Union Pacific Railroad

Roster of Diesel and Turbine Locomotives, 1934-2009

This page was last updated on May 18, 2024.

(Return to UP Diesel Roster Index Page)

Roster Listing

EMD GP50 -- 15 units
3500 horsepower; B-B trucks; 270,000 pounds operating weight

Date To
900 Series
Date To
New Number
UP 901 C&NW 5052 May 1980 786257-3 12 Mar 1996 UP 1611 1 Apr 2002  
UP 902 C&NW 5053 May 1980 786257-4 26 Dec 1995 UP 5512 30 Jun 1997  
UP 904 C&NW 5055 May 1980 786257-6 23 Jun 1995 UP 5514 19 Jun 1997  
UP 905 C&NW 5058 Jun 1980 786257-9 7 May 1996 UP 5515 24 Jun 1997  
UP 909 C&NW 5062 May 1980 786257-13 9 Apr 1996 UP 5519 24 Jun 1997  
UP 913 C&NW 5067 Jun 1980 786257-18 17 Apr 1996     30 Nov 2002
UP 916 C&NW 5072 Jun 1980 786257-23 23 May 1996 UP 5526 10 Nov 1997  
UP 917 C&NW 5073 Jul 1980 786257-24 8 Mar 1996 UP 5527 1 Jul 1997  
UP 921 C&NW 5079 Jul 1980 786257-30 11 Jun 1996 UP 5531 1 Jul 1997  
UP 923 C&NW 5080 Jul 1980 786257-31 4 Apr 1996 UP 5532 9 Jul 1997  
UP 927 C&NW 5090 Aug 1980 786257-41 22 Apr 1996 UP 5536 22 Nov 1996  
UP 930 C&NW 5094 Sep 1980 786257-45 18 Oct 1995 UP 5539 26 Jul 1997  
UP 931 C&NW 5095 Aug 1980 786257-46 9 Oct 1995 UP 5540 21 Aug 1997  
UP 933 C&NW 5056 Jun 1980 786257-7 27 Nov 1995 UP 5542 26 Jun 1996  
UP 939 C&NW 5066 Jun 1980 786257-17 3 Oct 1995 UP 5548 22 May 1997  

General Notes:

  1. Original total of 50 C&NW units, numbered C&NW 5050-5099 (the first GP50s built); 48 units went to UP at merger; C&NW retired two units (C&NW 5051 and 5096) prior to the merger.
  2. The above 15 units were renumbered to this UP 900-947 group in June 1995 through June 1996 (UP 904, ex C&NW 5055, was the first, completed on 23 June 1995, and UP 921, ex C&NW 5079, was the last, completed on 11 June 1996); the other 33 units were renumbered direct from their C&NW numbers to their numbers in the later UP 5510-5557 group, or the still later UP 1610-1657 group.
  3. Assigned UP 900-947 in June 1995, 15 units renumbered; assigned UP 5510-5557 in June 1996, 13 units renumbered; assigned UP 1610-1657 in December 1999, 7 units renumbered.


EMD GP40-2 -- 6 units
3000 horsepower; B-B trucks; 277,000 pounds operating weight

Date To
900 Series
3002 Series
Date To
3002 Series
UP 900 WP 3545 Jul 1979 786220-1 26 May 1985 UP 3002 20 Dec 1990 1, 2
UP 901 WP 3546 Jul 1979 786220-2 22 Dec 1983 UP 3003 2 Jan 1991 1, 3
UP 902 WP 3547 Jul 1979 786220-3 13 Dec 1983 UP 3004 23 Jan 1991 1
UP 903 WP 3548 Jul 1979 786220-4 7 Feb 1984 UP 3005 6 Dec 1990 1
UP 904 WP 3549 Jul 1979 786220-5 11 Oct 1985 UP 3006 5 Dec 1990 1, 4
UP 905 WP 3550 Apr 1980 786277-1 4 May 1984 UP 3007 14 Dec 1990 1

General Notes:

