ex CGW 150 and 152 about them being delivered as EMD F5 locomotives. The note reads as follows:
"The CGW locomotive diagram book, dated January 1, 1964, shows that CGW 101D-104 D (4 units) and 113AC-115AC (6 units) were delivered on February 2, 1949 as F5 locomotives, and CGW 150 was delivered on November 9, 1948 and CGW 152 was delivered on January 13, 1949; by 1964 all were equipped with D17B traction motors and D12 main generators. (1964 CGW diagram book courtesy of Allen Stanley)"
February 2, 2015
Changed the notes for C&NW FP9s 4051A-4054A, and F9Bs 4051B-4054B, to show that the units were built new in 1955, using some components from the direct trade-in FTA units.
June 30, 2014
Updated the general note for C&NW 1120 to show that it had a Baldwin long hood, instead of an EMD long hood. (Correction from Steve Timko via email dated June 30, 2014)
Steve Timko continues, as of late November 2014, to provide updates as he compares the roster, with actual photos as he prepares captions for those same photos for use in a series of upcoming books about C&NW.
August 16, 2009
Changed the model designation for C&NW 4250 (ex C&NW 1613) from RS-3M to RS-3, to match the model designations shown for C&NW 1613 and 1624. Both units were wrecked in a derailment near New Ulm, Minnesota in 1959 while assigned as motive power for train 480. C&NW asked for bids to repair from both EMD and ALCO Products. ALCO won the contract with the 12 cylinder 251-engine (DL-701) option for $126,000 vs EMD's option that would use a 16 cylinder 567C engine at $136,000. (Information from Dane Carlisle via email on August 12, 2009)
Added disposition for C&NW 4250.
Added information about dual control stands in C&NW 1505-1509, C&NW 1510-1514, C&NW 1515-1517, and C&NW 1560 and 1561. (Information from Jerry Drager via email on January 19, 2005)
I'm basing my information about dual controls on certain C&NW diesels from my personal observation of these units. I was an engineman and worked on most of the Baldwins and all of the Alcos. That is all of the Baldwin Road Switchers, Nos 1500 through 1509 and Alco units 1515-1517. I didn't work on any of the F-M's, but did get into the cabs of the 1510-1514 series and observed the dual controls. Only the Baldwin 1505-1509 had dual controls. The 1500-1502 had but one set of controls in the cab, with the long end leading. I also worked on the 1560 and 1561 and they both had dual controls. Whenever any of these units were re-engined by EMD, one set of controls was removed, and they were operated with the long hood leading. The 1504 had only one set of controls with the long hood leading, and it was equipped with a steam generator. This was the first diesel used in the Commuter Service in Chicago, back in 1948.
According to railroad records, the 1641 through 1649 were not steam generator equipped. In November, 1957, I worked on the 1644 at Belle Fourche, SD, and it, I observed, was not equipped with a steam generator. As I stated in my note, the 1650-1659 had steam generators, as did the 1660, but it was an SD 7. The other four SD 7's were sans steam generator.
After I wrote my original note to you, I noticed your complete listing of C&NW units. One error I observed in your "Timeline of Diesel Locomotives 1925-1995," was that on the 1948 segment you show 1500-1502 and 1504 as being DRS-6-4-15 model units. Only the 1504 should rate this designation. 1500-1502, as you have noted elsewhere are DRS-6-6-15 style units.
Added a C&NW Miscellaneous Page with an initial entry being an oral history interview with Irv Nieburn, a retired C&NW employee who worked out of Fremont, Nebraska.
August 26, 2004
Added a group of pages for a roster of the diesel locomotives of the Chicago and North Western Railway, from 1926 to 1995, when the road merged with Union Pacific. This roster is based on the manuscript that was used in 1995 for the book "Diesels of the Chicago and North Western" by Paul K. Withers, Roster by Don Strack.