  1. Total of 15 WP units went to UP at merger, numbered WP 3545-3559; renumbered to UP 900-914 in February 1984 to November 1988; these six units (UP 900-905) were converted to road slug control units and renumbered to UP 3002-3007 in December 1990 and January 1991; other nine units (UP 906-914) remained in 900 series.
  2. All 15 units placed into storage at Stockton in March 1983; in late March all stored units were moved from Stockton to Oroville, and in May they were moved to Portola; in August 1983 the units were moved to Salt Lake City, joining other WP units already in storage there; all 15 GP40-2s were leased to MP in December 1983 for service in Texas.
  3. Above six units, as part of original 15-unit group, assigned UP 900-905 and 906-914 in December 1983; six units (UP 900-905) converted to road slug control units and renumbered UP 3002-3007 beginning in December 1990; assigned UP 1535-1540 in December 1999.
  4. Individual unit histories:
Date To
900 Series
Date To
MP number
Date To
UP number
  UP 900 WP 3545 UP 900 MP 900 UP 900 26 May 1985 11 Jun 1985 24 Jun 1987
  UP 901 WP 3546 UP 901 MP 901 UP 901 22 Dec 1983 27 Nov 1984 19 Nov 1988
  UP 902 WP 3547 UP 902     13 Dec 1983    
  UP 903 WP 3548 UP 903     7 Feb 1984    
  UP 904 WP 3549 MP 904 UP 904     11 Oct 1985 17 Jun 1988
  UP 905 WP 3550 UP 905     4 May 1984    


  1. Renumbered to UP 3002-3007 in December 1990 and January 1991; converted to road slug control units in January and February 1991 to operate with road slugs, UP S301-S303, in local and heavy switching service; converted to road slug control units by Morrison Knudsen at Boise, Idaho; operated in the Hinkle, Oregon, area (as both 900 and 3000 series units) pending completion of all six GP40-2 road slug control units and the three road slugs, UP S301-S303; the road slugs were completed on 29 September 1990; the three 12-motor slug sets (GP40-2/slug/GP40-2) were placed in service in April 1991.
  2. UP 900 was repainted and renumbered from WP 3545 to UP 900 on 26 May 1985, then operated as MP 900, in UP yellow paint, with Missouri Pacific lettering, from 11 June 1985 to 24 June 1987.
  3. UP 901 was repainted and renumbered from WP 3546 to UP 901 on 22 December 1983, then operated as MP 901, in UP yellow paint, with Missouri Pacific lettering, from 19 November 1985 to 19 November 1988.
  4. UP 904 was renumbered direct from WP 3549 to MP 904, in UP yellow paint with Missouri Pacific lettering, completed on 11 October 1985; then relettered to UP 904 on 17 June 1988.


EMD GP40-2 -- 9 units
3000 horsepower; B-B trucks; 277,000 pounds operating weight

Date To
900 Series
Date To
New Number
UP 906 WP 3551 Apr 1980 786277-2 11 Jun 1984 1461 4 Jan 2000  
UP 907 WP 3552 Apr 1980 786277-3 3 Jul 1985 9987 1 Feb 2003 1
UP 908 WP 3553 Apr 1980 786277-4 24 Apr 1984 9988 18 Jan 2003  
UP 909 WP 3554 Apr 1980 786277-5 16 Dec 1985 2911 9 Apr 1996 2
UP 910 WP 3555 Apr 1980 786277-6 7 Jan 1986 9989 27 Aug 2001  
UP 911 WP 3556 Apr 1980 786277-7 7 Jan 1986 9990 12 Sep 2002  
UP 912 WP 3557 Apr 1980 786277-8 3 Jan 1986 9991 7 Oct 2002  
UP 913 WP 3558 Apr 1980 786277-9 19 Dec 1985 2915 17 Apr 1996 3
UP 914 WP 3559 Apr 1980 786277-10 13 Dec 1985 9993 29 Mar 2001  

General Notes:

  1. Total of 15 WP units went to UP at merger, numbered WP 3545-3559; renumbered to UP 900-914 in February 1984 to November 1988; six units (UP 900-905) were converted to road slug control units and renumbered to UP 3002-3007 in December 1990 to February 1991; these nine units (UP 906-914) remained in 900 series.
  2. All 15 units placed into storage at Stockton in March 1983; in late March all stored units were moved from Stockton to Oroville, and in May they were moved to Portola; in August 1983 the units were moved to Salt Lake City, joining other WP units already in storage there; all 15 GP40-2s were leased to MP in December 1983 for service in Texas.
  3. Original 15-unit group, assigned UP 900-905 and UP 906-914 in December 1983; six units (UP 900-905) converted to road slug control units and renumbered UP 3002-3007 beginning in December 1990, leaving nine units in group.
  4. Remaining nine-unit group (above, UP 906-914) assigned UP 2908-2916 in June 1995, two units (UP 2911 and 2915) renumbered; assigned UP 561-569 in July 1996, one unit (UP 568) renumbered; assigned UP 5315-5323 in March 1997, one unit (UP 5318) renumbered; assigned UP 5361-5369 in September 1997, one unit (UP 5368) renumbered; assigned UP 1461-1469 in December 1999, one unit renumbered (1461); assigned UP 9986-9994 in August 2001.


  1. UP 907 (ex WP 3552) operated as MP 907 in UP yellow and gray paint, with Missouri Pacific lettering, from 3 July 1985 to 14 June 1988.
  2. UP 909 was renumbered to UP 2911 on 9 April 1996; renumbered to UP 5318 on 13 March 1997; renumbered to UP 9986 on 14 April 2006.
  3. UP 913 was renumbered to UP 2915 on 17 April 1996; renumbered to UP 568 on 8 July 1996; renumbered to UP 5368 on 21 May 1999; renumbered to UP 9992 on 24 August 2004.


EMD/MPI GP38-3 -- 18 units
2000 horsepower; B-B trucks; 266,000 pounds operating weight

Date To
2400 Series
Date To
900 Series
UP 900 UP 2400 Oct 1967 33351 GP38 12 Nov 1996 23 Jul 2003 15 Nov 2007 1, 2
UP 901 UP 2401 Oct 1967 33352 GP38 10 Nov 1996 11 Dec 2003 26 Nov 2007 1
UP 902 UP 2402 Nov 1967 33703 GP38 27 Nov 1996 12 Apr 2004 26 Nov 2007 1
UP 903 UP 2403 Nov 1967 33710 GP38 27 Nov 1996 13 Dec 2001 26 Nov 2007 1
UP 904 UP 2404 Jun 1970 36314 GP38 27 Nov 1996 3 Feb 2003 26 Nov 2007 1
UP 905 UP 2405 Jul 1970 36330 GP38 27 Nov 1996 13 Jun 2001 26 Nov 2007 1, 2
UP 906 UP 2406 May 1971 37630 GP38AC 4 Dec 1996 25 Oct 2001 15 Nov 2007 1
UP 907 UP 2407 Nov 1967 33689 GP38 12 Dec 1996 5 Mar 2003 26 Nov 2007 1, 2
UP 908 UP 2408 Oct 1967 33350 GP38 20 Dec 1996 26 Jan 2004 15 Nov 2007 1
UP 909 UP 2409 Jun 1967 33070 GP38 14 Jan 1997 21 Feb 2002 15 Nov 2007 1
UP 910 UP 2410 Dec 1967 33716 GP38 14 Jan 1997 30 Jan 2002 26 Nov 2007 1
UP 911 UP 2411 Jun 1967 33067 GP38 7 May 1997 26 Nov 2003 15 Nov 2007 1
UP 912 UP 2412 Oct 1967 33345 GP38 2 May 1997 29 May 2003 26 Nov 2007 1, 3
UP 913 UP 2413 Oct 1967 33346 GP38 6 Jun 1997 11 Jun 2003 26 Nov 2007 1
UP 914 UP 2414 Dec 1970 36690 GP38 17 Jul 1997 10 Dec 2003 26 Nov 2007 1
UP 915 UP 2415 Oct 1969 35418 GP38 9 Sep 1997 11 Jul 2003 26 Nov 2007 1
UP 916 UP 2416 Aug 1970 36680 GP38 10 Sep 1997 30 Jan 2004 15 Nov 2007 1
UP 917 UP 2504 May 1970 35909 GP38 9 Jan 1998 22 Aug 2003 15 Nov 2007 1, 4

General Notes:

  1. Total of 18 units to UP, numbered UP 2400-2417; leased from Helm Financial; rebuilt from GP38s and a GP38AC to GP38-3s by Motive Power Industries (Boise Locomotive Co.), Boise, Idaho.
  2. Delivered to UP in November 1996 through January 1998 (UP 900, as UP 2400 was the first, delivered on 10 November 1996, and UP 917, as UP 2417 was the last, delivered on 9 January 1998).
  3. The rebuilding to GP38-3s included fully reconditioned cabs, 3600 gallon fuel tanks, D78 traction motors and AR10 traction alternators, along with a Woodward CLC control system, and extended-range dynamic braking.
  4. UP 915 operated as UP 1974 from September 1989 (leased from National Helm Leasing in March 1988 as NHL 7789, ex PC/CR 7789) until March 1994, when it was returned to Helm; used by Helm as part of its national lease fleet as Helm Leasing (HLLX) 3613; rebuilt to a GP38-3 and leased to UP as UP 2415.
  5. UP model designation for these locomotives is GP38-3; MPI model designation is GP38M-3.
  6. Individual unit histories:
  UP 900 7060-34 B&O 3833 CSX 2033 UP 2400      
  UP 901 7060-35 B&O 3834 CSX 2034 UP 2401      
  UP 902 7060-73 C&O 3872 CSX 2072 UP 2402      
  UP 903 7060-80 C&O 3879 CSX 2079 UP 2403      
  UP 904 7257-2 L&N 4001 SBD 6223 CSX 2131 UP 2404    
  UP 905 7257-18 L&N 4017 SBD 6239 CSX 2147 UP 2405    
  UP 906 7305-12 L&N 4041 SBD 6263 CSX 2171 UP 2406    
  UP 907 7060-59 C&O 3858 CSX 2058 UP 2407      
  UP 908 7060-33 B&O 3832 CSX 2032 UP 2408      
  UP 909 5724-9 CRR 2008 SBD 6279 SBD 2188 CSX 2188 UP 2409  
  UP 910 7060-86 C&O 3885 CSX 2085 UP 2410      
  UP 911 5724-6 CRR 2005 SBD 6276 SBD 2185 CSX 2185 CSX 9652 UP 2411
  UP 912 7060-28 B&O 3827 CSX 3827 CSX 2027 UP 2412    
  UP 913 7060-29 B&O 3828 CSX 2028 UP 2413      
  UP 914 7274-25 B&O 4814 CSX 2114 UP 2414      
  UP 915 7191-115 PC 7789 CR 7789 NHL 7789 UP 1974 HLLX 3613 UP 2415
  UP 916 7274-15 B&O 4804 CSX 2104 UP 2416      
  UP 917 7229-33 SCL 1628 SBD 6782 CSX 6782 UP 2504    


  1. All 18 units retired on either 15 November or 26 November 2007 and returned to owner Helm Financial; leased by Helm to Kansas City Southern.
  2. UP 900, 905, and 907 were seen at CEECO soon after their retirement by UP in November 2007; by May 2008, three freshly painted units identified as Savage Industries (SVGX) 8616, 8617, and 8618 were seen, and the three UP units were missing. The physical appearance of the three Savage units indicates that they are the former UP units.
  3. UP 912 (ex UP 2412) is part of a confusing pair of locomotives rebuilt by Motive Power Industries, with the other unit being UP 1008 (ex UP 2508). Early reports, and previously published information, showed that both units were rebuilt from the same locomotive. As research progressed throughout the period between 1997 and 2003, locomotive historians were able to develop credible histories for both units. The above information is the best available, as of September 2006.
  4. UP 917 (as earlier-number UP 2417, for unknown reasons) was retired on 13 October 2003 upon expiration of operating lease; returned to owner Helm Financial.


EMD GP38-2 -- 2 units
2000 horsepower; B-B trucks; 266,000 pounds operating weight

Date To
2418 Series
Date To
918 Series
UP 918 UP 2418 Oct 1969 35424 7191-121 GP38 20 Oct 1998 22 Aug 2001 12 Mar 2009 1
UP 919 UP 2419 Feb 1970 35680 5747-16 GP38AC 20 Oct 1998 17 Dec 2002    

General Notes:

  1. Total of two units to UP, numbered UP 2418 and 2419; leased from Helm Financial; rebuilt from GP38 and GP38AC to GP38-2s by VMV Enterprises, Paducah, Kentucky.
  2. The rebuilding to GP38-2 included fully reconditioned cabs, 3600 gallon fuel tanks, D78 traction motors, and AR10 traction alternators, along with extended-range dynamic braking.
  3. UP 918 operated as UP GP38 1979 from 17 February 1989 to 29 May 1998, when it was retired and sold to Helm Financial; built as CR 7795; to MKT on 13 March 1986; numbered MKT 322; renumbered to UP 1979 on 17 February 1989; rebuilt to a GP38-2, and leased to UP as UP 2418.
  4. UP 919 operated as UP GP38AC 1995 from 7 March 1991 to 14 July 1997, when it was retired; sold to Helm Financial on 29 May 1998; built as ICG 9515; to MKT 339 in 1985; renumbered to UP 1995 on 7 March 1991; rebuilt to a GP38-2 and leased to UP as UP 2419.
  5. Individual unit histories:
  UP 918 PC 7795 CR 7795 MKT 322 UP 1979 2418
  UP 919 IC 9515 ICG 9515 MKT 339 UP 1995 2419


  1. UP 918 was renumbered to HLCX 918 on 12 March 2009.


EMD GP40X -- 6 units
3500 horsepower; B-B trucks; 274,000 pounds operating weight

Date To
954 Series
5500 Series
Date To
5500 Series
UP 954 UP 90 Dec 1977 766068-1 25 Jan 1989     25 May 2001 1
UP 955 UP 91 Mar 1978 766068-2 2 Jun 1989     25 May 2001 1
UP 956 UP 92 Feb 1978 766068-3 12 Jan 1990     5 Nov 1997 2
UP 957 UP 93 Mar 1978 766068-4 10 Aug 1989     25 May 2001 1
UP 958 UP 94 Mar 1978 766068-5 4 Aug 1989 UP 5504 10 Nov 1997 (20 Jun 2001)  
UP 959 UP 95 Mar 1978 766068-6 22 Sep 1989 UP 5505 7 Jun 1997 (25 May 2001)  

General Notes:

  1. Equipped with special high adhension HT-B trucks.
  2. All six original units had a bolster centerline of 34 feet, 10-3/4 inches; the trucks had standard 40-inch wheels and a wheelbase of 117-1/2 inches; the noses were EMD's 88 inches long version.
  3. Built as UP 9000-9005, renumbered to UP 90-95 in May and June 1985; renumbered to UP 954-959 in January 1989 through January 1990, UP 956 retired in November 1997; assigned UP 5500-5505 in 1997, two units renumbered in June and November 1997; assigned UP 9994-9998 in December 1999, none renumbered prior to retirement of five remaining units in May and June 2001.
  4. Individual unit histories:
  5.   Road
    Date To
    90 Series
      UP 954 UP 9000 UP 90 28 May 1985
      UP 955 UP 9001 UP 91 June 1985
      UP 956 UP 9002 UP 92 June 1985
      UP 957 UP 9003 UP 93 June 1985
      UP 958 UP 9004 UP 94 June 1985
      UP 959 UP 9005 UP 95 June 1985


  1. UP 954, 955, 957 sold to National Railway Equipment in (??) and moved to NRE at Mount Vernon, Illinois, during March 2002; rebuilt to GP38-2 standards by National Railway Equipment by June 2005, including replacement of the special HT-B high adhension trucks, with standard Blomberg-style M trucks; to Canadian Pacific for service, with the following numbers.
  2.   Road
    Date Completed
    As GP38-2
      UP 954 Jun 2005 CP 4523
      UP 955 Jun 2005 CP 4524
      UP 957 Jun 2005 CP 4522
  3. (CP 4522 and 4524 may have been swapped, meaning that either one could be ex UP 955 or ex UP 957) (At the same time ex SP 7231 became CP 4521, retired as UP 9999 in Dec 2001.) (email from Bill Miller dated August 29, 2005)
  4. UP 956 (assigned UP 5502) was wrecked on 20 August 1997 at Bomber (MP 251.8, West Fort Worth), Texas; sold for scrap to Smith & Chambers in November 1997.


EMD GP50 -- 30 units
3500 horsepower; B-B trucks; 268,000 pounds operating weight

(UP 960-989)

Former Missouri Pacific GP50s. Total of 30 MP units went to UP at merger.

(Read more about the 30 former MP GP50s)
